frame sliders are neat, bolt on protection for the sides of the bike. some like them, some don't.
good full coverage insurance is better than frame sliders. i say get both.
GET A MOTORCYCLE! it may just be the best thing you will ever do! it has changed my life forever!
i don't know what i would do with out a motorcycle.
i live, eat, and breathe, motorcycles. they are my life, and who i am.
i am nothing with out my motorcycles.
they provide the spark that breathes life into my lungs every morning, and the inspiration of my dreams at night.
a Motorcycle can take you around the world.
treated well, it will last longer than you will.
every dent and scrape a story of past adventures.
ride it, and ride often.
your life will never be the same. :thumbs:

to the ORG!