Why Busa ?


Other than the busa being, um , well a BUSA.

What made you all decide to get a busa over a GSXR1000 ?
I came off a zx 11 primarily used for longer trips liked the way it was set up so when i sat on the busa it seemed like it had the same ergonomics plus was tempted by the fact it was the fastest out there yes i looked at a 12r but wasn't satisfied with the fit looked a a 1000 but didn't even consider it
Great answers guys.

I am just curious, I sat down on a gsxr1000 yesterday WAMM!!!!!!! Somthing inside of me said by this SOB. I don't know what to do.lol

I was patiently waiting for the 07'bus but now, Gotta say the 1000 is pretty sweet.

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The 1K was just too little. I need to be able to carry a passenger and I wanted a bike that didn't have every extra ounce of weight shaved off - Looking for stability more than corner carving. Though the Busa acquits itself well in that area too.
After 5 years I would still choose the Busa over the 1k. It's the comfort factor. I would get a 1k for the track only, just doesn't feel comfortable enough for the street.
I was looking at an 05 GSXR 1000 before buying the Busa. I had some time and gave it a lot of thought.
Bought the Busa for
Passenger comfort
I think stability is what led me here. If I was going to do stunting and track time I may have gone to a lighter litre bike. But for the kind of riding I like, the Busa fits perfectly.  
bought it because its something I can tour on comfortably and still play around with in town. Plus its a BUSA..
Gixxer1K is unbelievable bike. No doubt about it...

Busa is comfortable and more streetable in general..
Unique and mature....

No one bike looks like it.

Priced the same as 1K...
I bet your are very young guy [/QUOTE]

Not that this has anything to do with my thread but I actually am a young man. 27 to be exact however I am not a track guy nor a stunter. Just like bikes always have.

I personally felt more confident on the GSXR. I felt more comfortable on the bus. For the type of riding I like the busa is mor my style. Now having said that there is one down fall, I am only 5'4, 165lbs.
I've always wanted a Busa.

The funny thing is, when I was bike shopping I was looking to get the 1000. The dealership I went to had the blue k5 and the black/grey '05 Busa. The 1000 had just changed and I didn't like it too tuff, and to see the Busa a few bikes down just made my decision that much easier. That plus the fact that I don't wheelie and my knee may never scrape the ground, the Busa just seemed like a better bike for me.

Truth be told, I haven't had one regret.
1) looks/styling

2) torque and performance at all RPM's

3) I like to ride long distances and did not want to lose the aggressive seating position

4) Stability

5) Reputation of being the fastest production bike, aka ego stroke

6) Rarity, don't see as many BUSA's as the other sport bikes

7) I like to pay more for my insurance
I am susprised that this one hasnt been hit on yet:

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>Torque</span>

Lots and lots of it with a curve as flat as a pancake.