What's wrong with this picture?

Photoshop! save the pic and zoom in on it. You'll see the cutout line and poor attempt to blur the photo around the bike and riders.
Or we can accept that EVERY SINGLE picture on the internet isn't photoshopped, maybe? That bike is WAY too far over, the rear is off the ground, the front is turned in, and on the line. They're going/gone over. Sucks. My woman wants to ride like that, Told her she's in gear or shes at home. PERIOD. I wasn't planning on dropping my bikes the first 3 times I did, but it still happened.
Im wondering ifs photoshoped. Look at his arms. The front wheel looks like its turned completely but his arms and handle bars look like there in there normal position. The shadow on the front tire could be wrong as well.
, waiting for the next photos,

but on a more serious note, i agree, my woman = no gear, no ride what so-ever

Im wondering ifs photoshoped. Look at his arms. The front wheel looks like its turned completely but his arms and handle bars look like there in there normal position. The shadow on the front tire could be wrong as well.
don't get drawn in on that.... the image is real... (open any digital photo that has been converted for web display)
I would say shopped. What are the chance of having 2 pics of the same people on the road riding curves. If you got the pic and they went down there would be some aftermath pics or stories around.
Seen this many times on this site before but never seen the end result. This girl that's a friend of mine likes coming with me to ride sometimes and she seems to wear flip flops sometimes even though I've told her the risks that she's taking.. Never in shorts or tank top tho and whenever I DO have a passenger I don't ride anywhere near how I ride when Im by myself