Who's going for a ride tomorrow?

Not me, -5 C and a hurricane coming off the Ural mountains in Russia ???

But if you can, take care :beerchug:
For the first time in more than a month, I got to ride to work today:)

I just got back from the dragon. ;) The tmps are great but the wind is horrible right now. :( OH YEA, and it looks like its going to start raining anytime now.
196 miles total today. Man, that felt good after a couple of weeks without riding.:thumbsup:
no way, too much salt out there, i watched a kid on a R1 almost dump it in front of me while i was test driving a customers car. for some reason they decided to salt like we were gonna have the worst blizzard in history, and we got flurries. glad i didnt even warm it up.
I rode today as well. It was about 60-65 and absolutely beautiful out. Took a trip up to paris mtn. Nice ride. Not the dragon, but good enough for around here. I think it's something like 84 turns in 7-9 miles. I don't remember exactly. I counted/clocked it a long time ago.