
This thing took an unexpected early turn, unfortunately closer to me. My family is gone and I'll be leaving Thursday morning. If it stays on path and a cat 5 before landfall like they are saying I doubt I have a house, stop laughing Rythem. They just said the high has started to weaken a little sooner than expected and the system to the North that was supposed to move it out may not do so and it could stick around until Monday.
good luck bro, it looks like it is turning east so hopefully it will not get you too bad...
Man I feel for you. More than any others here on the board. Remember, this was coming towards me until just a short while ago. I was scared shitless. Now it seems to be coming to you. I am so sorry. I will help in any way I can. If you need anything get in touch and I will help. PM me and I will give you several #'s to reach me.

Good luck my Texas Brother
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Location: Texas     Posted: Sep. 21 2005,21:35  

This thing took an unexpected early turn, unfortunately closer to me.  My family is gone and I'll be leaving Thursday morning.  If it stays on path and a cat 5 before landfall like they are saying I doubt I have a house, stop laughing Rythem.  They just said the high has started to weaken a little sooner than expected and the system to the North that was supposed to move it out may not do so and it could stick around until Monday.  [/QUOTE]

You know what Mr. T use to say ?  I pitty the fool !  

Naw Dawg, you should know me better than that, I wouldn't wish no shid like that on a person, even a racist one.  I'm to busy focusing my energy on positive things.
Dude if you do decide to stay behind please try to be prepared for the worst imaginable as best you can, and keep us up to date. If you need anything, holla. Hopefull I can send whatever you need to the nearest town to you thats still operatable.

Anyway I just heard that Rita has been stepped up to a cat <span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>O F</span></span> (O fug)  

Seriously, it supposed to get up to 175 mph when it gets on land, so hold on !


Throwing a prayer in for all ya down there.
