You ever been to that breaking point emotionally?

There are tons of things that are just not within our control. I know it's stressfull but all you can do is roll with it. I know it's not the best advice but there's no simple answer or magic words to change things. All you can do is adapt, plan, and follow through. Things are never bad forever and things will get better. Remember you've got a huge support group here on the board. There's always someone else who has it even worse so don't think you're alone. :cheerleader::beerchug:
How many have ever been to that point where you just wonder how much you can really take? Things just out of the blue go wrong, the car needs to be fixed, the kids get sick, work is wanting more hours, better answers and the little things just don't stop?

It's been a pretty tough 6 months a work with a lot of projects I have been working on (that I don't feel qualified for). It's just always busy go go go church, school, athletics, family time, home projects.. everything.

We had some storms come in today, I came home and the siding on my house has holes that were beat into it by hail this afternoon. Apparently the winds were blowing about 70mph with half inch hail beating the house... I get out to look at the damage and after just a few seconds I hear.... tink tink tink and look behind me and see more hail coming down the street. I get under the porch and the same thing happens again, 1/2 hail beats the house and the winds are ferocious. I go check it out and man it really looks bad now, Satellite dish is busted, garage door has thousands of dents, the siding is hanging off. I go into the house and pull up my home owners insurance only to realize I don't have enough damage to really file a claim because if I do they will raise my premiums, is it worth it I ask myself... About that time tink tink tink here it comes again.. So in the course of about 5 hours three different hail storms and winds for all three episodes were at least 50 mph.. There isn't a leaf in a tree and my house looks like crap. Now I have to fix the damage soon because winter is here and thats all I need is the exposed wood to get water damage..... According to radar there is more coming tonight!!!

I am almost at my breaking point... Rick I need a night out with you and Steve to have a few laughs.....


Doug don't break, just look back at some of those real bad times a few years back. You know what I am talking about. You and I were both there, so as bad as it can get it is still better than that. if I was there I would drag you out for a beer blast.
I use to sell vinyl siding and all siding has at least a 20 year warranty. You may need to do the labor part yourself however the siding should be provided for free.
Dang Cap, saw the hail on the news this morning in OKC, hoped it was not tooo bad at your place, guess that was not the case. Let me know if your are having a vinyl hanging party, I'll ride up and help. Hang in there and keep venting on the board, maybe have a couple :beerchug:
I feel your pain. It never ends and then you think what else can possible happen. then......

I try to watch the comedy channel as much as possible. Laughter helps take your mind off of things for a minute.

I've always been taught prioritize your life. Everything has a place of importance. don't try to do everything. things always have a funny way of working themselves out.

good luck bro and keep your chin up
Hmm whenever I have seen light at the end of the tunnel it usually turned out to be an all consuimg fire that blocked the exit :banghead:

Or even better.... it's the HID light of a heavily-loaded freight train. Cruising at 60mph. Towards you. :banghead:

As others have mentioned, when wading through the Grim Times, it can be extraordinarily useful (if difficult) to look at a bad situation and try to consider the "glass-half-full" perspective of it, if one can be found.

For example, Doug, I'd walk out to your dented up siding, take a good look at it, and consider how much of a problem this would be had that hailstorm been a tornado instead. Imagine that instead of dented siding, you were looking at the empty concrete foundation where your home used to be.

See? Now the dented siding ain't all that terrible.... :agree:
Hang in there, Doug. Try to look at life in terms of the long run; this is a tough passage for you and there will be more, but there will always be good times too. Oh, the good times... :)
Find some cheap mexicans to fix the damage and we'll send you a couple jars of hooch.. it'll all be over before you know it!! :cheerleader:

(At least that is how we dealt with Hurricane Katrina!)

Jules has the right idea.. Head to the nearest in town Home Depot and pick up some laborers. They'll have you squared away in a Jiffy.
Hmmm sounds like Doug needs some distraction...

I know of a guy in your area that has this awesome back yard with some amazing geography that needs a motocross track put in... (and a "zip line") Then we find a couple older 250's and have some fun...

Sure would be nice if done by turkey day.. :rofl:
Hang in there, from the amount of posts, it would appear you have alot of FRIENDS.

