Wheelie fail

Yeah, he screwed up, and shouldn't have been wheelieing there.
I make no excuses for what he did.
But he stopped and waited, even though he had plenty of time to run.
Then the cop just has to tackle him off the bike(what a tuff guy).
As opposed to telling him to get on the ground.
I have no respect for anyone being a prick, regardless of which side of the law they're on.
And people wonder why bikes don't stop.

Welllllll, I see it just a little different. He was getting the bike up and getting ready to roll out, which all cops know and yes he was restrained quickly without incident. Officers safety my friend to many die today. Kuddos to the cop, great job.
I've watched it several times and see the following. I also never see the rider with his helmet off.
Guy is riding a wheelie where he shouldn't be.
He swerves and clips the back of the cop's car trying to avoid it (who knows how he didn't see a parked car in front of him).
He must realize he's in trouble then because he doesn't try to run.
Het gets off his bike and stands there waiting.
Cop jumps out after a long pause.
Cop then tackles and choke holds rider to the ground.

I'm not trying to justify what the rider did.
But 2 wrongs still don't make a right.
Had it been a civilian instead of a cop acting that way it would have been assault, even though the rider was guilty of reckless driving.
How many of you guys brag(not aimed at you Bots)how you speed excessively, see the light s behind you, then pull over like a good boy to take your ticket. The nice officer comes up and handles business, warning, ticket, ect. How would you like to be tackled down while you stand and wait for the officer? My bet is no one.
Sure these guys were reckless, but so is high speed with both wheels on the ground.
Cops are people too, and they have bad days. But you are held to a higher and professional standard when you put on a badge.
I can understand the rider fighting back(not condoning it or saying it's the right thing to do, just that I understand what he must have been thinking).
That I(the rider) screwed up big, stopped and waited for this cop, he then tackles me down to the pavement instead of ordering me on the ground. I can understand wanting to fight back. Because there was no reason for excessive force at that point.:beerchug:

I'll go back and watch it in slow mo a few more dozen times but you better swallow that pride and put that crack pipe down partner.
Welllllll, I see it just a little different. He was getting the bike up and getting ready to roll out, which all cops know and yes he was restrained quickly without incident. Officers safety my friend to many die today. Kuddos to the cop, great job.

Agreed 100%

I'm no Leo but I call it like I see it and to me the dude was about to run. The cop took his punk ass down quick before he could flee or have his punk ass buddy try and help him. I say good job to the fuzz.
It's like this all cop haters. I don't for one second defend everything cops do and never will, but he did a perfect job in my eyes. Just like me and every other cop we're thinking about going home at the end of the shift not what a bunch of critics think on the web.

I'm in law enforcement and that's my fought, but I know exactly what the officer is up against and I don't expect to be dealing with a choir boy in this instance and neither did he.
Agreed 100%

I'm no Leo but I call it like I see it and to me the dude was about to run. The cop took his punk ass down quick before he could flee or have his punk ass buddy try and help him. I say good job to the fuzz.

It's not just the fleeing today, it's about getting your arse shot and being killed. It's kinda permanent fellas, and most of us have families that depend on us coming home.
Alright only reviewed it a few more times, only about 5 seconds. The bikers own people videoing the ride in the truck in front of the cop caused the officer to slow. I haven't dug into the matter and won't , the video was enough for me.
I've also watched the video several times and all i see is the kid standing there next to his bike when he gets thrown to the ground(with his helmet still on),maybe i need to put my glasses on.

Yup.... I agree ol' man ,that's what I see as well , I agree that SOME stunters are disrespectful , uncareful and not so courteous to others .... but you can never place a group in a blanket statement like "All stunters are...." in this case , yea he used poor judgement , ****ty timing , and poor execution of terminating his wheelie..... but I just don't see why it was necessary for him to be tackled like that right off the bat. :crowbar:
maybe you need to watch the video again cause he fell off his bike and then picked it up to try to ride off and the cop grabbed him before he could. he did not have plenty of time to run cause if he did he would have ran just like the rest of them little punks do.

stunt riders are the most disrespectful riders on the road to both other riders, people minding their own business in cars and especially to the police. so no I have ZERO love for them.

I rode freestyle my whole life growing up and had two half pipes in my back yard and was tight with a couple pro's who rode for Haro as well as skyway so im well aware of stunt riding in general. I did all the stunt riding on my dirtbike as well with wheelies and stunt jumps (OFF ROAD) so I dont hate stunt riders in general. just the little fags on the street who give the rest of us a bad rap.

stunt riding is for off road NOT for for the middle of the highway scaring the hell of out of people and falling of their bikes and crashing into others peoples cars and leaving their bike then jumping onto their buddys bike cause their POS stunt bike isnt even registered or insured.

after watching stunt riders at shows its the same BS after 5 minutes. wheelies, endos, standing on my frame.... how lame and boring. REAL stunt riders get on dirtbikes and get 20 feet of air traveling a 100 feet at 50 mph. that takes balls. these little fag squids are a joke and not even a little impressive.

I did a couple seasons of 250B mx...just so ya know.
Yeah, he screwed up, and shouldn't have been wheelieing there.
I make no excuses for what he did.
But he stopped and waited, even though he had plenty of time to run.
Then the cop just has to tackle him off the bike(what a tuff guy).
As opposed to telling him to get on the ground.
I have no respect for anyone being a prick, regardless of which side of the law they're on.
And people wonder why bikes don't stop.

Agreed !!! Kind of overkill if you ask me.
I've seen a few guys popping wheelies on the highway, including on a highway we call "blood alley". I watched the video several times and it didn't look like the guy was about to run. John Law just hopped out his ride and tackled the guy. Now if the dork hadn't been doing that in the first place he wouldn't have been in that situation so I have no love for him. After about 5 minutes it is all the same (to me anyway) so I don't see the big deal over stunting.
I've watched it several times and see the following. I also never see the rider with his helmet off.
Guy is riding a wheelie where he shouldn't be.
He swerves and clips the back of the cop's car trying to avoid it (who knows how he didn't see a parked car in front of him).
He must realize he's in trouble then because he doesn't try to run.
Het gets off his bike and stands there waiting.
Cop jumps out after a long pause.
Cop then tackles and choke holds rider to the ground.

I'm not trying to justify what the rider did.
But 2 wrongs still don't make a right.
Had it been a civilian instead of a cop acting that way it would have been assault, even though the rider was guilty of reckless driving.
How many of you guys brag(not aimed at you Bots)how you speed excessively, see the light s behind you, then pull over like a good boy to take your ticket. The nice officer comes up and handles business, warning, ticket, ect. How would you like to be tackled down while you stand and wait for the officer? My bet is no one.
Sure these guys were reckless, but so is high speed with both wheels on the ground.
Cops are people too, and they have bad days. But you are held to a higher and professional standard when you put on a badge.
I can understand the rider fighting back(not condoning it or saying it's the right thing to do, just that I understand what he must have been thinking).
That I(the rider) screwed up big, stopped and waited for this cop, he then tackles me down to the pavement instead of ordering me on the ground. I can understand wanting to fight back. Because there was no reason for excessive force at that point.:beerchug:

EXACTLY!! I see the cop being pissed because the guy hit him and taking it upon himself to tackle the rider.
you keep saying your not trying to justify what the rider did but clearly you dont have a clue. im going to assume since you are of that kind you no doubt sympathize with this kindred group. maybe the officer should have just given him a cookie and ha frakn hug ... please azzhat
So I'm not defending the rider here, but riddle me this, anyone who thinks the stunter was going to run -- how far do you think he would get with his kickstand down? After the officer takes him to the ground, his bike is sitting there on the stand.

Here's my take; stunter was a moron among morons, and none of them should be excused for their poor behavior in traffic. This is the type of stuff that prevents me from going on group rides where I've never ridden with 25% or more of the riders. I probably miss out on some good rides, but I don't want to get caught in the middle of that type of pack. I'm no angel, but for the most part I let my hair down when there is not other traffic on the road, and I take responsibility for my own safety -- I never intentionally expect the cagers to dodge me.

The cop appears to have been pretty pissed, but aggressively tackling a guy standing next to his bike seems a bit extreme. I see no evidence of him trying to throw a leg over and bolt, he was just there. If the guy attacked the officer with his helmet, it was later in the encounter after the LEO had tackled him. With all the other reckless riders around, it would seem like his safest (and in IMHO) most prudent or appropriate action would have been to direct the rider away from his bike towards the shoulder on the other side of the cruiser, OUT OF TRAFFIC! While I am not a LEO, my instincts and training tell me that a wrestling match with a moron (who may have worse intentions than merely being an idiot) on the ground in the middle of traffic has a better than even chance of ending very badly for me.

