Woolich autotune Gen 3.

I think this is exactly the main difference between Woolich Autotune and PowerCommander Autotune where the latter does live tables.

If someone knows this exactly, join the discussion.
noob question - is disabling the pair valve via software as good as disabling it mechanically? if that's so, why were people doing the mechanical stuff all this while?
I just found out directly from Woolich:

“Yes you will still need to block off your PAIR valve, as our software will only disable the associated fault code (you have to disable in the ECU before removing anything on the bike, otherwise you will still get a fault).”
Been one of the few following BoostbySmith on YouTube and his progress is amazing. I'm so happy someone, probably from here got him a gen3. Very excited to see how it turns out. NA or Boosted I'm also interested in the dyno results Woolich vs MaxxECU.
@GSXRme @ME-Motorsports So I thought it was due to my old PC being ancient. I can not get this to work. I tried to open a logfile and autotune last night and it will not open. I went out a few weeks ago and bought a new computer and downloaded all the updates etc. Still cannot get it to read the logfiles. At this point Im not sure what to do. I dont know if the Logbox is bad. I dont know if the Autotune kit is working correctly. I am stuck and not trying to brick my ECU.
Been one of the few following BoostbySmith on YouTube and his progress is amazing. I'm so happy someone, probably from here got him a gen3. Very excited to see how it turns out. NA or Boosted I'm also interested in the dyno results Woolich vs MaxxECU.
I think it was snailspeed. He is on here. Ive been following on here and Facebook. Its amazing and I would definitely like to have a trip in his brain to see how it functions.
Been one of the few following BoostbySmith on YouTube and his progress is amazing. I'm so happy someone, probably from here got him a gen3. Very excited to see how it turns out. NA or Boosted I'm also interested in the dyno results Woolich vs MaxxECU.
Skip has had his gen3 on the dyno with maxx sport already, he did pick up some hp over stock ecu stock tune, but i wouldn't expect to see any difference back to back on a woolich tune versus a maxx tune on the dyno. What i would expect with the maxx is 100% adjustability, closed loop fueling, live tables, turbo/nos/super charger, all 3 it could handle. Its really more being able to control everything outside of what Suzuki had in mind, and getting around limp modes etc.

Price point is quite a bit different in the 2 systems as well. For your basic mods and if you are happy with how the stock stuff works, then going Maxx probably makes no financial sense. But if you want to be able to do whatever you want and are going turbo, nos, etc etc it really is quite slick IMO, I am obviously biased LOL :)

Maxx can do some fun stuff like
rolling launch control, just hold the up button to activate, and then release for the party to start
adjustable 2 step on the fly, activate launch mode, use up and down buttons to move launch limiter in 100 rpm increments on the fly
closed loop fuel control with wideband sensor
full adjustability of quick shifter sensitivity and strategy, auto blip control
put the dash in service mode with no external tools (paperclips or switches), this one is more for a laugh, but true
and the list goes on for miles

and while not practical in the real world, i still think this is "NEAT"
@GSXRme @ME-Motorsports So I thought it was due to my old PC being ancient. I can not get this to work. I tried to open a logfile and autotune last night and it will not open. I went out a few weeks ago and bought a new computer and downloaded all the updates etc. Still cannot get it to read the logfiles. At this point Im not sure what to do. I dont know if the Logbox is bad. I dont know if the Autotune kit is working correctly. I am stuck and not trying to brick my ECU.
Definitely open a ticket with woolich support.

So you generate a log file, then copy it from the logbox to the woolich install directory but then what happens? Are you doing this step?

You said it will not open the log file, can you see the file and do you get an error message?

Btw I use TechSmith Capture to grab screenshots. It’s free but you have to create an account. It’s very helpful and easy to use.

Definitely open a ticket with woolich support.

So you generate a log file, then copy it from the logbox to the woolich install directory but then what happens? Are you doing this step?

You said it will not open the log file, can you see the file and do you get an error message?

Btw I use TechSmith Capture to grab screenshots. It’s free but you have to create an account. It’s very helpful and easy to use.

working on it with woolich. Now just need to ride the bike to test.
Hi all.
And has anyone tried to flash the GEN3 ECU not through the obd connector, but on the table, using Bench Harness Type 13?
Perhaps I'm just an idiot with this, but here it goes...

I have the Moore Mafia flash on my ECU and purchased the whole Woolich getup so I can autotune, play around with, and get a grasp of the Woolich software before I throw the built motor and supercharger setup in the bike. I have used ECU Editor for years on my B-king with nitrous and everything else, so I have a decent understanding of the software. However, in the Woolich software I don't see any button or drop down to read the current Gen3 ECU data. I don't want to start fiddling with the map until I can read the current MM flash data and save it in case I mess it up. This is being attempted with the bench flashing setup. I am able to read the part number, serial number, and VIN; but unable to read the actual ECU to see the actual MM flash changes.

Can anybody set me straight on this? Thanks fellas.
I'm an idiot. Per Woolich, there is no way to read the current map in the ecu... that sucks.
Try this.

The screenshot was made on Woolich support page.
