who has ever wrecked a bike?

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She was sold to Skathegip ( board member ) he got her runnin and she bloew up after another 2500 miles.

Where is PAC?
He has a good accident story.
Right here....

I ain't gonna type it all over again...so here it is. Linked.

And almost 15 months later, I still have not completed the Project. Ah well...in due time....in due time.
hey man i read that entire post, and i wanted to say that you seem like a truly amazing human being, to be going through all that yet say to others "i would hate to see you go through the same thing" or "i hope your bike wasnt as fugged as mine"

that takes a lot of strength and character........anyways, it makes the wounds i have now seem like nothing........take care.......
Where is PAC?
He has a good accident story.
Right here....

I ain't gonna type it all over again...so here it is. Linked.

And almost 15 months later, I still have not completed the Project. Ah well...in due time....in due time.
hey man i read that entire post, and i wanted to say that you seem like a truly amazing human being, to be going through all that yet say to others "i would hate to see you go through the same thing" or "i hope your bike wasnt as fugged as mine"

that takes a lot of strength and character........anyways, it makes the wounds i have now seem like nothing........take care.......
Thanks for the compliments, bro....to be honest, I'm quite speechless.

As for the other comments, well what can I say? I've come to see a number of the members on this board as family...and I couldn't bear to see them go through the same thing that I had to.

Hela up quick and may God bless you for your kindness.
without going into to much detail (but i have 2 tell some story, or it just sounds funny). but in a nutshell i wrecked my old 02 R6 on the freeway... i hit a couch
now the story, its pretty dark out, and the freeway was packed 4 some reason. well this "kind" lady in a dodge 2500 is in the fast lane, and im in the HOV lane. she SO cuts me off (i so thought we were going 2 hit, but we didnt) well, then that same instance, she went form cutting me off, to swearving RIGHT back into the fast lane (another car alredy took that spot) and she damn near takes that car out..well, the reason she swearved back into the HOV lane... an UGLY, married with children looking, couch was SMACK in the middle on the HOV lane.. and seeing how traffic was doing about 80, when she went back into the fast lane, thats when i saw it *again, she JUST missed the couch* but i ended up just NAILING the SOB. i dont remember the impacked.. i just remember waking up, fire and highway patrol was around me, and the 1st words were "holy crap.. hes awake!" then i must have blacked out again. woke up in the hospital 3 hrs after this happened thinking "wtf just happened.. y am i not at work and in a hosptial
" as far as the bike goes.. not alot of damage really. i cracked the front upper fairing, and the tail had some road rash on it. i guess upon impact, the bike hit the couch, did a reverse 12 o'clock *ie, nose down, tail up*, and just came down on the couch (bike wanted a nap
) so total cost 2 fix was $800..but thats cause i ordered all new race fairings, fender elminator, lights, windscreen, ect..
In 1997 I was coming home from work on a country road, messing with a co worker of mine who had a 1998 thunderbird SC.  I was on my 1995 CBR900RR. I was behind him when we got off of the freeway and came to the stop sign he spun the wheels and through gravel all over me. As I passed him I kicked his door and left him. I started to decelerate because I was coming into town at about, well the last time I looked 130 mph with my bights on. I saw a on coming car so I hits the dimmer when I did I saw something run under the bike (A bis a$$ skunk which I cut in half) then it went silent (spookie quiet) I looked at my hand and I swear, I said where the hells my bike. Just then I hit the ground. I tumbled and flipped all I kept telling myself is I am still awake, I am still awake.  When I stopped I hurried and got up becaue I remembered that on coming car, but I didn't see it all I saw was my co worker.  He got out of his car and ran up to me saying I can not believe your alive! Trying to pull my helmet off. I told him to wait a dam minute that it was connected to my head.  When I tried to remove my helmet I realized something was wrong with my left arm.  My wife was behind my coworker when she arrived she took my to the hospital.

Well to make a long story short I was wearing a pair of denim jeans,a nylon jacket with a t-shirt under it a pair leather boots and a set of kevlar lined gloves. I ended up with a  dislocated left shoulder, and road rash, all the way to the bone on the joints over 70% of my body.  I was in the hospital for two days. It took me about 3 months to get all of the wounds healed.  I have since had two surgerys on the same shoulder.  The cops told me the bike slid over 600 feets.  He handed me my wallet at the hospital I asked him where he found it, he said a lady found it, after she looked out the driver side window of her car and saw me fly by her car flipping and tumbling.  My bike had a lot of damage in the non pipe side, everything had to be replaced, including the tank. You know I wasn't spooked about the accident because I knew what caused it, what literally scared the living sh!t out of me was the lady who saw me sliding by her car.

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i don't have bad crash story but my best friend  crashed in 03 was coming around blind corner on highway due to bridge speed limit was 55 he was doing more than that there was a drunk in a pickup doing about 20 something going the same direction instead of slamming into the back of the truck hit the ditch due to speed and steep angle in ditch lost it bike went one way he went other the other buddy riding with him was only about fifty feet behind him but when he came around the corner all he could see was a truck then seen the ditch i was about a min. behind in a jeep when i came around the corner i seen our buddy who weighs in a 350 + lbs. braking the world record for the 100 hundred yard dash pointing in the bushes jumped the truck off the ditch into a clearing and ran to him to find him with his eyes rolled back in his head not breathing and no heart beat and his teeth clinched tight never took a cpr class in my life just seen it on tv i cleared his air passage started blowing in his mouth  and pushing on his chest it seemed like for every but then he started coughing and breathing asked what happened i thought he looked ok until we cleared the brush from around his feet and his left lower leg was bent 120 degrees and bone sticking out just a few minutes later ambulane and fire showed up and took him to hosptial when only wearing a tank top shorts and tennis shoes he endned up with tittanium rod in his leg, broken coller bone, broken scapula, severly dislocated arm socket and thanks to me three broken ribs and a couple cracked teeth oops but the paramedics said if not for me he would not have made it due to asperating when he crashed and once agian in the hospitol he spent three weeks in the hospitiol  two of which were in icu but was back to work and riding in three months even tho the doctors said he might not regain full use of his left arm he recovered completely his busa had 150 miles on it and he is an expirenced rider 10+ yrs riding and three years drag racing turbo 82 gs1100 he still has no memory of that entire day but the other buddy who was riding with him his father a week later told us that a local drunk was telling the story at the about the crash he was the drivier of the truck and he was acctually he been backing up to get his cigarette he had dropped right before my buddy came around the corner now almost two years later except for a few pains now and then and a whole lot smarter

wow, you guys all have amazing stories.........it sure is a damn shame that these accidents had to happen in the first place......take care.........