What's the one thing you wish you knew, but don't?

I'd like to know where those pink panties of mine came from and why I can't get a more appropriate SoFla purple thong?
Come to So Cal... we have plenty of them here!

I want to know how to build a functioning (and safe) time travel machine

I built one of those out of a refrigerater box when I was a kid, wasn't to hard. It only went forward and normal speed tho.
How to effectively harness, control and manipulate the graviton (Particle of gravity) because once gravity can be harnessed the possibilities are endless. Imagine, a spaceship that's not only propelled but pulled an equal portion to achieve the desired acceleration factor.
How to effectively harness, control and manipulate the graviton (Particle of gravity) because once gravity can be harnessed the possibilities are endless. Imagine, a spaceship that's not only propelled but pulled an equal portion to achieve the desired acceleration factor.

C'mon, everyone knows that the graviton is a hypothetical particle. Gravity is produced by the bending of space/time... It says so on the internet so it must be true!
Why I'm always broke, and what size does a womans closet need to be to be big enough, maybe theres a connection....
the final results from a yes or no decision i need to make :beerchug:
how to harness an control or least defy the fundamental forces, and hopefully be free at last :please: