White House Lane splitting petition nationwide

I should add that whilst lane splitting is being made legal here it is with conditions.

Stationary or slow moving traffic, only if done at a sensible speed with room etc.

It hasn't given riders a free ticket to go nuts.
oh, operating down the highway in heavy traffic riding in-between 4000 lbs vehicles is now safe? LMAO! safer for who exactly? the guy who gets clipped when someone changes lanes cause he's not expecting a motorcycle to be operating in HIS lane? you can post all links you want till ur hands get tired but it doesn't change the fact that if it was safe it wud be recognized by every state. its not. its recognized by (1) state.

have you ever seen what someone looks like wen they split lanes and get crushed by the car changing lanes? I have. on many occasions and several will never walk again and one is DEAD so you go ahead and split lanes if ur little heart feels that it needs to safe (5) minutes in ur commute but when ur head get split open as well just remember this what a great idea it was.

I'm trying to wrap my head around how you can be so against lane splitting while also being pro-motorcycle.

EVERYTHING you wrote, applies to motorcycle riding in general.

Lane splitting when done correctly is no more dangerous than regular riding. In fact, you're at lower rates of speed with traffic that is generally blocked in, so the worst you have to fear is some ******* opening their car door on you because they think you're "cheating"
I usually only split when traffic is moving under 30-35 mph and continuously scan 3-4 cars in front(especially if there's a gap as that's when it's most likely for cars to change lanes) while keeping fingers on both clutch and break levers(and have done it since 2002 with no really close calls that I can remember).Most drivers out here are aware(Brocks Short Meg helps:laugh:)of bikes coming up between the lanes and will slide over to give you plenty of room to pass.During rush hours out here freeway traffic can slow to a crawl for hours and I'm glad I don't have to go 5 mph for an hour or two in 90+ degree heat in a leather jacket and helmet(I once rode 17 miles[at 10-15 mph]lane splitting while traffic was stopped dead because of a car fire that(along with a fire truck)had all lanes blocked(those cagers may still be sittin' there:laugh:).With over 800,000 registered motorcycles in CA you hardly ever hear of anyone involved in an accident because of lane splitting,pretty safe if you're cautious and paying attention.
...I have to admit I thought it was really crazy also before I moved here 20 years ago(had never lived/ridden anywhere before with this much traffic),but after a while it just becomes 2nd nature.
One of the things a national law would provide is standardization. One of the problems with lane splitting is that in states where it is legal, some people still think it's illegal. That brings its own problems. If it were legal in all states that issue would be lessened to a great degree. In an ideal world, people would be more aware to the possibility there may be a lane splitter and may take that little bit of extra care when changing lanes.... when they are not using their cell phones, texting or playing with the gadgets in the rolling jukeboxes we call cars.
lane splitting or Filtering has bee legal in England for years.

one of the plus points of owning a bike

i regularly make good progress in traffic jams
I think of lane splitting as simply "Stupid". ppl around here change lanes as much as they blink their eyes so they can get where there going 30 seconds faster smh and no one uses turn signals so yes if it was a law you might not be the one cited ull just be the one DEAD!

there is a reason EVERY other state does not allow it and thats because most states have common sense when writing laws. I really can't think of anything more stupid and dangerous to do other then splitting lanes during traffic. ur literally putting ur life in the hands of some 18 yr old chic texting while she changes lanes and crushes you into the adjacent car. then say "oops".

but I did sign....

true BUT the same thing happens when you are not lane splitting so the question becomes why not ...becauseits dangerous well stop riding .its a choise to lane split just like wearing your helmet in some state its up to you and thats what i like the ability to make my own decision instead of someone making it for me inst thins AMERICA land of the FREE home of the brave
u something guys sometime tring to be safe is what gets ppl hurt safty is a large part commonsense is you dont have that go hide your life. someone did a study a few years back that showed it takes the autoboun in germany (no spell check) 5 years to have the amount of collision that the U.S.A HAVE IN ONE YEAR and dont have a speedlimit
u something guys sometime tring to be safe is what gets ppl hurt safty is a large part commonsense is you dont have that go hide your life. someone did a study a few years back that showed it takes the autoboun in germany (no spell check) 5 years to have the amount of collision that the U.S.A HAVE IN ONE YEAR and dont have a speedlimit

The reason the Autobaun is safer than U.S highways is that the driving culture there has more common sense and listens to the law. The law being, that slower traffic MUST use the right lane. So once you've passed all the cars slower than you, you get back in the right lane. That makes a big difference. Parts of the Autobaun have speed limits now too, due to the amount of traffic, especially rush hours.
American drivers as a majority are complete idiots and have no business being on the road. It's too easy to get a drivers license here.
I'm a local tractor trailer driver, and drove over the road for about 6 months 8 years ago. The amount of people that pull out in front of trucks is amazing. I'm surprised more of them aren't dead.
Sitting up higher in a truck you get a good view down into cars. The amount of people texting is hard to belive, as well as many other pointless distractions; reaching in the floor and backseat, putting on makeup, and even reading books and newspapers! That should be enough for a suspended license.
The majority of the American attitude(as well of the rest of the world)is becoming more and more about "Me", and to heck with anyone else.
I constantly see drivers getting worse and worse, if you can belive that's possible.
Even driving into oncoming traffic for 100' or more, just so they don't have to sit in traffic to wait to turn into a shopping center, and this is daily!
Every day(yes, every day)at least once and usually more, I have to swerve and/or lock down the brakes to keep from hitting some idiot that weaves into my lane because they are texting.
With all that said, I have nothing against lane splitting, and it'll be useful in certain situations. But, in most cases I personally wouldn't take the risk. Even some prick opening a car door because they don't want you to be able to pass them.
If lane splitting was 50 state legal tomorrow, it would take a long time for most drivers to be aware of it...not that it would really matter.
If you can creep through cars in a traffic jam, that's great, I would just use extreme caution. Too many self centered idiots out there oblivious to anything going on around them. Who cares if they knock a bike over, it shouldn't have been there anyway; that'll be the majority's attitude.:beerchug:
Even some prick opening a car door because they don't want you to be able to pass them.

That (opening your door) should be Attempted Murder If you live and Murder if you die because some idiot didn't want you to pass.

I have never seen anyone open a car door when stopped in traffic. So someone doing that would not be an accident.
If by some miracle a law did get passed (yes I'm for it) it should be announce to the public that opening a door will automatically
bring Charges against you - zero tolerance.

I guess that anyone that lane splits, needs to have a video camera running all the time while riding to protect themselves.

Yes I know that if the law went through it would take time for everyone to get on board and get use to bikes running along side them.
But it has to start sometime - so why not now?
and... this is how you should NOT lane split.

This is the craziest ride I've ever seen. It just keeps getting worse the longer you watch.

Doctor Igor is in the house...

PLACE: Russia
NOTE TO MYSELF: everything is possible
SYMPTOM: desperate to get his fix
PATIENT'S ACTIONS: as expected
POSSIBLE CURE: track days
PRESCRIPTION: impossible

This is an oldie, but goodie, and I am curious if the rider is still alive, but wouldn't be surprised if he is. Despite riding like a maniac, the rider clearly enjoys what he is doing, and he seems to exhibit good risk management under the circumstances.

To the prior video when the driver opened the door, big part of it is lack of education and awareness on the driver's part: LOOK IN THE FREAKING MIRROR BEFORE OPENING THE DOOR IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!!! I bet his words were along the lines: I didn't see you coming.
not gonna happen. if the Federal government was going to step in and over ride the states individual right to mandate a motorcycle law it would be a HELMET law or a SEAT BELT law for cars. neither exist. its NOT gonna be lane splitting that I can assure of.

the helmet law wud have a much greater chance due to the fact that many states have that law but when only (1) state has that law and the other 49 do not ur dreaming if u think the fed gov is gonna step in and mandate that all states adhere to splitting lanes.

the federal government does not get involved in states individual rights to enact whatever laws they feel appropriate for each state. that is why we have separation of federal and state laws.

One of the things a national law would provide is standardization. One of the problems with lane splitting is that in states where it is legal, some people still think it's illegal. That brings its own problems. If it were legal in all states that issue would be lessened to a great degree. In an ideal world, people would be more aware to the possibility there may be a lane splitter and may take that little bit of extra care when changing lanes.... when they are not using their cell phones, texting or playing with the gadgets in the rolling jukeboxes we call cars.

That (opening your door) should be Attempted Murder If you live and Murder if you die because some idiot didn't want you to pass.
exactly! cars can be deadly weapons which is why its just plain stupid to split lanes. opening up ur door purposely to inflict injury and kill cud surely be considered a serious crime but changing lanes and killing someone will result in the same thing. DEATH!
the federal government does not get involved in states individual rights to enact whatever laws they feel appropriate for each state. that is why we have separation of federal and state laws.

Where have you been? Example Immigration. If I were the governor of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona ( they tried ) or California

I would have told the Feds to kiss my A$$ a long time ago and put together

whatever it takes to stop the flow if illegals coming across the border.

One of the original main functions of the federal government is to act as a liason / agent between the states.

They crossed that line a long time ago and now it is the status quo... and we all pay for it. :banghead:
Lane splitting is optional. Let those that use lane splitting to get where they are going that option. If you prefer not to split lanes then don't. Its called freedom of choice.

Like I said previously... I don't paticularlly enjoy lane splitting... I only do it when the conditions are right... especially when the CHP motor officer has the lead position! :laugh:
try to stay in the lane were referring to. were referring to MOTOR VEHICLE laws..... NOT immigration laws. apples to oranges. wow!

Where have you been? Example Immigration. If I were the governor of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona ( they tried ) or California

I would have told the Feds to kiss my A$$ a long time ago and put together

whatever it takes to stop the flow if illegals coming across the border.

One of the original main functions of the federal government is to act as a liason / agent between the states.

They crossed that line a long time ago and now it is the status quo... and we all pay for it. :banghead:
try to stay in the lane were referring to. were referring to MOTOR VEHICLE laws that are simple infractions (fines)..... NOT immigration laws that range from Misd. to Felony laws. apples to oranges. wow! I know where I am. do u know where you are?

Where have you been? Example Immigration. If I were the governor of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona ( they tried ) or California

I would have told the Feds to kiss my A$$ a long time ago and put together

whatever it takes to stop the flow if illegals coming across the border.

One of the original main functions of the federal government is to act as a liason / agent between the states.

They crossed that line a long time ago and now it is the status quo... and we all pay for it. :banghead:
Lane splitting is optional. Let those that use lane splitting to get where they are going that option. If you prefer not to split lanes then don't. Its called freedom of choice.

Like I said previously... I don't paticularlly enjoy lane splitting... I only do it when the conditions are right... especially when the CHP motor officer has the lead position! :laugh:

I like to follow those guys too,everybody gets the fuk out of their way and they haul ass.:laugh: