Who Rode Today?

I rode yesterday as a Squid . I'm injured , and had to go get a deep tissue massage 1.5 miles from home . So I wore tennis shoes / shorts / gloves / helmet . I felt NAKED ! The heat off the bike was nearly unbearable , and it was only 93 out , and bike was not up to full temp yet . Not sure how they do it . Today I have to go see a real Doctor , and also go to a chiropractor for a 1st time ever adjustment . However will gear up today , and just change clothes at locations
Back cracker was not fun . @ doctor now
Not a fan of the cold either, but with full leathers(jacket swapped for winter textile) coveralls over leathers, summer boots with insulated socks.
Nolan Quiet Rider to seal helmet bottom, snowmobile balaclava, pinlock sheild(no fog)and heated gloves and I can ride all day in below freezing temps...but let the sun drop and I need a heated seat and vest.
Tires don't stick, but it beats not riding at all.
Nothing like doing it yourself. Didn’t consider the new V Strom?.
I did consider a 2020 DR Big V Strom , but when you get a fully loaded Triumph XCX with more of everything for 14,xxx that seals a decision . I did ride a 2019 V strom , and it was nothing of my expectations. Also wanted to get away from chain drive for touring . The single sided swing arm on the Triumph makes rear tire work a breeze .
$5,500 for your Busa?
yep . I took a few items off . Walk away decision . Gave a few here a chance , but no funds came up for the time crunch . Seems like a big hit , but I had my Fun with it . The hurt was 41,8xx miles . People think its a ticking time bomb if it has more than 5xxx miles .
I miss RJ , and seeing a Gen 3 just rubbed in some pain a little more.

Anyway here is today for a short hooligan blast on the Big bike . Very hot outside , and still a bit sore so just hit a shipping / receiving place not far from home to play for a bit .
