Wheelie question

Riding along normally jump up and have both feet land on the seat, while still holding the handlebars.
Once you're steady and coasting at a good speed, 30-40mph (I'de recommend 3rd or 4th gear to learn in), then let go of the bars and place both hands on the back of the gas tank, side by side behind the gas cap.
Then slowly remove your hands from the tank.
At this point you're coasting along basically squatted down on the seat, now Slowly start to stand up.
The road surface, wind, how fast you're decelarating, and how confident you are all determine how much effort it takes.
After, just squat back down quickly, or just drop back down on to the pegs.

As for Skitching, it's usually easier to learn if you get off on the foot shifter side first.
Just swing your right leg over the bike like you are getting off the bike, and let your right foot touch the road.
Then Slowly take the weight off of your left foot and take it off of the footpeg.
Now the right side of your rib cage should be leaning against the gas tank, and both feet should be in the air or on the road.
You will then realize that you can hang on the side of the bike with your feet in the air, or with your feet fully on the road...and your boots smoking, lol
There is So Much control in this position.
You can start and stop, and I have been around 130-140mph doing this.
Things start to get a little skiddish at 110-120mph, but is otherwise smooth up until around those speeds, road dependant.
.....at 60 yrs old, my days of doing that on a bike is over I'm afraid.....

But.......it's always a nice thought to have in order to keep my mind young and foolish.....

Back in the day there was a certain race track that had a knoll on the back straight right before a tight right hander.....if you were going fast enough you'd get air over that knoll and it was called "the deer's leap" for some reason.....I recall fighting for 2nd place and going in hot, the 2nd place guy and I both got air over the knoll only I was able to reel in my bike and make the corner while he kept going straight right out into the outfield in a huge cloud of dust.....

I came in 2nd place that day and I never saw the first place guy after the second lap......he was blisteringly fast......
.....at 60 yrs old, my days of doing that on a bike is over I'm afraid.....

But.......it's always a nice thought to have in order to keep my mind young and foolish.....

Back in the day there was a certain race track that had a knoll on the back straight right before a tight right hander.....if you were going fast enough you'd get air over that knoll and it was called "the deer's leap" for some reason.....I recall fighting for 2nd place and going in hot, the 2nd place guy and I both got air over the knoll only I was able to reel in my bike and make the corner while he kept going straight right out into the outfield in a huge cloud of dust.....

I came in 2nd place that day and I never saw the first place guy after the second lap......he was blisteringly fast......
Yeah, jumping sportbikes on the road is fun.
We have a few good spots around here.
Coming from dirtbikes and MX, when I first started street riding I had to try and see how sportbikes jumped too, lol
Like anything else, it comes down to the angle that you land at.
The jumps that only put you a few feet in the air but keep you airborn for several seconds are the best, especially with long downhill landings, lol
I also love topping a hill only for the bike to wheelie over it down for a long ways.
But, I get the age thing as well, I don't do anything at the speeds that I used to...which is kind of sad...