Wheelie fail

I should have just stayed out of this thread. Fortunately for officers in my state we can't be held responsible for instant replays in slow motion. Jurors have to place themselves in the officers shoes.

Not that it will matter to anyone, but in real speed and the moment, the officer has someone park a bike on his deck ( all while being surrounded by other, same minded bikers, and cars and trucks loaded with fans. ) exits his vehicle to see this biker picking up his bike and puts him on the ground.

We were at a brake check, now we're off to a kickstand. Great observation. Hang your hat on that one and completely and absolutely blind yourself to what was going on.
When this thread was started it was meant to be a funny video showing someone making his day extremely bad by riding into the rear end of a police officer. It was not intended to start a debate between what really happened before or after the incident.

I see points on both sides but all in all it is just a mistake made in a somewhat funny video, take it for what it is and enjoy the entertainment.

NOW let's do 3 pages on gun mags! :laugh:
I've watched it several times and see the following. I also never see the rider with his helmet off.
Guy is riding a wheelie where he shouldn't be.
He swerves and clips the back of the cop's car trying to avoid it (who knows how he didn't see a parked car in front of him).
He must realize he's in trouble then because he doesn't try to run.
Het gets off his bike and stands there waiting.
Cop jumps out after a long pause.
Cop then tackles and choke holds rider to the ground.

You have a vivid imagination!

Anytime a cop
is involved the
thread will evolve .

Sorry for
hosing up
your thread .


Florida motorcyclist killed after popping a wheelie

maybe you need to watch the video again cause he fell off his bike and then picked it up to try to ride off and the cop grabbed him before he could. he did not have plenty of time to run cause if he did he would have ran just like the rest of them little punks do.

stunt riders are the most disrespectful riders on the road to both other riders, people minding their own business in cars and especially to the police. so no I have ZERO love for them.

I rode freestyle my whole life growing up and had two half pipes in my back yard and was tight with a couple pro's who rode for Haro as well as skyway so im well aware of stunt riding in general. I did all the stunt riding on my dirtbike as well with wheelies and stunt jumps (OFF ROAD) so I dont hate stunt riders in general. just the little fags on the street who give the rest of us a bad rap.

stunt riding is for off road NOT for for the middle of the highway scaring the hell of out of people and falling of their bikes and crashing into others peoples cars and leaving their bike then jumping onto their buddys bike cause their POS stunt bike isnt even registered or insured.

after watching stunt riders at shows its the same BS after 5 minutes. wheelies, endos, standing on my frame.... how lame and boring. REAL stunt riders get on dirtbikes and get 20 feet of air traveling a 100 feet at 50 mph. that takes balls. these little fag squids are a joke and not even a little impressive.
one wonders what they teach these local LEOs in the academy.... saying "little fgs" PUBLICLY...… I cant even imagine the fallout for a state cop.... its unprofessional and just bad.
This post, and it's responses are just some of the reasons I don't trust or associate with cops.
Same problem Alot of this country has with them now.
Is it a hard job? It has to be...but I don't belive in 2 sets of rules.
This post, and it's responses are just some of the reasons I don't trust or associate with cops.
Same problem Alot of this country has with them now.
Is it a hard job? It has to be...but I don't belive in 2 sets of rules.
he doesn't represent allll of us... not even close... matter of fact, if the wrong person made an issue out of something like this... he would find himself on an unemployment line.... the FIRST DAY in the academy.. they tell you YOU REPRESENT THIS DEPARTMENT NOW..... OFF DUTY AND ON DUTY.... DO NOT BRING SHAME ON US.