bill, your stock high beam IS a projector housing, but it's designed for a halogen bulb, so the focus and intensity with an HID bulb wouldn't be quite the same as a housing designed for HID'scool HEB...but the part i don't get is...
is my stock highbeam on my gen1 an HID projector already or is it as i believe it to be a halogen projector highbeam? if this is going from stock halogen hi/low to HDI hi/low this could get pretty pricey real quick hugh?
btw...i'm a self admitted headlight idiot...always wanted HID's on my bike but always flinched at the cost and idea of hacking up my oem housing to install but Ogre's looks clean..real clean...and trick.
God please lemme be able to afford
My "Mod Goals" for this year for Oren is....
1. HID's
2. Brembo's & Fresh Rotors
3. Is a toss-up between: Marichini or BST CF Wheels or...Fresh Rear Shock & Fork Springs/Valves
and prolly be happy even if i just get #1 & #2 done.
L8R, Bill.![]()
In the 5th picture, there is a "step up" in the top line of the light. (probably not the correct wording) I had the lenses replaced on the lights of my STI and now I have that same "step" in mine. What causes that?
that line illuminates road signs on the right. the step up will be just high enough farther down the road to see distant road signs. if you're in japan or the uk, i can get you a right hand drive projector as well, where the beam steps up on the left, instead of the right.