WRECKED - who has wrecked or laid their bike down?


    Votes: 158 98.8%
  • ONCE or more

    Votes: 2 1.3%

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well all i can say is ive been on bikes since the age of 5. i wrecked more times than i can count mostly at low speed dumb dumb oopsies, but also higher speed ive had 5 knee operations and broken both ankles twice. fractured my neck most of my ribs and both hands and wrists have been in casts too many times im almost 40 now and still ride it to the max. will i wreck again? probally, will i live? im hopefull. will i change the way i ride? never!!! there are two types of bikers those that have been down and those that will go down. just know the road hurts and when your time comes try to be calm and let the cards fall. :0

I dropped my honda 5 days ago 8-6-03 it was raining and i hit a turn at 30 mph... I guess I hit some sand or something but rear tire broke left I broke right.:( But good gear on so no real damage to me or bike.
dropped left side... forgot to put down the kickstand.

dropped right side... putting on rear stand too fast, and momentum kept it moving over to the right.

dropped off trailer... backing down onto the ramp, went to get off the bike to walk it down, oops! nothing for my foot to step on!!  lucky it didn't fall over on top of me!  :0

only plastic broken so far. would hate to break a case..
Cache Machine...Man, Sounds to me like you had better just keep to riding the wheels off that thing and hire a pit crew!
I had never thought of the centerstand doing that before...makes sense and I will be a bit more gentle...
But I tell ya, If moving your bike around by hand is the only time things go wrong? I'd take it.
I'm with Revlis on this one, Cache you better just keep moving.......
Seems that you've had better luck when your saddled up!
Owned my busa about two hours......Turned in a side-street a little too fast....hit some sand......down she went.....busted the left fairing and front fender.....road rashed the nose piece and left can......tore up my knee and left elbow. Learned a very expensive lesson with that one.
Hey Tech......I almost know how ya feel.......did exactly the same thing but managed to save the bike before she hit........had a pretty sore leg after that one.....these things are heavy.....and I'm not that muscle.gif
yeah, I do best from a dead stop with my ass firmly planted.... right toes far back barely holding me up.... left toes ready to shift on a whim.... holding steady 8,000rpm.... waiting for the last amber to light......

.....oops.. I'm not at the track, sorry.... laugh.gif
I have crashed a few times, but not on the Busa. Gone through a curve in Memphis only to find Steel Plate across the whole lane, providing no traction. Rode the old kwacker home. Crested a slow hill in a very tight curve only to find the road covered in diesel fuel, so down I went. Rode the beemer home too. Also been hit by a 18y/o blonde girl leaving an ATM machine. Had to push the bike home that time. I have crashed a bunch more off-road, but those don't count - I would ride out into the boon-docks until the bike wouldn't go any farther and I crashed,turn around and ride home. face7.gif
  I had never thought of the centerstand doing that before...makes sense and I will be a bit more gentle...
I think he said rear stand Reverend Busa.......I'm always a bit leary of mine too.......the grab rail works great to hold it steady while pullin back though.....but I can sure see that it would go over easy. wink.gif
Yeah thats what I meant...Just got the words wrong.

Rev.  biggrin.gif
Sorry Rev......my bad. sad.gif
Laid my first bike down. Took a 35mph corner at 70 on a Yamaha XS 750. Got a little nervous and locked the back. I almost dirt tracked it around the corner, but just ran out of room. Bike hit the curve and rolled over, me landing on the bike on my back for the ride. Threw the exhaust and blinkers in the bushes and rode home, then threw out the underwear.
I was on my brand new R1 at a light trying to make a left hand turn at a light, in a tunr lane. An old woman in a huge lincoln hit me from behind and sent me flying. B4 I knew it I was in a ditch/median with my bike covering my legs. The old woman came back to see if i was alive and then sped off. The cops never did a damn thing about it. I got a broken collar bone, a shattered right elbow and anckle from it, but I lived to ride another day, and still to the day everytime i pass an old woman in a lincon i look at her to see if the woman is her. I do not know what i would do if i found her but i am sure somehting would come to me.
Just a thought, and not a good thing to think about but how many people know or heard of someone who has died on a Busa?
i didnt exactly mean dirtbikes, myself of course wrecked (not wrecked but fell) many times on a dirtbike over 10 years but of course it comes with the territory
You might call me boring, but I am toooo careful on the busa. I try staying out of bad spots and it has worked so far. Almost have though with other drivers being at fault.
Crashed first, second was stolen, third no problems, forth crashed several times, fifth is the busa and I'm hoping for the best.
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