Yesterday WORST DAY of my life....

Glad everything turned out ok! You are right tho...makes you realize what the important things really are in life..
I can't even imagine what it'd be like if that was our little girl missing.....
I have to agree with outlawed, not sure how calm I'd be...
What is sad is how many parents wouldn't notice thier child was gone.....

Hey..........Happy Fathers day!
KS, glad to hear all turned out good. Made me sit back and realize just what my children really mean to me. Happy Father's day and thanks for making mine just that much more special.
I can only imagine how you must have felt! Glad everything worked out okay.
I had chills up and down my spine hoping it was going to have a happy ending. Glad everything's all right.

I know how you feel. I've had that happen a couple of times with my daughter and one of her friends. It changes your usual daily fuzzy focus to one of crystal clarity. The only thing that's important is finding them while trying to suppress the horrible thoughts that go through your mind.

Glad everything worked out for you.
holy crap......

I was gettin all riled up just reading your story, bro...adrenaline's pumped prettty good right now.....heart rate's sky high and the fingers are cold....

REALLY glad that he was safe.....
Glad it all worked out  good. You can imagine how all these parents feel when there is no happy ending. Why do we hear of all these child molesters out on the street these days? Why aren't they dead or being gang raped daily in prison? Pisses me off.
Pedophilia is an incurable disorder. Ask any competent psyciatrist and they will tell you that they can improve most conditions but pedophilia is a life long disease. The only cure is execution for the offender. As a society, we do have the right to protect our children.
I feel the same way....If anyone were to take my daughter away from me MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON THEM because I'm going to go to prison. My whole life changed when I had my daughter. I would never wish the pain you had on a friend or foe....
It has been over thirty hours since I experienced this life changing event and I can still clearly feel the effects on my body. The stress of that moment haunts me still....... Keep a very close eye on your loved ones it only takes a second to change forever!
I thought after reading your topic was going to be..I dropped My bike ect..But Man,as a dad Myself I also had chills up My spine while reading this and could kinda relate..My son dissappeard in a store one day,and I freaked out..I found him a few mins later..But you feel like your going to have a Hart attack for real!!

Thank god and glad it all turned out ok..
It has been over thirty hours since I experienced this life changing event and I can still clearly feel the effects on my body. The stress of that moment haunts me still....... Keep a very close eye on your loved ones it only takes a second to change forever!
wow. really glad it ended up being something so simple; nothing malicious. Can't blame you for still being high off the adrenaline-stress rush.

I freaked out when I thought I lost my dog once, couldn't imagine if it was a child
WOW! Glad it turned out OK. Hope too much time didn't get taken off your "life clock" on that one. I can't imagine, especially with all the stories in the news about the sicko's out there and what they can do.
Happy Fathers Day! I'm sure that was terrifying! I can only imagine the panic I would have felt! I'm glad he was safe at the neighbors (little stinker)

That has to be the worst thing a parent can go through... Not knowing where there child is, and not knowing what happened... having to imagine the worst... Thank God it turned out like it did. Oh, and happy father's day.
Glad things turned out for the best, bug...........................that's a scary story................................even the smart kids do dumb stuff sometimes...........that's why they're still called kids! Heck..........I guess I still qualify for that name.
You just lived out every parents' worst nightmare. I have goose bumps from just imagining what you just went through ks...

I'm so glad he's home and an instant, your life can change and you'd have no, I just can't imagine how I'd handle something like that...I too would spend my life in prison for things I'd do to someone that hurt my kids. When kids come along, you realize just how far you could go, how much you'd give up for them...

I'd say you just had the worst and best Father's Day of your life...I'm so glad he's home...