Where is the best place to get maintenance questions answered?

Yikes....!!!! that could have easily been a fire....

yes !
and that´s why i showed those pics.

in the last, i think, 10 years we have had 2 or 3 completely burnt down busas here in germany and nobody knew the reason.

nowadays i think that these melted connectors might have been one reason.

caused by that experience and by those, my, thoughts , i took this point - controling the two connectors every year - to my maintenance schedule (see above - last line).

whenever the battery doesn´t get loaded,
perhaps one of these connectors are in bad condition.

a bad battery charging can! indicate problematic connectors.

i have had this issue at my former ´00 - loading as usual at idle and at 3,000 / min completely down - only ~ 11.5 Volts
to find the fault i did a lot of generator changings / replacings,
but that wasn´t the help i looked for.

strange/weird but true - the melted reg.-connector i didn´t see - the melted side was not visible.
but after a while i put off the reg. completely and by that i found that f...ing pair of conn.
i cut it off at the reg. and at the harness and used the round conn.-pairs, additionally each soldered to its wire for optimum contact , put back the old reg. and i got the full voltage at all rpm - grin - the regulator really survived.
@Berlin Germany , yes the connector plugs are troublesome on the reg/rectifiers on the Suzuki LT Quads also, (farm quads) that I have been servicing at my workshop.
I have repaired/replaced dozens of harness connectors and the stators are also burning out on a regular basis.
The thing is, the farmers add a lot of accessories that really load the charging system up, heated grips, electric sprayers, hydraulic pumps, etc etc, and to make matters worse the farmers often wire in the accessories themselves and do a really bad job of it. You know, hand twisting wires together and NOT using connectors or switches. Lots of resistance causing heat build up and high loading on the electrical system.
But the early Busas charging system also appears to have some issues ESPECIALLY if the connectors are not cleaned and watched at service intervals, nobody seems to think about looking at them.
There was a recall on the reg/rectifiers.
I liked your updated and amended service schedule! Very cool.
You can actually access the reservoir cap screws and remove the cap and top up the fluid WITHOUT removing the tail section plastics.
I also have a Gen 1 and the way I approach it is to remove the bolts on the RH side and pull the plastic back and slip a block of wood in there to hold it back.
Then there is enough space to deal with the reservoir.
Same way I did my gen 2... :thumbsup: