What's wrong with this picture?

looks like the biks is beyond the point of no return...

even if he brought it back it would be over, this shot must be right at the start of the crash as the blue smoke is not visible off the front tire yet..

Taking a passenger without gear and wearing flipflops goes beyond needing flamed... I hope he feels her pain for the next 2 or 3 lifetimes...
He's wearing too much 'gear'. He should be wearing a tank top, shorts, and flip-flops.
Ok, so the front tire is just the beginning of a wreck, and is not supposed to be turned in like that an a corner that fast. Gotcha. <shrug>

I didn't post this as a "let's flame them" sorta thing. I really was curious about the front tire being turned so far in. I don't know enough about riding that fast to know if it's bad. Someone else showed me the pic, said "Ouch!", and I didn't know what they were talking about except for the lack of protective gear.

I was kinda thinking someone might say, "Holy crap, look at his tire, he's about to wreck!"
Why are you in a such a bad mood?
girlie is about to lose a few toes... not to mention she is no longer gonna be able to wear backless dress and shirts...
I would say young kids making a mistake and hope they lived to realize it.

I wonder if these two died would some of you still be cracking jokes about it? Or better yet if it was a member here?
That bike has already crashed. The riders just haven't fallen off yet.

Painted line and traction don't exists together. BTDT. It really hurt.
Give her a break guys!! She has GLOVES ON!!!

Actually we had a few of these show up at bike night last night. One in flip flops and the other in a SKIRT and leggings... with her Chanel purse tucked up under her armpit.... hopefully the Boyfriend forgot to tell her he was picking her up on the bike.
Give her a break guys!! She has GLOVES ON!!!

Actually we had a few of these show up at bike night last night. One in flip flops and the other in a SKIRT and leggings... with her Chanel purse tucked up under her armpit.... hopefully the Boyfriend forgot to tell her he was picking her up on the bike.
I haven't been to many bike nights, but when Revlis lived in Tampa, he took me to one where I was shocked to see so many guys "power-rangered" up in full gear and their gals on the back, in short and sandals, no helmet...

I guess you have to chalk those up to "survival of the fittest" or "Darwinism at its best"