Worthy Cause

Hey bro I just dropped 50 via the website.

Good news....the financial adviser agreed that this is a worthy cause and up the future donations to 50 each pd....

Man I hope you make your goal...I'll keep checking your status and see drop you more closer to the deadline......

Happy training...

Martin (et. al.),

I received your payment and REALLY appreciate it... I am nearing my goal of $2700... I am at $2200 now. At this rate, I may fly right by my goal. I am blowing the other participants away. Many of them haven't even started trying to raise funds yet! Call me a boy scout.

BTW - I am up to 6 miles on my long run day and it is increasing 1 mile each week! I am right on schedule for running a 4 hour marathon too! I am starting to get a euphoria when running ~4 or more miles at a time.

bump = pushing the topic back to the top so that it doesn't get forgotten about.

But the real question is: What is a TRE?
I always thought the real question was:
to shave or not to shave??

Anyway, I am up to $2625... Only need $75 to crescendo!

Thank you for all of the donations... I couldn't have made it this far without you all helping!

I am running 8 miles this Sunday... The longest distance of my life! And, I am averaging 24 miles per week now. I have run nearly 110 miles since starting my training two months ago!

( :

I reached $2700 yesterday!!! WOOHOO!!! My goal has not only been reached, but reached a month early.

Now, this is not to say stop send the donations. If you feel like donating, please feel free to continue sending to this awesome cause.

I really do appreciate everyone's hard earned cash and efforts with this marathon.

I have run 120+ miles now during my training and my long run days are up to 10 miles. I add 2 miles per week to my long run days from here on out! It is weird running 10 miles... But, I get a kind of euphoria from it.

Thanks again all,
This week has been a bummer... I got a bleed in my ankle and foot after last weekends 10 miler... So, I have taken the whole week off. Still sore, but I plan to run tonight anyway. Hopefully I will be fine for Sunday's 12 mile run!

My lungs and heart are strong... My legs have really stepped up to the plate... It is my ankle that is occassionally giving me a hard time! I am using ice and elevation (RICE) to try and combate this puppy!

No matter what, I will cross that finish line. Even if I have to limp accross with permenant damage. I have never given up on anything, and I don't plan to start here!

Give it your all, brother... but don't kill yourself doing it!!
drop it like it's hot, Rip!!!

Oh yeah, oh yeah...oh yeah oh yeah!! (doin the "Runnin Man")
You know, some weekends I don't even drive 14 miles... All weekend. Let alone run...
Glad it's going good for ya Rip... Keep it up Bro...
Well, I got a partial tear in my achilles tendon... Achilles Tendonosis or some such sh!t. Anyway, I have pretty much healed... The pain has subsided anyways... I plan to bicycle a couple of days to take it easy on it.

Damn, this marathon crap is tougher than I thought. I shall prevail!

$2,800 and hoovering... Come one guys... It ain't over yet!

