What's the one thing you wish you knew, but don't?

I want to know if time truely exist or is it just a "perspective" on what's actually happening. So along with that is can events happen forward or backwards and is there a beginning and/or an end. Fortunately I'll know the answer to the "end" part on 12.21.12!
I heard rumors they are releasing a pink version next year - so it will be a top contender for Vabs :laugh: :poke:

You were going to get the pink panties for that one mister, but I see you have already been awarded a pair :laugh:
I wish there were a way to "see" how everything began...a snapshot in time of that one defining moment, whatever it was...
I would like to know if I can really go to jail for removing the tag from my pillow.:laugh:
OMG hilarious!! Michelle you are too awesome!!

I'd like to know why we have to press "1" for english :laugh: