What's your occupation?

Blade designer at RR Dahlewitz Berlin, 6' 1" 210 lbs 56 years young, married with 3 sons, one daughter and 2 granddaughters
Systems engineer for a software company. So obviously i'm forced to ride a busa to get any thrill out of life cause I damn sure aint gonna get it at work.
IT Manager. Been in IT for 21 years. Teach university courses part-time. Married my high school sweetheart 24 years ago (been with her 32 years). Two kids 17/19. Too busy.
I think I'm an entrepreneur?

I've owned a sign company for the past 35 years Skywatch Signs which requires being an artist, engineer, designer, color specialist, CNC programmer and operator, salesman, bookkeeper, marketing guru and overall advertising problem solver.

I started a internet company five years ago Lifesize Greetings which has exploded and I'm a partner in a nationwide chain of franchise shipping stores GoinPostal.

I'm 52 years old, 6'3" 230lbs and my waist is now a huge 38". Spent 18 years surfing and skydiving. Jumped from anything that would take me up. C-130, Hot air balloon, Russian helicopters, even the last 1928 Ford Tri-Motor.

Divorced with grown adult children. One cat, and ten snakes.

I have lived an incredible life and its no where near over!!!! Work hard, Play hard, Die hard...
I think I'm an entrepreneur?

I've owned a sign company for the past 35 years Skywatch Signs which requires being an artist, engineer, designer, color specialist, CNC programmer and operator, salesman, bookkeeper, marketing guru and overall advertising problem solver.

I started a internet company five years ago Lifesize Greetings which has exploded and I'm a partner in a nationwide chain of franchise shipping stores GoinPostal.

I'm 52 years old, 6'3" 230lbs and my waist is now a huge 38". Spent 18 years surfing and skydiving. Jumped from anything that would take me up. C-130, Hot air balloon, Russian helicopters, even the last 1928 Ford Tri-Motor.

Divorced with grown adult children. One cat, and ten snakes.

I have lived an incredible life and its no where near over!!!! Work hard, Play hard, Die hard...
I thought about opening a shipping company here. UPS stores don't seem to do too well. We have a "Parcel Plus" and I just don't like how they do things there. Can me pm me some info on how to get one started?
36 year old Software Developer. My job title is actually "Architect" but I ain't gettin to do much architectin right now.

wow, lots of cool and interesting careers

I'm 34, am doing consulting work these days that keeps me on the road pretty much 100% of the time.  Do primarily Cisco VOIP/call center stuff these days but have done a ton of various things in the IT field, including 5yrs working at Cisco. Everything from tech support to systems integration to technical trainer, as someone mentioned earlier of their job, I'm a jack of all trades in the IT world.  There are some perks to being on the road a lot, but getting to ride the busa isnt one of them
 I havent seen my bike in almost 3months.

And a pic of that engine coming apart would be cool to see
I'm 6'6", 200# (yea long & thin). My job is one which brings out people's worse nightmares-----I'M A HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL!!! However, being 6'6", wearing a size 48 sports jacket and a 32" waist--I usually don't have too many students "challenge" me. LOL I love it--especially when I arrive to work on the 'busa!!!!