All this being said, I have the luxury of looking at this from my couch at home; my adrenaline is not pumping. from my vantage point, everyone in the video appears to be in the wrong. It appears that the rider had a GoPro on his helmet. While that footage will probably never see the light of day, it would be interesting to see/hear what it captured.

you keep saying your not trying to justify what the rider did but clearly you dont have a clue. im going to assume since you are of that kind you no doubt sympathize with this kindred group. maybe the officer should have just given him a cookie and ha frakn hug ... please azzhat

Who are you calling an azzhat?

I simply pointed out the facts.
How is the rider trying to run? Since he gets up and puts his bike on the kickstand, then stands next to it and waits.
His helmet is on the whole time.
Did you notice the big stone wall the down the whole side of the highway? And that there are no other vehicles or people anywhere around? Or that once the officer tackeld the rider he was down and that was it.
There was no pedastrians to help the officer take down the rider...as the officer had him down anyway.
The story that the rider swung his helmet and the officer had to have a civilian to assist him is BS.
If you don't like my point of view that's fine, as I don't belive yours...at all.
Call me whatever you want, it only shows your childishness.
Yeah, he screwed up, and shouldn't have been wheelieing there.
I make no excuses for what he did.
But he stopped and waited, even though he had plenty of time to run.
Then the cop just has to tackle him off the bike(what a tuff guy).
As opposed to telling him to get on the ground.
I have no respect for anyone being a prick, regardless of which side of the law they're on.
And people wonder why bikes don't stop.

So in that moment the officer is sitting in his car he really has no idea what just happened... A big bang on his car, he should have gotten out nicely and asked for license and registration right? Wear his shoes for a second and see if you would have come up with a different action plan with the 2.5 seconds you have to react...
So in that moment the officer is sitting in his car he really has no idea what just happened... A big bang on his car, he should have gotten out nicely and asked for license and registration right? Wear his shoes for a second and see if you would have come up with a different action plan with the 2.5 seconds you have to react...

If a civilian had have reacted the same it would have been assault, no? You betcha.
My reaction would not have been; You just rear ended my car, I'm gonna take you down!
I said from the beginning I didn't support what the rider did.
The cop jumped out to see a rider standing next to his bike on the kickstand. Cop's reaction was to tackle the rider.
Cop was obviously pissed about all of the out of control riding going on, and I can't say that I blame him.
However, that doesn't mean that you can dish out some of your own personal justice just because you think you can.
If the officer had "no idea" what happened and just heard and felt a big bang on his car, that's even worse.
When the camera pans behind the rider you see a lot more riders.
I'm not saying they're a bunch of poor innocent guys either, but they all are just cruising below the speed limit.
So if one of those riders had gotten pushed over into the cops car, apparently they would have been handled the same way.
Wait until a sportbike rider that is innocent of all of this is mistreated by the cops, and it's coming.
We all watched the same video. Regardless of what led up to the event we tend to see different things.
Some see the rider about to run and the officer in fear of his safety.
Others see the rider standing next to his bike with the kickstand down.
Some see the rider down and under control by the officer.
Others insist that a civilian had to stop and help the officer. This hero must have jumped of the top of the rock wall next to the highway, or ran up through the mass of bikes. Otherwise, where did he come from? Out of the truck that was pulled over? No way, they were with the riders.
Some see the rider down and under control by the officer. Others insist he got back up, removed his helmet and began swinging it.
That officer must have stepped back and let the rider unbuckle and remove his helmet for round two.
I said before that cops are people too, and that they have bad days; but that's no reason to beat a guy down just because you can get away with it.
I was done with this post until another cop wanted to say I sympathized with the riders(after I said I did not in two separate posts), and that I was an azzhat for my opinion. My opinion being that cops have to follow the rules just as we do. If we break the laws, it doesn't give cops the right to handle us in any way they please. If the suspect fights back, do what you have to do. If the suspect is just standing there waiting to take his punishment(and for a traffic violation...not a murder), then order him to the ground.
If he doesn't listen, then do what you've got to do.
Belive it or not I actually respect cops, just not ones that don't properly use the authority that they are given.
no pity, empathy or sympathy for anyone who messes with the law. One less rider on the road giving the rest of us all bad names.