WTB: Hayabusa Financing

Besides quite seriously even if you did get a Hayabusa as a first bike you're short changing yourself. You're setting yourself up for a ownership experience full of wobbly geekdom on the road, impaired rider development, and in general a really crappy, undeveloped experience.

The worst part is Delirious... Every experienced rider around you, every single one you see on the road will be able to pick you out on the road as a geek on a bike without the experiance to control it, exploit it, ride it effectively.

Don't worry theres a HUGE number of Hayabusa riders that are in the same boat. They'll defend their choice to the death, offering up all the reasons why THEY are SPECIAL and how THEY wont be outclassed. It's a drag because they are cheating themselves out of the ability to really enjoy the Hayabusa, NOT just ride it around.

Think about it, at 20 years old the coolest thing you could do is NOT be a typical tool and go ahead and get a bike that 1. You can afford and 2. works better as a first street bike.
I am not ignorant when it comes to the world of money I know what it takes and I know there is a way. but thanks for all the advice guys.
My guess is that you want to buy a 08 and streatch it out and be mr cool streetfire street racer, and its the first bike youve ever owned. Being that youre only 20. Am i right?
wow..... couldn't be more wrong lol I have no intention of modifying the bike aside from replacing those hideous exhausts. Also I'm not a new rider, I think you guys are making alot of assumptions and we all know what that makes you look like. I like the busa because it is very comfortable but still has the street bike look not to mention I'm a BIG guy. I have ridden other Suzuki's 600, 1000s, cbrs, a yamaha R1 and a zx-10. None come close the the comfort of the hayabusa. I am aware that when I buy the bike I am losing a bit of money and in a couple years the bike will be alot cheaper. I want to treat myself for working so hard these past couple of years and this is how I want to do it. I was just looking for anyone who has been in roughly the same boat and had success because I know someone out there has.
I'm 28, on my 4th bike, and I wanted a 08 Busa.  I have a 750 credit score, and I bought an 03 used for $5k with 6000 miles on it.  

Dude, buy a used one.

If I'm spending $12,000, it should be italian or have air conditioning.  

Wait, buy it, and I'll buy it in 3 years for $5000 from you.  You'll save me tons!!!!
+1 cept I'm 43 and bought a SAAAAweeeeeet 04 Busa for under 6k. I paid cash money and don't owe anybody Sh#t! Everytime I'm about to hop on or even just walk by the garage and see it sitting there I can't believe it's all mine! You know how they say men get distracted easily by shiny metal things? This is the ultimate shiny metal thing!

my .02

Have you priced full coverage insurance on it yet with you as a primary rider?
Please just take a look at the Hayabusa sales forum on here....I just looked and If I didn't already have 2 Busas....There are a couple there I would buy!!!...I know you want the new one...but don't bite off more than you can chew....
I think it is " what i`d do if I were you" tread? Right?

He is my perspective.

I always buy my bikes new, unless it`s cheap as dirt (crashed, salvaged, totaled)
It`s cheaper in a long run to buy your bike new if you don`t have a shop or your buddy fixing your bike for free.
I`m surprised that no one mentioned how much he will pay for insurance in his 20.
When I got my busa my insurance was going to be $165 a months...and I was 24 with 2 sppeding tickets in my life.....so I put it on my wifes insurance and it dropped to ......(you ready for this) $28 a month.....so unless your married or made of money...get ready to pay out the A$$ for ins!!!
Is there anything you can't do Daniel?


+1 he is an amazing guy isnt he  
Or a loan shark on the side.

