Let me put my 2cents worth in. I'm the guy that ordered the two 55 watt projectors. I ride some of the scariest stuff at night you can imagine on a bike. Friggin critters everywhere up in the mountains There isn't a single night when I am ridding home that I don't see a handful of deer, rabbits, skunk, possum, coyotes, fox, raccoon, and household pets...I orginally had no plans to do what Ogre came up with. I was going to buy 2 lamps like Warchild in Washington did to his bike..I believe they are Xenon/ Halogen something. I shopped Ebay for several weeks and rarely saw the price below 600 dollars..and it gives the bike a different look...not bad..just different...so I got distracted with other things and backed off for awhile...But Warchild told me that you absolutely have to turn them off for oncoming or you'd cause a wreck. I installed an HID in the high beam and life got a little better. But I still didn't have enough "throw" down the road for even 60mph to feel comfortable to know what waz commin at me..so to speak. And my low beam was left as oem. When oncoming would get close enough i would dim the HID. I kid you not when I say this...I might as well be driving with a Bic lighter...that is how blind I felt with the low beam on. Also, as Ogre acurately demonstrates both with a picture and a diagram, the light from the HID inside a reflector set up is hideously-murdering the laws of optic physics. So..along comes a guy like Matthew and says...hey..this is what I can do for you and this is how it works. I am the first guy on the planet (me thinks) that has two 55 watt halogens...I can vouch for Ogre that he is a straight up guy. He has educated me about how everything works...what I can expect...I couldn't get it into my mind the differences until Ogre started posting up pics. He has about a dozen posts and phone conversations with me about every little detail...These two 55 watts won't use anymore juice than what my current set up is. Matthew didn't need to destroy the inside of the oem headlight assembly. He found a sheetmetal guy up there that fabricated up the holder and it is all clean as a whistle... Anyhow bike won't be back together for weeks...but I promise I'll post up pics as soon as possible. I don't think my association with Matthew could have been any more pleasant. Just don't get him talking about turbo's unless you have the time2hip
2hip...great response man..i sense truth, honesty and a willingness to help as much as i sense that Ogre has some serious riding experience behind him and let me add this part..
If this is a set-up that will accomodate both the Gen1 & Gen2 Busa?..i'm a programmer/machinist who tool designs, programs, set-up and run (2) CNC 3D Milling Centers with chip conveyors and auto-tool change turrets...i use unigrahics NX for modeling and mastercam for programing the machines and here's the two (2) real cool parts...
1. I have 10 years experience in the sheet metal dept. of Pratt & Whitneys large military jet engine R&D and Nasa including the space shuttle, atlas rocket, RL-10 and even did a 6 month stint in the J-58 O&R dept rebuilding engines for the SR-71 blackbird...didn't like that dept. ...2nd shift and to much engine soot!...sometimes i'd end the shift look'in like Al Jolson! MAMMY!

2. I have access to a ISO Calibrated aerospace grade CMM (computerized measuring machine)...i.e.?...i can toss a busa healight housing on the big granite rock that's flat withing 50millionths of an inch and collect the contour data of that housing to make a wire frame model and reproduce that housing to a t in a computerized rendering...which i can then produce a punch/die set that will press out that shape in sheet metal...for "precision" high volume production.
but?..pending how much response ya'll get ya might wanna consider going the plastic mold injection route.
jmho and my offer to help the cause...with these long straight flat roads through the middle of no-mans-land we have down here in the swamplands of south florida?...some kickazz headlight technology would be a welcome sight for Oren and I!..so lmk if i can help.

PS: I hate black hogs at night...never hit one but damn sure dodged a few.
for awhile there when i was working 2nd shift out in the swamps i always figured i might hit a hog or a gator one night...and the sucky part is i had nightmares thinking "There's i'd be...all fudged up layin on the side of the road...wrapped up in barbed wire and the hogs/gator feed'in on me...before i died...uuuggggaaallllleeeeee SPOOKY shid.

L8R, Bill.