Who keeps deleting my threads+why

Nothing has been deleted as far as I know, maybe you just can't find them.. Before you start all of the drama how bout maybe a pm to a mod to see what is going on..


you could just go way out there, blow everything out of proportion and make comments that you will regret later......


I have found that using a statistics check (find all post by _______<--insert name here) helps me find threads, my own or other members when the search comes up dry:thumbsup:

Whoa I really need to learn to read the whole thread before I post, I almost didn't log in anymore when someone hijacked Cap's log in an said the Org was going to be shut down... :laugh:

Still haven't learned :down:
not to hi Jack but there has to be a faster way to find one of my own threads than searching thru every page in all threads started ?

Is there someone who cares maybe send me a pm on that as I will prolly forget where I asked this ?

We now return you to your normally scheduled Nightflight whining .
not to hi Jack but there has to be a faster way to find one of my own threads than searching thru every page in all threads started ?

Is there someone who cares maybe send me a pm on that as I will prolly forget where I asked this ?

We now return you to your normally scheduled Nightflight whining .

Go to your profile, click the Statistics tab, on about the 4th line down click "Find all threads started by Blanca Busa."

That'll pull up a list of threads that you started. :thumbsup:
Funny that he says that about Ace when most of my reply's to Nightflights threads are edited by Ace. Way to stab your self in the back, jerk off.....
fill out the form

Now that is funny! :rofl:
I doubt that prob a mod that dont like me or jelous because my threads get the most hits.

They might as well delete my threads in dragrace 2

Let somebody go 2 ama race with gear that wont pass

prob acehole he is buddys with the boys that dont like me

I did not delete your threads. We as Mod/Mins will only delete a thread after discussion with as many of our peers as we can. Then only with a consensus.

I am not biased towards any one member. I apply the rules and give recommendations equally to each member. I have never met or am I on a "friend" basis with the members you are having issues with.

my mower has 2 much power was name the thread
Well no not any 2ton last time I asked acehole if he could ask 2 guys stop stalking me
he sent back your plea 4 help kinda making fun of me then said it was my fault 4 bragging.
All i had said was im 2 time track champ Evansville thats fact not brag.

The two members you speak of were already asked to be considerate of you as a member by another Mod/Min. I sent you this PM.

Re: your plea for help


Ok, for some reason they have issues with your tire choice and some of your bragging. I would suggest you put those two on ignore. Go to your User CP and click on Edit Ignore list. Then add them to that list and click Okay.

I have looked at most of the threads you started in 1/4 mile and really didnt see them as harrassing.

Like i said, the best way for you to handle this is to put them on your ignore list.


Originally Posted by NIGHTFLIGHT
Originally Posted by Acehole
Give me the details and links to the threads you are referring to. Do you know how to use the ignore feature?


Rear tire?

Here is your post in response to one of the members.

Re: Rear tire?


Originally Posted by Mr Brown
Seriously? This again? You might wanna add that you did this with WHEELIE BARS, kinda makes a difference.....

I might also want 2 add that I won close 2 grand last year+you won nothing

Look just 2 be clear I want nothing do with you +THE OTHER BOY didnt the mods ask you both stop harassing me? Man whats your problem? Find somebody else to hate on will ya?

Last edited by NIGHTFLIGHT; 03-04-2010 at 08:45 AM.

Here is a definition of Bragging and Boasting.

brag (brg)
v. bragged, brag·ging, brags
To talk boastfully. See Synonyms at boast1.
To assert boastfully.
1. A boast.
2. Arrogant or boastful speech or manner.
3. Something boasted of.
4. A braggart; a boaster.
5. Games A card game similar to poker.
adj. brag·ger, brag·gest
Exceptionally fine.

boast 1 (bst)
v. boast·ed, boast·ing, boasts
To glorify oneself in speech; talk in a self-admiring way.
1. To speak of with excessive pride.
2. To possess or own (a desirable feature): "[the] capital of a region in the southeast that boasts bountiful coal fields" (US Air).
3. To contain; have.
1. The act or an instance of bragging.
2. A source of pride.

NightFlight, you are not being singled out by any of the Mod/Mins including ME.
I suggested you use the ignore feature and i see you decided not to take my advice. I will continue to edit any post that does not comply with the rules be it in regards to you or any other Member on the Org.

I doubt that prob a mod that dont like me or jelous because my threads get the most hits.

They might as well delete my threads in dragrace 2

Let somebody go 2 ama race with gear that wont pass

prob acehole he is buddys with the boys that dont like me

I can honestly tell you that NONE of us mods are jealous of you. Maybe next time before you spout off you should do a search for your thread or PM a moderator.

You may also want to refresh your memory with Rule #8

8) Useless Threads and Posts will be moved to “The Playgroundâ€￾; any posts in this forum do not count toward a member’s total post count. Blatant abuse of this practice in legitimate threads will be deleted; if it continues, member is subject to disciplinary action
I can honestly tell you that NONE of us mods are jealous of you. Maybe next time before you spout off you should do a search for your thread or PM a moderator.

You may also want to refresh your memory with Rule #8

8) Useless Threads and Posts will be moved to “The Playgroundâ€￾; any posts in this forum do not count toward a member’s total post count. Blatant abuse of this practice in legitimate threads will be deleted; if it continues, member is subject to disciplinary action

From what I've seen, that's about 90% of his posts, he needs to learn where pics of a food item go, etc, and where they don't. I could understand if it was someone new to the forum not understanding proper forum posting rules, sections, or categories, but he's been around far too long for you mods to have to babysit his threads. Most people figure it out after the first misplaced thread when someone corrects them and explains the differences.....but some people don't. ???
How was i to know it had been moved

Maybe if you POSTED THEM IN THE CORRECT SECTION, they wouldn't be moved.... :banghead:

From what I've seen, that's about 90% of his posts, he needs to learn where pics of a food item go, etc, and where they don't. I could understand if it was someone new to the forum not understanding proper forum posting rules, sections, or categories, but he's been around far too long for you mods to have to babysit his threads. Most people figure it out after the first misplaced thread when someone corrects them and explains the differences.....but some people don't. ???

He's been banned numerous times so he knows; the elevator doesn't reach the top floor is the problem. As soon as they do an I.P. ban then he won't be back... :laugh: