Wish me luck...

Great news
One step at a time... and that was a GREAT step!

I don't know the details of your accident. But from what I can tell, we are lucky to have you around at all... and if getting the tests OKed is bad news....you got some priority issues mister!

Keep on, keepin on..
sorry I been outa the loop for a few-great to hear you're making progress brutha rubb!

hope that driving test goes just like tha last one-aces across the board!

if not-hell, I'll git in the back and reach around ya in the driver's seat to steer-just keep the windows tinted dark so nobody notices the big white giant huddled over you in the back seat!

stay up man, and keep us posted. good to see you back on the board!
I have not retunrned your PM's or answered calls to the house.
I had all my wisdom teeth out today so I'm not feeling too great. Hurts to talk,swallow,drink,bla blah blah.

The fun never stops around here. hahahaha

I'll catch up with you boys in a day or two.

Enjoy your evening,
HouseMouse and da' Rubb.
Good the " Ole Dawg" is back.
Hope to SEA YA around more often .................................
Yeah, what she said...

Wisdom teeth?!? How old ARE you, anyway?!?

I thought you were like, full grown...
How'd I miss this thread!!

Good to hear about your vision improving, even if its not as much as you hoped.

Good to see you posting around here again
Great to see you're posting again Rubbah! Keep up the good attitude and you'll be back to scaring the pedestians soon.
(Charlesbusa @ Oct. 14 2006,17:52) How'd I miss this thread!!

Good to hear about your vision improving, even if its not as much as you hoped.

Good to see you posting around here again
me too on missing this thread!! Great news about the eyes...keep us updated! Hope the mouth heals up quick too...
(rubbersidedown @ Oct. 14 2006,00:14) I have not retunrned your PM's or answered calls to the house.
I had all my wisdom teeth out today so I'm not feeling too great. Hurts to talk,swallow,drink,bla blah blah.

The fun never stops around here. hahahaha

I'll catch up with you boys in a day or two.

Enjoy your evening,
                                HouseMouse and da' Rubb.
Hurts too much to drink?!
I'm sure you'll overcome that particular problem soom.

Get well soon.