Why a Hayabusa?


Hi, I'm new here, and to the biking community. I won't be getting a ride till the end of the season, but I would like to ask some questions. (No, not any questions about getting a Busa as my first bike, don't worry.) What I wanted to know is why a hyperbike and not a liter bike? If most liter bikes are knocking on your door, so to speak, in speed/handling (some say litres handle even better in the twisties) then why not go with the cheaper, for the most part, option? Also I wanted to ask which bike was your hyperbike? First? Second? Third? After how many years riding experience did you say "Ok, I'm ready for the fastest mother guy that had a good time on two wheels. I can handle it." (Seeing as I was sorta nervous just riding a 250cc Yamaha XT up to 20mph at the MSF course, I can't even imagine what you people can do.)

I'm just a really curious person as to why people choose which bike they choose. For Harley's (of which I'm no fan.) I see their reasons. For cruisers and dual-sports, I can so those as well. The different 'classes' of sport bikes kinda have me wondering, though. I've have hyperbikes are more comfortable and have a nice torque advantage over liters, but you'd know better than I would...

All depends on what you want to do with it. Do you want to do track days someday? Are you in for long commutes?
There's a lot of reasons for different bikes. For me it was mostly comfort AND the fact that that's the last bike I
will ever need. I didn't want to be wanting more power....ever....
However, sometimes I would like a GSXR 750 or 1000 for track days too, but I do maybe 1 or 2 a year, so it's just not financially responsible for me to own another bike right now.
It took me literally 9 seconds to buy a Busa after sitting on it. I just knew it was for me.
I also have been riding a long time and had many different bikes. I've crashed, I've raced, I've matured, so
I was well aware of what I was buying.
I love my bike plain and simple, it fits me and performs exactly as I wish.
Welcome to the board Victor, glad to have you. Please refrain from cursing as we do have children that read the board.
Now, to answer your question. I chose the Busa because it was the ultimate sport/touring bike. I have always wanted one, but never had the cash or ability to pay for the insurance. Now, late in my 30's, I have over 20 years of riding on the street and my wife and I wanted something that would cruise down the highway and not be overworked. There was only one bike in mind, the Busa. It has evolved from a hobby to a life style for us. Now my wife rides and it is a family adventure, much like this site, family if you will. The Hayabusa does have ton of torgue, that is why it is not really recommended for a first bike, easy to hurt one's self. But I dont want to start that debate. From your post I am guessing you just took the saftey course? What type of bikes are you looking at? What style of riding do you want to do? What are your goals? How tall are you? Need more information.
In a word: comfort. The Hayabusa is a very capable machine including spending HOURS and hundreds of miles at a time. A liter bike, although nice, is likely to turn all but the smallest rider into a pretzel in 45 min.

The other thing (at least for me) is that its low speed manners are very manageble. The bike is not nervous or twitchy at all. I put 75 miles on mine through the week and sometimes more over the weekend. I just can't stay off it.

BTW welcome to the board POTTY MOUTH
Welcome to the .oRg!!

The above 2 say it for me, if I wanted purpose built track bike or ultimate twisty machine, the busa really is not a great fit.. It will work but there are bikes better suited IMO.. When I do rides, they are "rides" not to the store or neighboring town and back, they are 3 and 4 state jaunts that rack up 700M days.. Trying to pull that off on a liter bike would be suicide.. We have taken liter bikes on these runs and the poor guys are dying by the end of the day with leg and knee issues..

I have had "Supersport" bikes since the 750F came our (late 70's) and had doubts about a busa for many years, finally took the plunge and although I can not ride it to the edge like my other bikes, the speed tends to make up for that.. Hoping some track time can get my skills up on the monster... As a first bike my opinion is pretty negative, just way too much of everything to learn on... Heck it is too much to learn on if you have 20 years of riding, it is a testing machine better than a trainer.. (failed tests are pretty tragic)

My Heritage Classic did better on long hauls than the Busa but it needed a reservation to get around corners and that is not much fun when a bit of "sporty" hits you.. I also like the raw power of the big motor when I want it.. (like trying to keep up with Don)

If you ever ride 2 up, I do not think you could find a better mix of corners/straights in a bike. I have followed a few riders that go 2 up all the time (twotonevert above) and they ride right along side the guys that think they are zipping right along through the corners.. The bike does not seem to care about the extra rider..
I got my 08 1 week after I took the MSF course. First bike and everything. I sat on a friend's 08 once and I loved it. It looks nice, it handles good, it rides smooth, and it definitely has the power. And as Luvanicebum stated, it is the last bike I would need. I don't do tracks so going through twists isn't that big of a deal to me, especially down here in Florida. Very customizable bike with lots of parts available for it. I'm not going to say its better than any of the other bikes out there but its just one I happened to love the most
Good luck in whatever you choose
Busa was my first bike,

reason #1. why settle for anything less
reason #2. Im 6'3" 290lbs and would look like a circus clown on anything smaller (I think i may still look like one)

welcome and goodluck

I chose my Busa because it fit me. I'm a big guy.   I don't prefer the feeling of being blown around the hwy like on the lighter bikes. They simply feel like toys to me.  Yeah they're fast, but that's it. Take their intent away and you don't have much of a bike left, IMO of course. The Busa is a great, do it all kinda bike.  As far as the liters being cheaper, that isn't the case anymore.
Many of the others already nailed it down, but there are a lot of reasons.  Some of mine include:
Speed - it's fast.  Not in a competetive "I have to race everything" way, but in the nice way that it's reputation is clear and I don't have to race because of it.  Clearly, it's stupid fast.

