Pashnit ride still on my bucket list...
Mine too...especially after jealously watching your big ride with Uncle Steve throughout the West from the sidelines...
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Pashnit ride still on my bucket list...
It's always cool to see the big bikes out there. It's been a while since I've seen a busa on the track. What tires you running?
don't mean to question, just being inquisitive, as I am always learnin, and definately are not pro rider. but in a couple of the pics(3 thru 6)it looks like your body is crossed over the bike, do you think you could have gotten a better corner with a little less lean angle and had your upper body leaning off on the same side of the bike that you were turning on? great pictures though!!
I agree your lower body is off the seat but your upper body is crossed over to the opposite side of the bike, at least it appears that way in pictures 5 and 6, could be the angle of the picure though. I was just thinking you could have used a little less lean angle to get through the corner and had your upper body off to the same side as your lower body. I was thinking your head should be inline with the right rear view mirror. in the picture your upper body looks like it is crossed over to the left side of the bike kinda defeating the purpose of getting your rear off the bike. am i wrong?
don't get defensive about the body positioning thing Doyle. That track is nothing but back and forth from one side to the other. It seems as though every corner was a late apex, really late apex or a combo corner, where during one corner you're really setting up for the next one. Not alot of time for setting the body up and over the side. Besides, even among the pros styles change from rider to rider and from track to track. You look great in those shots and Lamb shats off to you. It was fun chasing you around that place. GOOD TIMES!