Who Rode Today?

You have to down load the GoPro app. You can turn on the telemetry you want in the app. GPS, G-force, speed, etc. It's pretty cool. The Garmin also does this. Cool thing is I think the GoPro records this stuff in the camera so even video you already shot may have this information saved in the file. Now you know why it eats up so much power! I know it's in the GP 8 but not sure about the 7.
How are you getting the gps up on the go pro ? Mine is a hero black
What @fallenarch said, but honestly, it's a hassle.
Mine's a Hero Black 7, and he's right about the camera capturing the data - you just have to activate it after the fact. Plus, you gotta turn ON the GPS function on the camera. It'll suck battery life after that, but worth it, I guess.
I was just curious to see the diff between speedometer and actual (GPS) speed.
At 145 speedo GPS = 135, and again at 100 on the needle gave me 90 on the GPS
cuz of the 17 front sprocket

[EDIT] Then, once GPS display is on, you have to RESAVE the footage within the GoPro software so that the footage is usable in other (editing/playback) devices. At 1080/30fps - which is pretty lightweight these days - it takes about half a minute for every minute of footage, so a 15 min segment takes about 8 mins to save to an SSD
What @fallenarch said, but honestly, it's a hassle.
Mine's a Hero Black 7, and he's right about the camera capturing the data - you just have to activate it after the fact. Plus, you gotta turn ON the GPS function on the camera. It'll suck battery life after that, but worth it, I guess.
I was just curious to see the diff between speedometer and actual (GPS) speed.
At 145 speedo GPS = 135, and again at 100 on the needle gave me 90 on the GPS
cuz of the 17 front sprocket
I did some research . My unit is a 2018 HERO . No # like 7 or 8 . This unit has no GPS option .
I have a gps for speed reference , but thought this would be neat to have on a hard run .
It's very cool but a bit clunky as @HayaWakened said. I tried it once here:

Well out this Easter for a fun ride with an old partner in crime. We rode a couple laps on my "track" (approximately 35-40 Miles) and had a ball. I rode the BMW one lap and the Busa on the other. Sorry guys but my time on the BMW was significantly faster than on the Busa. There was no traffic so it was pretty much riding as fast as was safe. I actually thought I was faster on the busa, so I was shocked that the BMW times were a couple minutes faster. My buddy did say "the BMW is really fast". I think this means I'm spending too much time on the BMW, lol! The Busa is an amazing bike and the feel is amazing so I could have gone faster I think.
PS: How lucky am I to be able to chose between these two incredible bikes? I can't believe how fortunate I am. It was painful but oh so worth it.

You know I can't disappoint you guys....

Worked all day and then figured I had to get out for some fresh air. Traffic is low down here right now for obvious reasons so I chose the busa as my escape.

In the first photo, you can see Fort Lauderdale, FL beach. It is usually packed no matter what day of the week but the beaches are shut down and pretty empty. Just a bunch of people running up and down the boardwalk for exercise. You can see the cruise ships just docked offshore since there is no place for them to harbor inside.

The next 2 pictures were taken as sunset was taking place. i figured it was a good time to snap some close ups.



You know I can't disappoint you guys....

Worked all day and then figured I had to get out for some fresh air. Traffic is low down here right now for obvious reasons so I chose the busa as my escape.

In the first photo, you can see Fort Lauderdale, FL beach. It is usually packed no matter what day of the week but the beaches are shut down and pretty empty. Just a bunch of people running up and down the boardwalk for exercise. You can see the cruise ships just docked offshore since there is no place for them to harbor inside.

The next 2 pictures were taken as sunset was taking place. i figured it was a good time to snap some close ups.

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Wow dude! Too good, just too good.