Which fuel did you use? Also for those that have been before which fuel sinuous suggest using for a n/a engine?
Thanks. I just checked and Wilmington has VO fuels so I I think MR 12 is what I will get tuned for. I think in going to order some and get a second map for that. Im going to run a swb 1397 with ported head and 380/380 cams. Hoping to run 205-210.Depends on your setup and tune. Most run VP MR12, MRX01, or U4.4 if you're mapped for it. Ohio uses I believe RockettBrand racing fuel at the track side if you don't bring your own.
Thanks. I just checked and Wilmington has VO fuels so I I think MR 12 is what I will get tuned for. I think in going to order some and get a second map for that. Im going to run a swb 1397 with ported head and 380/380 cams. Hoping to run 205-210.
I am at present time 250 but starting nutriisystem and regular workout next week for the next three months. My goal is to get back to 210-215 or lower. I will be running 18/40 setup and I have the rpm extended to 11k I think. Tires will be either the power Pures that I run now or q3s and will be 190/55 series.Sounds like a fun setup!How much do you weight, what RPM do you rev it to, what tires, and gearing are you running? Which event are you planning to attend?
I was planning tondo the May event but more like now to do the June one.
I wanted to do the May event too. Figured it would be better to run when it was cooler. But it's close to Bike week, and I may have to go to The Dominican Republic for a Bachelor party weekend that month too so that's why it will most likely be June. Plus that will give me time to get some leathers and make sure I get a fresh tune for the VR 12 fuel and get the sprockets changed. I travel for work so time is limited. But I will definitely post my results when I do go and if I do make the May event I will let you know.