Berlin Germany
Yikes....!!!! that could have easily been a fire....
yes !
and that´s why i showed those pics.
in the last, i think, 10 years we have had 2 or 3 completely burnt down busas here in germany and nobody knew the reason.
nowadays i think that these melted connectors might have been one reason.
caused by that experience and by those, my, thoughts , i took this point - controling the two connectors every year - to my maintenance schedule (see above - last line).
whenever the battery doesn´t get loaded,
perhaps one of these connectors are in bad condition.
a bad battery charging can! indicate problematic connectors.
i have had this issue at my former ´00 - loading as usual at idle and at 3,000 / min completely down - only ~ 11.5 Volts
to find the fault i did a lot of generator changings / replacings,
but that wasn´t the help i looked for.
strange/weird but true - the melted reg.-connector i didn´t see - the melted side was not visible.
but after a while i put off the reg. completely and by that i found that pair of conn.
i cut it off at the reg. and at the harness and used the round conn.-pairs, additionally each soldered to its wire for optimum contact , put back the old reg. and i got the full voltage at all rpm - grin - the regulator really survived.