Wish me luck

Hey I could get Matt to send you some "specialty" firearms


Boy your bringing back memory's with this one... IDS school, then my first day at range instructor's school. Everyone was freaked out thinking that everyone else would be so much better. Everyone was worried if they were going to be up to the task. No one wanted to look bad. Funny thing is most people that were worried did just fine. And some of the overconfident and arrogant people were the guys that should have been worrying. There were a ton of head games to get by. You know what your doing or you would not be going to this you will be fine. I have been a New York State Police cert. Firearms instructor for 15 years now. I train officers in handgun, shotgun patrol rifle (AR15) sub gun (Mp5- UMP40) SL6 less lethal. Its going to open a new world for you. I had the same worries as you. I'm sure like me one day you will look back and think about how far you came and you will smile about all of this. I would say good luck but... you don't need luck you got skill!
pass or fail, I think I would rather stay on the "good" side of Chris's guns
some how I think that he probably hits most of what he is shooting at
I know you can do it son. Give me a call when you can and let me know how it went.
on our (mine and Ms. Semi) way to see you bro, hope you are doing 'em right

look, i am just like omslaw

Well, got em done. The weather sucked. Cold and Rainy. 3 passed, 3 failed. I was on the right side of the pass/fail. Bellys full from dinner with Semi and Ms. Semi. (Thanks for coming up guys). Im about to rack out. Thanks all.