Handling - I find this to be a comparison factor.  You compare the Hayabusa to a liter bike and say "It doesn't handle as well", some would argue, but I agree.  If you pit this against the liters of today, it's hardly close, although a superior rider could make more use of it.  However, my personal experience was with extremely large motorcycles.  I tood the MSF, started riding a Suzuki Intruder 1500, moved up to a VTX 1800, and decided that the Hayabusa was a good bike in comparison to the cruisers for handling.

Partners - The Hayabusa is far superior to a liter bike as a 2-up bike.  This isn't even a comparison.

Touring - It was said earlier, but I was shopping for a bike that could go the distance like a cruiser.  The tank has a good size, the bike is effectively long range and is good for (as someone else said) multi-state touring, or in the case of Texas, at least getting from one side to the other.

Customization - Like the VTX, the aftermarket for this model of motorcycle boarders on the absurd.  If it can be done, it has been done, and you can buy it somewhere.

The fact is, that from a former cruising standpoint (and I was riding for 2.5 years before I had this bike) there is nothing better than this bike, as it meets all of the needs I have ever had for a motorcycle.
Sorry for the potty mouth. I tried to edit my post, but don't have the permissions.

<div class="iF-Passage"><div class="QUOTEHEAD">Quote:[/Quote]<div class="QUOTE clearfix"><span class="quoteBegin"> </span>
From your post I am guessing you just took the saftey course? What type of bikes are you looking at? What style of riding do you want to do? What are your goals? How tall are you? Need more information.[/quote]

I did take the safety course, yes. I even have all of my own gear. (DoT/Snell Helmet, Kevlar gloves, Full leather MotoGP jacket, high leather boots and Draggin jeans and eventually some ear plugs, even.) Had them before the course even began, but didn't wear the jacket on the course as I knew I wouldn't even be breaking 20mph for anything resembling wind to cool me off. Honestly, I'd like very much for my first bike to be a SV650. I don't want anything too fast or new for my first ride. I need something with respectable power so that I'm not crapping myself sitting on anything 1000cc+ later in life, but something light enough that I can learn cornering down pat early on, and after extensive EXTENSIVE (hundreds of hours, and I'm not done yet) research the SV650 is ahead of the pack. (Suzuki seems to be a pretty sweet motorcycle company.) Preferably the naked 99-01 model, as I haven't started my career yet, and won't for some months to come, thus I'm hardly made of money. My goals are to ride anywhere with paved roads when I'm not at work. (I live in SW Pa. Good riding territory, I'm told. Mountains to the south and east, a bit more straight roads to the north and west.) My father has ridden since he was 18 (he's 59 now) he owns 4 bikes. (VFR 750, Valk interstate, Valk 'normal' and a chromed to hell and back Magna, yea he loves his Hondas) so I have plenty of good advice being jammed in my ear about wearing all the gear, taking it easy on the bike, looking through turns...the works. I'm 6 foot 5 1/2, 31 y/o and 175lbs. I have no doubts a 600cc or 1000cc 'race bike' would fold me up into a damned pretzel. That's why I'd like a hyperbike for a 2nd or 3rd bike as I'm always hearing about how they're much better suited for taller guys. Granted this is years down the road, so I didn't really make this thread for that purpose.

I just wanted to see the reasons why people chose a Hayabusa (or your competition, the ZX-14) over a liter bike. The answers are helpful. Thanks and keep them coming.
The SV is a good bike. I had the previous incarnation of the SV when it was still a Bandit, and now my brother has it in his garage.

They are a nice middle of the road bike. Just buy it knowing you will probably trade up one day, and you are good for it. Also, they are wheelie machines, so that is good.
In a word: comfort. The Hayabusa is a very capable machine including spending HOURS and hundreds of miles at a time. A liter bike, although nice, is likely to turn all but the smallest rider into a pretzel in 45 min.

The other thing (at least for me) is that its low speed manners are very manageble. The bike is not nervous or twitchy at all. I put 75 miles on mine through the week and sometimes more over the weekend. I just can't stay off it.

BTW welcome to the board POTTY MOUTH  
comfort, speed, looks, respect....enough said.
Wow, if you are 6ft 5 1/2, you might want to too look into the Bandit 1200. May fit you better and they are an all around wonderful bike. Best thing to do, go sit on several bikes and find what fits you. You will have a hard time being comfortable on 600 or even 750 bike IMO. Whatever you do, stay on the board, no matter what you buy.
I live in Minnesota and only been riding for two seasons. My first bike was a kawasaki ZZR-600 and I only had that bike for about three months. My second and current bike is the 08 hayabusa and I love it.
I bought the busa cuz of quality, looks and comfort. Why a busa you say? I ride one all day.
if your looking for a sv650 my brother has one it is his first bike and he loves it.  its the 01 naked version, and he is going to get rid of it at the end of the summer so he can go bigger.  So if your interested pm me and ill get you in contact with him.  But that is a good choice.  Another good choice would be the gsxr750 around the same year your looking for.  I think you would be more happy with that in the long run. just my two cents.

to the family; now for the potty mouth

As others have said, comfort was a big issue. I'm 6'2" and on the back side of 50 yrs old, not as limber and able to stay scrunched up for long periods of time as I could 25 yrs ago. I wanted a liter bike but after some of the dreaded soul searching, I got my Busa, no regrets. Nearest race track is 250 miles away from me so track days unfortunatly are only a dream. But contrary to popular belief, a Hayabusa will turn, just not as fast going from one knee to the other as a shorter wheelbase race replica is. I can hang with the local sport bike folks until things start getting crazy, then I have to let a few (but not all
) of the young bucks go.
But I only ride like that maybe 5% of the time. The rest of the time it is a big, fast, plush, couch that does everything I want it to do, and does those things quite well.
I'm getting old, and the Hayabusa is my bike.