Wish me luck...

Well since you have been there for me I am here for you.

GOod luck!!!!

Just remember if you dont pass i can try to get you an illinois license. (not funny) sorry

But all of us here no what your capable of doing so it is your time to succeed

Best wishe to you and the Huse mouse
Good luck Rub.
Andy, my brother good to see ya back! Keeping you and the house mouse in my familys prayers....... You'll pass that and have your license in no time!
<div align="center"><span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>Wishin' ya the Best of Luck Andy !</span>[/Quote]    

<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Good to see ya back !</span>
Good to see you return! Hope all goes well for you on theeye test. Tell them to use the Florida standards and you'll pass with flying colors!
glad you are back, bro...good luck on your test...we are pullin' for you all the way so go give it to them RSD style
I know you will pass it Rub. Good to hear from you, you were missed.
Andy, it was good to see a post from you with an update.
Good luck on the tests.