Where is Ronald Reagan when we need him (famous quotes)

I would agree with that statement to a point.

But I have to ask this question, "What if the qualified minority or female does not exist in your area?" What then, do you have to import and pay for that or do you have to lower your standards and weaken your company so you can hire according to the government standard?

I do not remember who said it but a quote I hold true to my heart goes something like this.

Do not lower our standards to accomodate the weak, raise the weak to our high standards.

I agree. I am not a labor expert but as I read it, I think that if you legitimately were to get the word out that you were recruiting and did not get qualified minority or female applicants there would be no issue.
Dino here is a perfect example

Now let me preface this with I have NOTHING against female fire fighters ( I will explain at the end )

The "average" hose team on a fire crew is 3. Or it was when I was active.
There is problem and a wall or ceiling falls. Your noselman is down he is 200+ pounds with 40 pounds of gear. You need to get him out before he becomes a lost brother. The remainder of the crew is a man and female, both fit and in shape. It is now an unfair burden on the male to retrieve the fallen brother. Yes the female will be able to help but she is in no way for the most part going to be able to pull the same weight as her male partner. This is where AA becomes a problem in my eyes.

Now to the disclaimer. While I was going through Fire Fighter I school back in 1996 I was asked to play the victim as a down fire fighter in a blackout condition fire. The class broke down in to teams of 4. I was in the basement of the building and they had to locate me with blackedout masks. Every team was all male except one. The exception was a tema of 4 females. The ladies were the only group to find me and get me up the stairs without further injury. WHY? Because the males all tried to be he-men and the hero and do it without help from their team members. The Ladies KNEW they could not do it 1 on 1 and worked as a team and together to retrieve me from the basement. I commend the ladies for working together and being smarter than the men.
So there is a place for women in the fire service, I just do not feel that throwing them to the wolves is the right place.
Favorite Reagan quote from the Def Leppard song "God's Of War"

"Message to Terrorist everywhere ... You can run, but you can't hide"

"They counted on us to be passive ... THEY COUNTED WRONG"

I don't care what you say - I wish that old A$$ kicker was still here:beerchug:
Favorite Reagan quote from the Def Leppard song "God's Of War"

"Message to Terrorist everywhere ... You can run, but you can't hide"

"They counted on us to be passive ... THEY COUNTED WRONG"

I don't care what you say - I wish that old A$$ kicker was still here:beerchug:

Can I quote you on this!:thumbsup:
Dino here is a perfect example

Now let me preface this with I have NOTHING against female fire fighters ( I will explain at the end )

The "average" hose team on a fire crew is 3. Or it was when I was active.
There is problem and a wall or ceiling falls. Your noselman is down he is 200+ pounds with 40 pounds of gear. You need to get him out before he becomes a lost brother. The remainder of the crew is a man and female, both fit and in shape. It is now an unfair burden on the male to retrieve the fallen brother. Yes the female will be able to help but she is in no way for the most part going to be able to pull the same weight as her male partner. This is where AA becomes a problem in my eyes.

Now to the disclaimer. While I was going through Fire Fighter I school back in 1996 I was asked to play the victim as a down fire fighter in a blackout condition fire. The class broke down in to teams of 4. I was in the basement of the building and they had to locate me with blackedout masks. Every team was all male except one. The exception was a tema of 4 females. The ladies were the only group to find me and get me up the stairs without further injury. WHY? Because the males all tried to be he-men and the hero and do it without help from their team members. The Ladies KNEW they could not do it 1 on 1 and worked as a team and together to retrieve me from the basement. I commend the ladies for working together and being smarter than the men.
So there is a place for women in the fire service, I just do not feel that throwing them to the wolves is the right place.

thank you for completely illustrating the problem with AA.

in an effort to make things more fair, they have artificially created an "UNFAIR" environment. nothing can be fair with different standards for men, women and minorities....

equal is equal.

one standard, one test, if you can carry a 150lb person up a flight of stairs to safety.....great. if you can't too bad, no matter your gender or race.

because...in the back of your mind, do you really want the black doctor that had lower test scores, but got into medical school bcause of AA seeing your child in the E/R after car accident?
Oh Lordy, there is no other word in our vocabulary that will make a liberal shiver like "Reagan"! Not even the word "FREE"!

They can be sitting on the throne in mid stride and you can yell "REAGAN" through the door and they will pinch that loaf in mid stride! :rofl:

Reagan is without doubt the most loved president in my life time and arguably in the history of our country. Liberals despised him then and hate his legacy now. In my view, our current president would not make a pimple on Ronald Reagan's a$$! :beerchug:

that was good :laugh:
trickle down economics did not work.....

however, Affirmative Action has some of those same "trickle down" theories. AA assumes that if the gov. forces institutions and business to hire minorities....equality will be achieved. how do you do that, well you have "quotas" or projected goals. this sounds fine, but in practice does not address the fact that many minorities are not as well qualified as whites.

so the law that was to end discrimination, actually supports it and in fact promotes resentment and anger....even mistrust because people know that sometimes lesser qualified minorities are getting those jobs, or spots on campuses and even degrees due to thier skin color,race or gender.

any on-campus visit will show you that women are the majority, and at most school in my area the asians fill thier quota's and the schools have to lower the standards for blacks and mexican applicants.....

AA does not address the real problems.

Interesting ...........

So what addresses Nepotism & The "Good-Old Boy" Network, that often results in the hiring of people due to "who" they know or are related to, without regard for their actual qualifications??

I thought I would refuel this :laugh:

Liberal or Conservative?

If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn`t buy one.
If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn`t eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for
If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his
A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.
(Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping
for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a conservative reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have
a good laugh. A liberal will delete it because he's "offended".

ain't that the truth

you're right I'm gonna forward it but I will change the title :whistle:
favorite reagan quote from the def leppard song "god's of war"

"message to terrorist everywhere ... You can run, but you can't hide"

"they counted on us to be passive ... They counted wrong"

i don't care what you say - i wish that old a$$ kicker was still here:beerchug:

:beerchug: :beerchug:
Interesting ...........

So what addresses Nepotism & The "Good-Old Boy" Network, that often results in the hiring of people due to "who" they know or are related to, without regard for their actual qualifications??


Discrimination requires a bias towards race, gender, disability, etc. Hiring people via referral (good ole boy, nepotism) is not discrimination.
Interesting ...........

So what addresses Nepotism & The "Good-Old Boy" Network, that often results in the hiring of people due to "who" they know or are related to, without regard for their actual qualifications??


I thought you were referring to Unions ??? Or did I just start it all over again...
We need to get RESULTS oriented with govermnent hiring, say for example fire half of the CIA, FBI or whoever is in charge of terrorist intelligence network and hire some non PC housewives or such & perhaps we wont miss things like the Texas Fort Hood nutjob or the underwear bomber :banghead:
Discrimination requires a bias towards race, gender, disability, etc. Hiring people via referral (good ole boy, nepotism) is not discrimination.

Oh, so THAT makes it a good practice??

Is the result not the same? Do you not still end up with some people having jobs that they are not technically qualified for??
I thought you were referring to Unions ??? Or did I just start it all over again...

Unions, in most areas, have outgrown their usefulness. Instead of being realistic & seeking needed changes, they now have become bureaucratic dynasties that seek to impower themselves with minimal concern for the workers that they "represent".
