why the hate?

i got that same attitude around here as well so i stopped waving to strangers. personally, i'd rather another rider (anything on 2 wheels) just give a nod and that would be fine with me. i generally don't wave unless the other rider initiates it first.
I wave to every sportbike, wave when waved to on any other bike, and wave to every car full of girls.
heck half those guys that don’t wave back probably don’t even say good day to their neighbor, just forget about and keep waving they aren’t all bad.
When I would pull up to a Timmie's(it,s a Canadian thing)on my Harley, the sportbike guys would not even talk to ya. The next night, pull up on the heavy Bus and those same guys look at you because they know you from somewhere. Ya. the night before I was on the Harley.........remember!!!?

To the point, we all have made the choice to ride. Made the choice to get out from behind the windshield of a car to experience what it's like to be free. If you see someone on two wheels.....drop a hand out. It means you are in good company.
I went to a bike night and a few of Harley guy were giving me and my buds a hard time. It started in the parking lot when they took up extra spaces and got worse when we started talking to some girls. One guy started trying to act real tuff by talking loud and got in my face. Not wanting to deny him his shot at impressing the ladies, I got equally loud and was ready to rumble.

A crowd started to gather and the tension grew. We were almost nose to nose when I realized who he was and backed away. At that moment i knew there would be serious consequences for fighting this leather vest wearing biker. So I looked him in the face and said something that ended all possibilities of a fight. I said "I know you, you used to be my lawyer, are those your lawyer friends"? The croud let out a loud roar and they decided to leave when one of the Banditos handed me a beer.
I'll talk to anyone at bike night. But 90% of the Harley guys are leaning on the wall with a beer, everyone trying to look harder than the guy next to him. Lol soooo stupid/funny.

But I have friends that ride all kinds of bikes, it's just that the cruiser guys don't think sportbikes are real bikes for some reason. Do I need to vibrate all my bolts lose and have to blip the throttle like crazy to keep the bike from dying at idle for it to be a real bike? lol cus I'll do that if that's all it takes. :laugh:
I just wave at them harley "boys" anyways, if they don't wave back, that means they can't let go of the rattling shaking rocking handle bars to avoid falling
I want them to be safe too

I'm another that rides a Harley and a Busa. I wave at every one, hd's, sport bikes, mopeds, trikes, atv's, if you ride ON it and not IN it, I'm gonna wave. It doesn't matter what I'm riding, about half the bikes I see out there don't wave back. All the folks I wave at that are no joke, for real, dyed in the wool "bikers" wave back. It's the weekend warriors who've outgrown their huggies that won't acknowledge the presence of anyone else.
Think about it this way, you are't waving because you expect a wave back, you are waving because you are saying, "I see you are riding a motorcycle too, I hope you are having as much fun as I am, be careful!" Whether they wave back or not I could care less, becaues I'm STILL having fun, and I'm not going to get my panties in a wad or waste time being upset because they don't wave back...
Think about it this way, you are't waving because you expect a wave back, you are waving because you are saying, "I see you are riding a motorcycle too, I hope you are having as much fun as I am, be careful!" Whether they wave back or not I could care less, becaues I'm STILL having fun, and I'm not going to get my panties in a wad or waste time being upset because they don't wave back...

Ya know, I knew I liked you from one reason or another...

WAIT for IT....

It's the wearing of panties that now seals the deal.:rofl:
Ya know, I knew I liked you from one reason or another...

WAIT for IT....

It's the wearing of panties that now seals the deal.:rofl:

If it made me faster on the racetrack and gave me an edge over Twobothers and Tiller....I'd have to consider it:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Me and my buddy do this. Lol we freak out waving and going nuts just for the hell of it. I personally wave to anyone on two wheels. To me its always been a shared passion with anyone who does it.


come to Sturgis with me and try that. every vehicle is a bike. hard to wave at every bike. believe me i've tried. :rofl:

i wave in Wyoming, or out of state on the highway, sometimes. not that i don't want to wave, ya just can't wave at everyone. :thumbs:
My antagonism toward Harley fags is well documented, so I'll just say that I couldn't give a damn whether they wave at me or not; I'm not going to wave back. - It's all well and good for people who "ride" at 30mph to take their eyes off the road but I'll reserve my concentration for the next 120km/h corner, thanks.
Riding to work yesterday I witnessed 3 separate cyclists (all on American-ish Iron) snub people of the same genre. So I think here people have just become too selfish, entitled and rude. Like I said before, I do it for me and my support of our passion.
Its not just the Hd riders, I catch flac all the time from sport bikers at the track for running a bar, I say screw the haters, I"m 51 years old, I quit caring what other people think a long time ago. do what you like, ride what you like, Put any thing on it you like. Your making the payments on it. Oh did i say screw the haters????
Just started riding again in May after twenty years or so, and I can't believe the looks and the no looks from Harley Davidson riders. As a motorcyclist and enthusiast I would wave, but as of today, no more, it's just a waist of time, like this morning on the way to work (6:20AM) I happen to pull up at a stoplight on my 08 Orange and Black next to a Steven Segal look alike, with his hands hoisted towards the sky reaching for his throttle and clutch. I knod my head, a friendly good morning gesture, to be totally ignored, it's not that my feelings are hurt, it's not that it happenes 99% of the time, it's just plain childish. I Guess it is the Japanese Motorcycle thing. Wonder how many Japanese cars are parked in their driveways while they're riding that Harley, and not to mention the Japanese atv's they probably ride when they're not. Can't we all get along!!!!!! :learn:

I have never had that situation on my busa. I get people who wave and don't wave on both sides, harlets and sports bikes.

To be honest, I think its kind of lame when people wave at each other on bikes, I hardly ever wave to anyone when i am riding.

I never did get that waving thing on bikes, lame.
Lamb doesnt look and Lamb doesnt wave...Hope this doesn't upset anyone. Pull up next to us and start a conversation, Lamb rides with tunes so he won't hear you. Chat em up when they are stopped. Never run into an issue with any rider on anything. If you are looking for a prick, you'll find one.