I wish I had the cash to be a loan shark

I'm not to familiar with the dealerships in your area but I know we have a dealership that finance motorcycles here. New or Used if you have at least 40% down, you can get financed with a job and a credit score of 550.
If you PM me, I can give you the dealerships name and the finance company they deal with that does this. I have had about 2 friends and have heard a few people who have been to this dealership and it worked out for them. What I have heard is the bigger the down payment the better the results and lower monthly payments. You might as well say this dealership is more like your job and down payment is your credit. I'm surprised, in your area you don't have this because we have ads in our newspapers weekly saying, good, bad, no credit we can finance everyone, theirs always a program for you.
I'm not to familiar with the dealerships in your area but I know we have a dealership that finance motorcycles here. New or Used if you have at least 40% down, you can get financed with a job and a credit score of 550.
If you PM me, I can give you the dealerships name and the finance company they deal with that does this. I have had about 2 friends and have heard a few people who have been to this dealership and it worked out for them. What I have heard is the bigger the down payment the better the results and lower monthly payments. You might as well say this dealership is more like your job and down payment is your credit. I'm surprised, in your area you don't have this because we have ads in our newspapers weekly saying, good, bad, no credit we can finance everyone, theirs always a program for you.
This is a post that is moving me closer to my goal :-p Thank you all for your concern but I have been working on this for a little over 8 months now most angles have been covered.
i look at it this way if your as resonsobile as you claim ask one of your parents to cosign for you and get it. Whats the problem with that unless they know something your not sharing with us.
I'm 28, on my 4th bike, and I wanted a 08 Busa. I have a 750 credit score, and I bought an 03 used for $5k with 6000 miles on it.

Dude, buy a used one.

If I'm spending $12,000, it should be italian or have air conditioning.

Wait, buy it, and I'll buy it in 3 years for $5000 from you. You'll save me tons!!!!
+1 cept I'm 43 and bought a SAAAAweeeeeet 04 Busa for under 6k. I paid cash money and don't owe anybody Sh#t! Everytime I'm about to hop on or even just walk by the garage and see it sitting there I can't believe it's all mine! You know how they say men get distracted easily by shiny metal things? This is the ultimate shiny metal thing!

my .02
I'm 20. My bike is financed.
Thanks to Navy Federal

Who else would hand a 20-year-old a blank check for up to 12k?
i look at it this way if your as resonsobile as you claim ask one of your parents to cosign for you and get it. Whats the problem with that unless they know something your not sharing with us.
Both of my parents have passed away. I have asked everyone I know lol and no one gets accepted I dont know how one of my friends has a 700 and got denied so I'm thinking I need to find another lending institution other than suzuki.
Delearious02, I hate to say this but if its really been 8 month and its not working maybe its time to accept the fact that its not going to happen right now, you are only driving your credit score down with all of the attempts. I am not saying to give up on on your dream, but put it on hold. If you talk to most lenders that are denying you they send you a letter telling you why you were denied. Work on those problem areas and in six months to a years come back and get what you want.
Now I am not one to call folks out but, Delearious02 has found fault in everyones attempt to help him. After I reread the whole post, is it possible that this is just some troll, although not starting drama, but can one person really have this much bad luck. Just seems a bit fishy to me.
If you saved that kinda cash in 8 months, why not wait another 8 months and buy it outright?? Insurance is gonna kill ya. I'm 30, married w/ kids and for full coverage insurance it's $3300/year.
I'm not to familiar with the dealerships in your area but I know we have a dealership that finance motorcycles here. New or Used if you have at least 40% down, you can get financed with a job and a credit score of 550.
If you PM me, I can give you the dealerships name and the finance company they deal with that does this. I have had about 2 friends and have heard a few people who have been to this dealership and it worked out for them. What I have heard is the bigger the down payment the better the results and lower monthly payments. You might as well say this dealership is more like your job and down payment is your credit. I'm surprised, in your area you don't have this because we have ads in our newspapers weekly saying, good, bad, no credit we can finance everyone, theirs always a program for you.
That right there is why MI has one of the worse economies in the U.S.
Now I am not one to call folks out but, Delearious02 has found fault in everyones attempt to help him.  After I reread the whole post, is it possible that this is just some troll, although not starting drama, but can one person really have this much bad luck.  Just seems a bit fishy to me.
I PM'ed Delerious a few weeks ago, he is working with the same salesman that sold me my K8. I believe him to be sincere, I wish him the best of luck. Sometimes though what you CAN do financially and what you SHOULD do are two different things.

20 years old was a long time ago for me, lots of wisdom from the sages in this post. Hope all works out for the best Delerious, you can PM questions anytime.
If you saved that kinda cash in 8 months, why not wait another 8 months and buy it outright??  Insurance is gonna kill ya.  I'm 30, married w/ kids and for full coverage insurance it's $3300/year.
i am going to start by asking why in the world would you pay that for insurence I am 21yrs old and my insurence is only about $1200 a year. I said it a thousand times you should switch to state farm or at least price it out. 2nd you should try a credit union they will give a loan to almost anybody with a job and it has low interest rates i got mine for 6% so if i was you i would look into it.