I feel you dawg, I think we have the same vision on the "big picture". I have a hard time sometimes trying to tell my wife to "just be patient...it'll come". She always thought things would come sooner rather than later. I believe that good things come to those who wait. Fortunately for me we have excellent communication and she knew what she was getting into when we first started dating. I told her straight up when I was still in college, my career will take me away often and for various lengths of time, so if you don't think you can handle it, now's your chance to make the decision. When I graduated college, no one was looking to hire a low-time pilot with no real world experience. This was in 2005. So I stuck around in Daytona Beach where we met and I was away from my "home" which was Texas. But home, really, is where the heart is.

I continued taking on what I could get and getting whatever experience I could get to further my career in aviation whether it be flying or maintenance. In late '09 I took a job that was very beneficial for my career goal, but it was over 3 hours away from home and there was no way for me to commute since it was an "on-demand" operation and I was required to be close by for immediate availability. I did this for 2 years, returning home for only a few days once a month or less. We have a house in Daytona Beach, she works there at the speedway where she has wanted to work since she finished high school. Meanwhile I worked and also paid rent along with my own living expenses in Fort Lauderdale and sending whatever was left over to cover our mortgage and bills at home. Money was tight, and still is, and she did not like me being away and her being alone in "our" house. I talk to her at least once a day if not more, and this really helps. I know you probably cannot do this being in the service. But we have used the analogy that "lets just pretend I'm in the service, but I get to see you more often!"

It is tough and every once in a while she'll have a little break down but she is a tough chick and usually just needs to let it out every now and then and I can understand that, sometimes I do the same! Now I'm about to stay away even longer for at least another year because I took a job at an air ambulance company and this would be my last hurdle that I need to jump to really go anywhere I'd want to in aviation after this type of international jet experience. Yet she is still supportive, and I am thankful for that. I am more of a visionary and I think that is an issue some times because she doesn't see things like I do...or like you do. I look at the big picture and figure out what I need to do to get from one point to another or from goal to goal. And if it takes a length of time to get it done, so be it. We'll be better off in the future...one thing I hate is taking one step forward and 2 steps back or stepping sideways! I am making the sacrifice while we're relatively young so we can live in comfort later and not have to worry about the small stuff...
Regardless of what anyone's opinions here are, you need to look within yourself and decide is it worth it? Do you care for her that much to continue? Are you willing to put in the work and effort it takes to make it work? Relationships are not a breeze at times. Reevaluate your relationship and figure out what it really means to both ofyou...and it would be best to do this together. There is no better way to communicate than with brutal honesty. The truth does hurt sometimes, but to be a strong couple, you both need to realize this and know that you both can overcome whatever hurdles may come your way. I can remember when my wife and I started dating, when she was upset about anything she would clam up and just keep it bottled up. She could not believe my persistence and patience for her to let it out so we could talk about it and move forward. I was the only one she had ever had do that for her. We both spoke what was on our minds, this is helpful to one another to know where each other's heads are at. So TALK and let it all out, only then will you really know if unconditional love exists!
Wish you luck and thank you for what you do.