You ever been to that breaking point emotionally?

Take a deep breath and a step back. Think about all of the folks out there who have health problems that would love to switch with you.
Trust in God.
my fiance is from bartlesville and her neice called saying how OK is flooding. she called really scared and shes heard how bad it has been lately from other family memebers. i feel for yall, spcially those people who live in such active weather areas. prob y i love AZ so much. only thing we deal with, is hot summers. ill take that. I know i use 2 stress that kinda stuff alot and feel like it couldnt get any worse. but then semi recently my fiance went from level 1 to level 4 cancer in like... 2 months. and it was some rare 2% of people get it. long story short, her chances of a successful surgey was 20% and her chance of recovery FROM this surgery was less then 10%. needless to say from thursday till sat morning when she had the 7 hr long operation, i slept maybe 2 hrs. thank god, she was 1 of the rare ones who made it thru the surgery and is on her way to being completely over this cancer. (we go back to nashville end of the week to do 2 more tests and she should be completely done). after this whole thing, ive learned to not stress about the "little" stuff and look back and wish i didnt worry about things b4. $ isnt everything, and things can get fixed/replaced (may not be right away, but its not the end of the world).
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Yep, been to that point MANY times....... cool your heels, hug your wife, and thank God it wasn't even worse than it looks right now.... it can always be worse....
i think we have all been there at some point in our lives if we are alive...for some reason, i used to find it much easier to focus on the negative than the positive until i had had enough one day and decided i was going to do my best to switch it around...i'm not saying i am always successful but i find when it does happen, i generally have either 1. taken on too much personally or 2. forgotten my priorities...i'm not saying that's what you have done but i bet if you rock back on your heels for a minute, tell the man upstairs thanks for all He has given you, and get a little sleep, you will feel much better...btw, i think you can go just about anywhere you want in this country and there will be someone willing to take you out for a night on the town :beerchug:
Just take a minute and breathe Brother...we tend to get to busy with life and when some
things go bad (seems like they all go bad at once) then it puts that extra stress on our lives.
If you can cut back on the commitments a bit, then you can spend more time with the family,
or when a problem pops up then you can deal with it before it turns into a fire.
I understand completely what you are talking about. I almost had a nervous breakdown a few year ago. Things got better, Juli and I met, we have 4 kids and we keep up with all of them. We dont have a free night during the week, not one. Occasionally, I am stressed to the point I am ready to throw my hands up. Financially we are hurting, but who isnt? We live one day at a time and do the best we can with what we have.
So, let us know when the work day is, and I will have myself there ready to put up some new siding.
Keep yer head up Cap...sometimes, although not a comical event, you have to just sit back and laugh at it all..sometimes when I get wrapped up like that (and I think we all do from time to time) Somehow I stop and say "yeah but ya know, I live a full life, I have health, good friends, peace in my soul, I provide for my family and keep them safe and after all is said and done watcha gonna do, it's just one of those things and I wont let the anger or weight of it get to me. I know that I can call a friend to come help me fix this, and the blessing will be that time I spend with him. I had that once too, let's just say that while he helped me I found out the agony and pain he was enduring... I understood that God had sent this my way, strangely to be there for problems seemed so small at that moment, all I could do was thank the lord for giving me the time to spend with him because in fact it was really him that needed the help....just a thought Doug..God Bless...and airplanes fly to MD too if ya need THAT much of a break
Hey Captain: I'm a little East of you near Joplin and we have had the same crappy weather here. An entire year of crap. In the last 11 months I have had two claims on my homeowners insurance. One for ice damage and the second one for hail damage. Neither raised my premium. Also, had two auto insurance claims in the last year. One for a hit and run and one for hail damage. Neither raised my auto insurance premium. Funny thing is I have never filed an insurance claim prior to moving here.
Anyway, hang in there. Things will get better, they always do. And if they get really outta hand dont be afraid to see your family doctor and get a little help. With the holidays around the corner depression can easily set in. If you feel any signs of depression please please please go see your doctor !! Your family needs you mentally healthy and a temporary prescription through the holidays can help immensely !
Take 2 Doses of Dragonmania and call us after the biscuit bash...:thumbsup:
Take 2 Doses of Dragonmania and call us after the biscuit bash...:thumbsup:

I agree with Lycan on this one (shocking I know ???). You need a 4 day break at the Dragon.

This year hasn't been great in the Grumpy household either. Dave is busting his arse to keep us comfortable while I'm still searching for a job. I got laid off in June and I'm still looking for something to come around. Oh....did I mention that 2 days before we left for the Bash someone hit my car? :banghead:

You know what though? I've had some great friends here that have helped me keep my chin up and we'll do the same for you! How can we not? You are the reason we are all here after all! :beerchug:
Put it all into perspective.

You have your family
You have God
You have a roof over your head.

I am not trying to be unsensitive because I am sure all the pressure you feel are very real. I have been there too. But it is only real if you let it be.

So you have some repairs to do on your home, what a great opportunity to work with your kids and teach them how to do it. So you find yourself running around, you can choose to simplify your life. Work is a beast, yep but at least they trust that YOU can get the job done. Plus you have a job.

I have lost good friends both to bikes and bullets in the past 8 years, everyone of them would probably love to be in your shoes. I have been to some God awful places in the world and every time I get down I remember how lucky I am to simply have a place to lay my head at night.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, stop worring about the material stuff and be thankful for the people in your life that love you, not everyone is so fortunate.



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Sounds like you could use a little house fixing party!!!! Make this one a non alcholic one. Don't want drunk people putting up siding...... :laugh: They can have the beers when they are done. Hey, and while they are at you can instruct them on how to hang the Christmas lights too. :idea:

Seriously, call your insurance agent and talk to them. Have a claims guy come out and give you an estimate. You don't have to go through with it if you don't like it and can do better yourself. No harm no foul!!!

Important thing is your house is still standing and the family is healthy. Mrs Captain and the kids love you know matter what. Take a few moments and breath. This too shall pass.

ooops I got so carried away I forgot to change the account. This is MrsBusawhipped BTW!!!
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Find some cheap mexicans to fix the damage and we'll send you a couple jars of hooch.. it'll all be over before you know it!! :cheerleader:

(At least that is how we dealt with Hurricane Katrina!)
Doug, I'm so sorry to hear it...yeah, things seem to come in waves and just when you're at the end of your rope and feel you can't take any more. It'll all work out; it always does, just hang in there and be thankful that everything's are healthy, Kristie's happy (right?! :p) and work, well, at least you seem to have job security! We all have the work woes, but at least we're the lucky ones with jobs...

Let me know if there's anything we can do to help ;)
The American Dream has disappeared. What you are talking about Captain is the new current reality of middle class American. If it feels like life has gotten hard, you are in touch with reality. Life in America has gotten hard for a huge number of people.
It's time now for a sea change in this country.

You'd be surprised how many people are going through the same thing but are embarrassed to talk about it because they think their circumstances somehow mean that they have failed.

you can't describe it better than that!
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Be sure, through it all, Douglas...that you remember to take a few moments to be grateful for all the good things, as well.

Ron (SD1300) said it (presumably) have your health, which will allow you to deal with all the extraneous goings on.

Be well, friend... Seems that we all carry fairly heavy loads; and together, we support each other and somehow make it through.

I feel you, I really do, I am going through a rough period right now also. A few here have been my sounding board and are helping me through.
Now, I am single again (recently aquired). It is going to be COLD adn Snowing here this weekend so I can't ride. Nothing to do but Laundry (Drop that off at the Ex wifes she will do it.) and sit home by myself in a lonely apartment. Does not sound like fun to me. So I would rather drive to OK City, repair some siding and hang some Christmas lights and what ever else needs done, meet the MAN and his family that is responsible for this great family we have here and then drive back to the Frozen Tundra and go back to work Monday morning. That is the best I can do my friend. I really would have no problem coming and helping out this weekend with what ever you need done. It would be healthy for me in fact.
PM me if there is anything I can do.
Praying for you and the family to make it through