Wrecked Today

The Scapula is one of the hardest bones in the body to break and indicates quite severe blunt trauma if broken. Lucky to be alive and typing. Hope recovery goes well.
sorry to hear about your accident. I had a nasty one right before thanksgiving, and I still havent pulled the cover off to see how much damage yet.... dont feel good enough to wrench at all yet.

get well soon!
Yeah, I took a pretty hard hit JT2, thanks for the support.

You must have had a real nasty one cache, hope you are back at it soon.
The mechanic started looking at my bike today. He said there is a pin in behind the starter gear cover that is known to shatter after a hard impact on the right side and frag into the motor casing. He is going to press the adjuster to cover it and the cover too. There is no visible damage to the cover but, I agree with the safe than sorry idea here. More to come as I find out.
I'm very sorry to hear about you accident. Hope your shoulder is feeling better now. I,too, had an accident last Sunday. Made it out of the driveway. Attempting to turn right, the backend began coming around.  Stayed with it, but lost the battle.
Crash speed was probably about 20-30 mph.
Long story short, I  arrived home last night after a 6 day tour of the University of Tennessee Trauma Center. In 40 years of riding, very first crash on the road. I think total injuries are: 4 broken ribs. broken collar bone, collapsed right lung, and sore as hell from the chest tube, which was inserted to drain the blood out of my lung. My 03 orange Busa will need most of the plastic replaced on the  right side, but I believe that is about the extent of damage to it.
I think my point is, we have to be EXTREMELY CAREFUL each second we are aboard these wonderful machines.
Thanks, and be safe,
Sorry to hear about your accident...I'm still recovering from mine. Just heal first and heal the bike second. There are a lot of great people hear that are willing to help. Keep us informed.
Damn, Gary! What was it, too much throttle or what? I had my kill switch checked, it is operational. Now the trooper says that maybe there was something in the road and it shot off of the road after I hit it. I hate to think that I may have overlooked something. I am still investigating it. I hope you get better very fast. I am doing a little physical therapy and have recovered some freedom of movement in my left arm. Keep us posted on what you and your bike need, maybe we can help.
mctrull, I'm sure mine was all pilot error. air was cool, tires were cold. Pulled from driveway, gave it probably too much throttle. Backend began coming around. My lean angle, and speed, at that point, were not sufficient enough to let of the gas. Stayed with it, probably ended up giving it too much gas, then after 30-40 ft., I was high sided, I think, don't really remember that part. Bike has no real damage. The front fairing, and the right side body work will have to be replaced though. Haven't pulled anything apart yet to look, but I believe, structurally, everthing is fine. Had on leathers, so scrapes are almost non-existent. My arai helmet did a great job, but I'll have to buy a new one now.
I'm sure the damage to my face, and head, would have been far more than the $500. for the helmet. I went back to work today. It was difficult, and I'm sure will take a few weeks of mending. But, I'm glad to be here
Diverpik, Glad to hear you are up and around. Mine is bad about breaking loose a lot when I first get it out since it is cold here right now, I have kind of gotten used to it and just drive as careful as I can. Unfortunately, sometimes we just get reminded the hard way that Mother Nature rules. Take care and don't push yourself too hard.
sorry about the wrecks guys...I'm just glad ur both here to tell us about it, i wish you godspeed, a quick recovery my friends.

God Bless today and always
Got the word from the people who take my money, She is going to be rebuilt! Bigger, Badder, Better! Hoo Rah!

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Just an update. Getting all of the new parts together for the rebuild. Some stuff is on order and others are coming from people on here. I appreciate everyones help that has contributed in any way to helping me get this accomplished. I will post more as it comes.
I am trying to get a video attatched, bear with me.

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Hey Ninja, Do you know how to link a video to a post? It is on my computer and I am trying to get it linked to here.
mctrull, I'm sure mine was all pilot error. air was cool, tires were cold. Pulled from driveway, gave it probably too much throttle. Backend began coming around. My lean angle, and speed, at that point, were not sufficient enough to let of the gas. Stayed with it, probably ended up giving it too much gas, then after 30-40 ft., I was high sided, I think, don't really remember that part.
thats just to funny

i did the EXACT same thing

but i did it with a brand new ducati 900s the first day i got it
thats even funnier

diffrence is i remenber the face plant i did and i also still see the bike sliding towards me with the gas tank spilling fuel every were (tank was full the bike had only 50 miles on it).

the handle bars slaped so hard agianst the tank it shot the tank cap open and also made a dent in the tank the size of my fist.

sprained elbow, rist and ankel, road rash, soar back and neck pain for about 3 months.

did i mention that accident hurt me in the pocket also.

i smile about it now but belive me i didnt the whole year after that wreck
I hurt everyday, some more than others. I work for myself and I do not get to take it as easy as my doctor wants me to. I just cannot figure out a way to tell my clients that I cannot do something for their money or how to get my son to understand Daddy can't pick him up. So, I just bite down and get it done. Slowly it is getting better, I just sleep with a heating pad and hope.