Who HASN'T Topped Out the Busa

The only thing I'm "topping out" is my shocks! I have close to 5000 miles on and she hasn't been past 140 yet. Not sure I am ready for much more anyway.
Like everyone is saying. Know your limits!
Don't even sweat it guys!

Wait till the time is right and you will be glad you waited. Things happen pretty damn quick when you try running those speeds on the street. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone but am glad that I have done it.

The only problem for me is that I always want to go faster! I keep thinking about a TURBO and wonder......damn what would that be like!?
Is it really worth it? Probably not and that is what's kept me alive on the street.

Just because you can max out your bike, do you really have or need to?

P.S. For those that some day will top out there bike! When you finally decide to, just take it slow and be smart about it. Check out the road with a fine tooth comb before you go blasting down it. A little dip at 100mph will send you airborn at 160+ ! I would say the biggest fear is a gust of wind at terminal velocity. I have been blow almost off the road before when doing high speeds. Don't let the bike bite you!

What will really freak you out, is when you finally get up the courage/stupidity to go do it and you are blasting along thinking.....damn......I'm flying! You look down as the speedo pegs and then you think to yourself......CRAP, I haven't even gone into 6th Gear yet! It will seem like a life time watching the tach peg 11,000RPM long after the speedo has maxed out at 185mph!

Have fun and be safe guys!


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After 10 months with my 03, I still haven't bounced it off 180.  The best I've done is 165 indicated and that was quite by accident.  I had pulled along side this sharp looking Porsche Carrera at about 75 mph when the driver puts the hammer down.  Having never really seriously raced a car, or a bike, I drop down a gear, duck down behind the windscreen and roll the throttle.  It was all over in a few seconds and less than half a mile.  With the Porsche well behind, and me at 165 or so, I roll off the throttle. I drop back to about 120, figuring it was over.  I felt bad for the Porsche.  He pushes by me full speed and disappears slowly in the distance, still racing.
3.5 years now and I still have not topped it out. Something like 180 indicated is as close as I got, and that was on an abandoned runway without enough room to go any faster. There really isn't anywhere to go fast around here.

Kind of lost interest in going fast these past couple years, anyway. The quick blast to 130 on the entrance ramps or the 5-second jaunt to 160 at midnight is fine, but otherwise it's just two wheels less than a car for me.... speaking of which...
Oh, and guys...those that do top out (maybe even often), more power to you...I'm not downing those that have done that or enjoy doing that...

I'm with some of the other guys here...if you want to and are ready, then go for it...but, don't let peer pressure, especially from a message board, push you to do something you might regret...

Next thing they'll come up with is "how many are members of the mile high club?!" (don't even start answering that one fellas!)
Are you talking to me? Huh? Was this one of those veiled comments?

Three things to remember here when your going to attempt to top out the Busa... Location, Location, and Location...

I first topped the Busa about 3 weeks after getting it with another board member. Then a couple times solo, and most recently with Raider, RC51guy, Longbow, and GypsyJoker in tow.

It's not something that I really recommend to be honest, it's fun, but it's fun in a fairly spooky manner. I mean I get out into the twisties and that is just ALL FUN, the High Speed stuff is more fun after your done, just sitting up at about 160 (SLOWLY) and using your Air Brake (Chest) as you coast down to normal speed and the rush of it hits you... It's a good rush, but maybe not all that much "fun" really... Does that make sense. The hardest part is keeping your head on your shoulders, literaly... the Air rushing across the top of your lid tries to pull your head clean off... Also, the engine heat rushing across your lower legs at the top is pretty amazing....

You need the right venue though, clean, flat, no intersections, 8-12 miles long, no oncoming traffic, Secure AirSpace over head = few possibilities for LEOs to see you.
I'm not going to go into more details about the Where, the photo should make it obvious. Pay particular attention to the location of the airports in the photo, not much open Airspace, and one of them is a Military base, secure airspace.... Them bridges are really handy... well, the lower two are at least.

My last thought on the high speed running... If I didn't have the controlled access locations available, I can say without a doubt that I still would not have topped out the bike... You need A LOT of room..


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Revlis...I certainly had you in mind when I posted that, and THAT, my friend, is why I made sure I let you guys know I truly don't look down on those that top it off...I live vicariously through you guys!

