Woohoo... I hit the 200 Mph!

Stock gen1 did 194mph in 1999 and 2000.
2001 and everything since has the 186mph limit from the factory, which obviously can be turned off.
My gen2, ecu flashed, full dual Akropovic, bmc race filter, did 197mph gps'd with stock gearing(no mirrors for run).
OutlawBusa did 202mph with similiar mods(Alienhead)and a -2(41t) rear sprocket.
The gen2's 20ish extra hp, + a good ballpark 10hp/5trq from above mentioned mods will get it there.
As always, conditions and rider/rider size make a big difference.
The Busa and zx14 have the aerodynamics to walk away from the liter bikes after a quarter mile, 150ish mph.
Only Japan follows their gentleman's agreement of the 300kmph/186mph limit too.
German and Italian bikes are capable of low 190's factory(again rider and conditions making all the difference).
Stock gen1 did 194mph in 1999 and 2000.
2001 and everything since has the 186mph limit from the factory, which obviously can be turned off.
My gen2, ecu flashed, full dual Akropovic, bmc race filter, did 197mph gps'd with stock gearing(no mirrors for run).
OutlawBusa did 202mph with similiar mods(Alienhead)and a -2(41t) rear sprocket.
The gen2's 20ish extra hp, + a good ballpark 10hp/5trq from above mentioned mods will get it there.
As always, conditions and rider/rider size make a big difference.
The Busa and zx14 have the aerodynamics to walk away from the liter bikes after a quarter mile, 150ish mph.
I still find it odd that a stock gen 1 could run 194 mph and a stock gen 2 with say just the ecu restriction unlocked and with more hp won't go faster than a gen 1.....
Aerodynamics, Gen I is a tad bit better than the Gen II
Not from any reviews I've ever read, each of them has said the gen 2 is more aerodynamically slippery.

Even if the gen 1 had a slight edge in aerodynamics, the gen 2 makes more hp and isn't exactly a brick in itself....I find it strikes as a bit odd the two bikes are so close in unrestricted top speed.

This topic of aerodynamics has been discussed before...there are quite a few threads on the subject..here's only one of them:

I was going with what the oldtimers at Bonneville were saying. Before they changed the rules in the 1350 PP class requiring stock displacement. Fred Vance and his cohorts told me the faster set up was a Gen I with a 1350 engine than a Gen II with the same hp engine build. Those guys knew all the little tricks to make them run.
I still find it odd that a stock gen 1 could run 194 mph and a stock gen 2 with say just the ecu restriction unlocked and with more hp won't go faster than a gen 1.....

The gen2 can do 3mph more on top than the gen1, with it's ecu restrictions removed.
3mph approaching 200mph is a Big deal.
It takes those 20 extra hp to get it too.
With a 41t rear, 202mph on a piped gen2(pretty impressive)...a gen1 is Not doing that with just a pipe and sprocket.
The faster you go, the harder it is to continue to go faster.
Busa's, zx14's, and liter bikes have been able to hit the 186mph/300kmph limit for so long now, I think alot of people don't realize just how close to the bikes' regular limits that is in most cases(the bike, we know rider and conditions make all the difference).
200mph takes Alot(I know...I came within 3mph of it, lol).
On most near stock bikes, 200mph is not possible, as it takes taller gearing and Alot more hp.
Consider how much more hp and less weight a SuperBike has.
Running 200+ on a N/A stock block with bolt-ons setup is possible, ask Tim Jones how he did it at the Texas Mile in 2019. I had the pleasure of meeting Tim then and watching his run live.

I was going with what the oldtimers at Bonneville were saying. Before they changed the rules in the 1350 PP class requiring stock displacement. Fred Vance and his cohorts told me the faster set up was a Gen I with a 1350 engine than a Gen II with the same hp engine build. Those guys knew all the little tricks to make them run.
Hard to say if that was 100% aero or the salt conditions. So many factors and differences in a Bonneville setup bike and a pavement bike. I do miss chatting it up with Fred, Bob, Bill, and everyone.. :sad:
Says who? Many of us have proven the Gen-2 is faster unrestricted.
I could go into many, many older threads and dig them all up, but all indications point to the gen 2 only being marginally faster than a gen 1 when both are unrestricted.

If a '99 gen 1 (out of the box as far as I know) could go 194 mph (documented moto-journalist reviews), a gen 2 with more power should be able to reach 200mph with only being unrestricted.....but in each and every thread, there has had to be modifications to gearing, tire size, etc for the gen 2 to get close to 200 mph.

This is curiosity asking and not just being argumentive.
I could go into many, many older threads and dig them all up, but all indications point to the gen 2 only being marginally faster than a gen 1 when both are unrestricted.

If a '99 gen 1 (out of the box as far as I know) could go 194 mph (documented moto-journalist reviews), a gen 2 with more power should be able to reach 200mph with only being unrestricted.....but in each and every thread, there has had to be modifications to gearing, tire size, etc for the gen 2 to get close to 200 mph.

This is curiosity asking and not just being argumentive.

I think 200mph out of the box would have been great, and created a huge market...20 years ago.
They were close then, and the Japanese reigned in the speed wars by their own decision, before things got out of hand.
Marketing 200mph stock to this generation, lol.
They wouldn't care, or would be afraid and offended.
Besides, the taller gearing needed by All bikes to get to or past 200mph, makes them a little more lazy in the rpm's that we tend to like more umph.
Not dramatically, but noticeable.
I think you need a 41t rear sprocket.
Is your ecu flashed?
You've got some empty road up there right?
Got 200mph on a bucket list somewhere?
Remember to take the mirrors off!
I think 200mph out of the box would have been great, and created a huge market...20 years ago.
They were close then, and the Japanese reigned in the speed wars by their own decision, before things got out of hand.
Marketing 200mph stock to this generation, lol.
They wouldn't care, or would be afraid and offended.
Besides, the taller gearing needed by All bikes to get to or past 200mph, makes them a little more lazy in the rpm's that we tend to like more umph.
Not dramatically, but noticeable.
I think you need a 41t rear sprocket.
Is your ecu flashed?
You've got some empty road up there right?
Got 200mph on a bucket list somewhere?
Remember to take the mirrors off!
Me going 200mph?

Not likely....just wondering about the ability more than the need or want.

According to the people in the video I posted, that bike went a touch over 200mph with an ECU flash (and mirrors removed it looks like), and stock gearing..
Me going 200mph?

Not likely....just wondering about the ability more than the need or want.

According to the people in the video I posted, that bike went a touch over 200mph with an ECU flash (and mirrors removed it looks like), and stock gearing..

200mph is impossible with stock gearing on a gen1 or 2.
Even with 1000hp it doesn't have the overall gear ratio or high enough engine rpm to quite get it there.
You have to have a -2 rear sprocket, or 55 series rear tire(which also makes the gear ratio taller), which is also why my gen2 did a max 197mph, because it's gearing was stock for that run, including a 50 series rear tire.
It was hitting the fuel hard-cut and 11,200 flashed/raised rev limiter too, by which point peak had already fallen off.
(This was also open empty road, not the much more difficult standing mile).