Will '09 Busa Address '08 Complaints?

Why change perfection?  
+1 +1, the more miles i put on my 08 the better it gets, i love this sum *****!!!!!!!!!!
Haven't had one single problem with either my 03 or 08 bike. I had a clutch issue on my 01 (faulty master cylinder from the factory) but the 03 and 08 have been PERFECT from day one...
This is just history repeating! Gen 1 owners have had a heck of a lot longer list than this for the entire product run. Will they fix anything? Who knows, but as it stands the 08 is a sales success and manufacturers are very wary of messing with that recipe! Its fun to talk about though!

Let me ask you this. Do you think the after market brake master cylinder, tire manufacturers and exhaust manufacturers etc.want Suzuki to screw with it? They stand to make millions making parts to address all your worries. Thats just good for the economy overall and us consumers in particular IMHO.
Since the original thread was posted back in Jan of 2008 , I am sure it has been discussed before. Usually on most new models there will be "Slight" glitches , That is why alot of people wait for the 2nd year of the new model change. Overall the Busa seems to be very reliable with little or no problems. Just gotta work the bugs out.
EXACTLY on topic.
Since the original thread was posted back in Jan of 2008 , I am sure it has been discussed before. Usually on most new models there will be "Slight" glitches , That is why alot of people wait for the 2nd year of the new model change. Overall the Busa seems to be very reliable with little or no problems. Just gotta work the bugs out.
EXACTLY what I am talking about.
If even half of the issues other members have listed are true, it would make sense to wait for the glitches to be worked out in the second year of the new bike.

Yamaha corrected the lag problem in its last new R1
in its second year and it would make sense for Suzuki to similarly respond to customer issues raised about the new Busa.
I don't have any complaints yet--except for the removal of the side fairing. I've only got 1,200 miles on her, but it shifts smoother than my '06, and the Two Brothers pipes I put on make it sound sweet. I'm outfitting it for spot touring this summer as I plan a few 1,000 mile trips. Should be one of the faster sport touring bikes out there.
bike is great why changes. only changes will be maybe colors. could be a white one for 09 as a LE.
I have had my 08 since October 31st, 2007. I have not had one single issue that's electrically or mechanically related. The only things that I have changed on my Busa are purely for my own personal prefference. This is the best bike I have owned to date. It would be hard to improve on this bike. It does exactly what it was designed to do, and does it extremely well.
2000 + miles on mine, used mainly in the wet
and never had a single problem,

The O/E tyres are fine and better than most riders are,

The lack of fairing bolts is cosmetic and I like the look but I'm sure I'm not the
only one who lets the dealer do the servicing so it's there problem not mine.

False neturals are often down to chain tension, have a check first

My only concerns is whether the finish will stand up to a few years of Scottish Weather
I just got mine this Saturday. 200miles on it and have no issues yet. Tires are fine, don't have any false netural problems. Can't say there is anything wrong with it yet.
problems on the 08? never had any problems with my 06, everything I addressed was simply to meet my particular wants.. I would have to guess from what I have read, the 08 has not displayed a problem worthy of a factory fix...

What common issue can you attribute to how the bike is designed or built? (like a few hundred common complaints out of the thousands sold already)
Approx 1800 miles on mine. Have no complaints and nothing but praise. The bike was built to haul A_ _ and it does that extremely well.
Ten Thousand Three Hundred Seventy One miles.

Zero problems.