I am getting more paranoid of late bro , but with good reason . The cops are going all out because there are 20 + more deaths on the road toll , so far this year vs last year , with bike making up the excess numbers too . So , they use it as an excuse to set up and either sit and wait and hide on bikes to chase , or set up camouflaged cameras by car , and I mean under military camo nets !! That bike cop would of been on his way to sit and hide somewhere , then if no luck move to somewhere else . It use to be only weekends , but the pricks are increasing their presence , they even stated the gloves were off when it came to bikes .
I don't go stupid in built up areas , I go out to my fav roads and mostly only hit it hard in corners , and maybe some of the shorter straights . I just ride to suit conditions , but where those conditions allow , I will wick it up . The L2 is just so tight , that bike feels so small and light to me nowadays , like it is a really wild joy full experience , every time I ride that Busa . I get home yesterday ( the long way ) and I know we made some beautiful loud noise together , and now L2 will have to hide out for a bit !!