Do what you feel you can...don't do it to impress others...
I've had been two years and 5800 miles later have not topped it out either. Closest I've been is around 170 (indicated only). Will probably hit the limiter one day.........some day.......who knows. Just be ready cuz, I've heard it feels like hitting the brakes when you hit the top and the power drops.

Nice picture! What I would give to be stationed at McDill AFB in TAMPA! Air traffic is kind of slow but the area is just SWEEEET!

Maybe some day I will be there!

Honestly, I have had my Busa for 10 months, 12,654 miles, all mine, and it has seen 165 once.  It was a long straight away, with  no traffic, so I figured what the heck.  Since then, I have not gone past 135, and that is personnal preference.  What gets me it to hear other poeple talk about how there buddy had a CBR 600, and how they were doubled up, and  he looked down and saw the speedo indication 165 +.  Is it just me or should I have thrown the BS flag on that one.  Is there truely a 600 out there that can do those speeds stock or modified, much less doubled up with 2 grown poeple on it.  I just know what mine will do, but it goes back probably to the smaller bike riders, wanting to top whatever the Busa owners say.......
I just got my Busa about a month ago, and then had to go in for wrist surgery (had to get the Busa before surgery), so I only have 533 miles, still breakin her in.  The fastest I have EVER gone on a bike was in my '96 ZX-7RR on the track, I was gunned at 178mph, and that was holysh** scary.  I have no intentions of taking the Busa up that high...no reason.  Maybe this is the older and wiser side talking, I got it all out of my system when I was young.  If you ever plan to do it, my only advice is do it in a controlled environment such as a track or inactive airstrip.  Please don't try this on public roads especially with ANY sort of traffic...a buddy of mine did this same thing 8 years ago on his ZX-11 and got decapitated, so the situation hits a little too close.  BTW lots of great words from EVERYONE on this thread, especially Ninja Eater and thrasherfox.
I don’t need to top it out. What’s the need? A death wish? You’ve all seen it in those vids on UpOnOne.com etc. I’ve had my babe up to 150 once on hwy280 and that’s it for me. I don’t need a $5000 ins. bill or those tickets. What gets me off is knowing it can do it and all those looks from all the envious riders out there, oh, and the twisties and slopes. That’s what biking is about I think. 95% of us are not pros so why risk it.

ps. the pic here is a car crash I had while doing nothing in my VW VR6 GTI. True, I wasnt doing anything funny... the car's brake locked up and spun it into a guardrail. I was messed up for 9 months... point is, i wouldve felt really bad if i was goofin when it happened but i wasnt. Be safe guys.

Ok, Ok, I must confess...
I have not topped it out but that is due to me not being as stupid as used to. I do belive my brain is growing...:)
When I was 17-20 ask me this question and I'd say hold my drink and lite up a joint for when I get back cause I'm about to try something.:laugh: Not kiddin...
But now I have a kid etc, etc, etc, you get the pic.

But I did get the busa up to a healthy 160+ about a month ago while on a ride with thinker and another friend.
No I didn't know the road, no I didn't know the dip (there was one in the road and when I hit it, I head buntted the wind visor hard as hell suprised I didn't break my helmet visor), no I didn't prep my bike. I just saw a long straight and hit it for as long as I felt good that was all. Would I do it agian??? Maybe but this time I would check the road out have some one watching waiting with a cell incase things went south. I would also bleed my brakes first cause when I went to hit them, while doing 160+ (yes I looked down) it was as if I had none, that was a crappy feeling.

Any way to answer your question no I didn't top it out but I did feel the 160 was plenty fast.

Btw that was the same day my friend got his ticket for 7,500 U S dollars (no not a miss print).
I got the BUSA to just about 170 on a road in Palmdale, California.
i'll never do it again because it didn't feel that unsafe..... I was behind
2 other BUSA's (1999) and they were doin maybe close to 200 easy.

I'm done with that part of craziness now.
This is a great topic with fantastic stories. Just another reason this forum is so great. People buy Busa's for different reasons. I bought one because I loved how it felt and how smooth it was. I can ride it for hours in comfort and take it on trips. I will never top mine out.

I got mine up to 175mph while racing the Batmobile. Seriously. My SpeedoHealer is pretty close to accurate, but my Vbox under the seat is dead accurate. I've gotten a max speed of 239mph (GPS verified) out of her. And no, it's not a stock Busa. :firing: