Which is faster--\'99 or \'00


I'm going to purchase a used hayabusa in the next week or two. Don't know which year is faster? I've heard(?) that the '00 busa is limited on the big end...is this true??? Why should I care?? After getting dusted on my ZX-11 by a busa and ZX-12, I don't want to be on a '00 busa going down 288 (a straight and safe road to top out a bike in the Houston area) doing a buck 85 and see a '99 busa go by me. I want my next bike to be the fastest. Don't care about the color, just the big end!
your talking apples and oranges. thier will always be someone faster. the differance between a 99 and 00 are (correct me if im wrong) like 5mph either way. ive seen mags. with both bikes being faster. Either way you will have to get one and tune it up to really see the diff i guess.
for example i have a 00' rd/gry and have stomped a 99' blk/gry on the road. it also depends highly on weight of rider/experienced racer ect. when you pit me (180lbs.) against some dude wheighin 240 and up thats a big diff.
I'd say get the 2K but only because of the limitation rumor mill. If that pans out then the 2K will be the last fast production bike. Of course, like c_rod said, after a couple mods what's the diff? I'm sure my modded 2K will dust any stock 99 and vice versa. They both haul *** and I can't see a 99 'dusting' a 2K, it also depends on the bike. They all come out of the box w/ diff. dyno #s.
Plus take warranty into account!
my .01

[This message has been edited by 'lantabusa (edited 17 July 2000).]
When the '99 Busa came out, a whole slew of magazines tested the bike with differing top speeds ranging from 187 mph to 195 mph.

In '00, the latest Motorcyclist test gets the Busa up to 187 mph I think. But look at the UK mags that did top speed runs and you will a difference in speed as well.

I think you can see that at those speeds, every bike, and every rider yields a different speed. That's because every little difference in rider weight, body positioning, temperature, humidity, altitude, condition of the motor, etc. effects speeds either positively or negatively. Judging by this years tests, I don't think the '00 Busa has been limited.
Rationally the difference between a '99 and an '00 is insignificant compared to other factors like rider skill, rider weight, mods etc. There is no meaningful difference.

Then again RED rocks.
Copper Quicker :D ( Dam, if I didn't hit the wrong icon, on top )

[This message has been edited by c.dolan (edited 18 July 2000).]
blue is the fastest ya dummies---it has nitromethane based paint for cripes sake!!!
Seriously pappa, consider warranty. They're all hayaBOOGIEs and all fly...dyno? whatever, diff. bike diff. dyno whatthefreakever know what I mean?

my .001
Get the 2k.
It does not seem to suffer from the dreaded
cut out. Mine still did it after the service bulletin. Or just get the color that you like
Thanks for your help lanta and others! If the '00 DOES have a top speed limitation, will the pc2 correct the problem?

btw...most of the good '99 (low miles, black and silver) busa's are expensive so the '00 is looking as a better prospect from a money standpoint...just hope it isn't any slower, rider for rider.
Reminds me of when I took my wife to Disneyland for our 10th. We were in line to ride the Matterhorn. When we got to the front of the line, the young lady in line in front of us pointed at the front and rear seats in the bobsled and asked the ride attendant "Which is faster, the front or the back?".