The sun will eventually rise - it always does. At least it wasn't your BUSA out in the hail that would REALLY SUCK :laugh:
The American Dream has disappeared. What you are talking about Captain is the new current reality of middle class American. If it feels like life has gotten hard, you are in touch with reality. Life in America has gotten hard for a huge number of people.
It's time now for a sea change in this country.

You'd be surprised how many people are going through the same thing but are embarrassed to talk about it because they think their circumstances somehow mean that they have failed.

Sorry to hear Cap. I can relate to the statement above. :( sometimes it seems to be more than one can take.
Dayum CApn.

If I would have read this last night I would of came by. I am sitting in a hotel in Bethany, OK. watching TV right now. I thought about getting ahold of you or Professor, but I was not sure what time I would get in town.

Hope it all works out. I know how you feel.....well...except for the hail part, but I can imagine..
Sorry to hear this Cap, I went through this exact scenario a few years ago. Not only is the siding an issue, but I would check your roof! Shingles get small dents or even slight lose areas of impact, these lead to premature roof leaks. I called my insurance co at the time, they sent out an appraiser and they ended up covering the entire roof re-shingling and the siding... I would definitely call your insurance co, and talk to some of your neighbors and see what they are coming up with from their insurance co's...

P.S. They sent out an appraiser, he went up on the roof and circled in chalk impact areas, or areas with "loose sand" then took a pic for records... He did this in a 1 square yard area. I made sure to chat him up and went up on the roof with him. He was real generous in finding these "loose sand" areas

Premium did not go up afterwards.

Best of luck!
Hey guys make no mistake we will get through this problematic time. Life is just getting in the way of my plans and frustrating me. We are extrememly thankful for what we have and the status of our family.. It just gets very very frustrating when the challenges keep coming....

Thanks for all the kind words!

You just described my year :( When you have 4 cars, 2 bikes, and a boat, somethings always going into or coming out of the shop. I don't even bother with the hail damage if it is only cosmetic because I know more is on the way. Work is the big negative in my life right now. In the last year, my team has grown 10 fold, but the workload is growing faster than we can hire and train. Every person we hire right now is diluting the tallent pool because someone that knows what they are doing has to not work so they can train the newbie. I've had to push the guys an gals to work 10 hours a day mostly 5, sometimes 6 days a week, and I put in many more hours than anyone else. We are all salaried, so the pays the same no matter how many extra hours we put in. Our customer is extremely demanding with aggressive service level agreements. To complete our mission, we need to rely on a number of 3rd parties and most of them do not share the same goal as ours.

Everyone's getting grumpy from the stress which is negatively impacting the workplace and my directive from senior management is to fix the moral problems within the next 4-5 weeks.

Hope you feel a little better now Doug.
How many have ever been to that point where you just wonder how much you can really take? Things just out of the blue go wrong, the car needs to be fixed, the kids get sick, work is wanting more hours, better answers and the little things just don't stop?

It's been a pretty tough 6 months a work with a lot of projects I have been working on (that I don't feel qualified for). It's just always busy go go go church, school, athletics, family time, home projects.. everything.

We had some storms come in today, I came home and the siding on my house has holes that were beat into it by hail this afternoon. Apparently the winds were blowing about 70mph with half inch hail beating the house... I get out to look at the damage and after just a few seconds I hear.... tink tink tink and look behind me and see more hail coming down the street. I get under the porch and the same thing happens again, 1/2 hail beats the house and the winds are ferocious. I go check it out and man it really looks bad now, Satellite dish is busted, garage door has thousands of dents, the siding is hanging off. I go into the house and pull up my home owners insurance only to realize I don't have enough damage to really file a claim because if I do they will raise my premiums, is it worth it I ask myself... About that time tink tink tink here it comes again.. So in the course of about 5 hours three different hail storms and winds for all three episodes were at least 50 mph.. There isn't a leaf in a tree and my house looks like crap. Now I have to fix the damage soon because winter is here and thats all I need is the exposed wood to get water damage..... According to radar there is more coming tonight!!!

I am almost at my breaking point... Rick I need a night out with you and Steve to have a few laughs.....


Man, sorry you got hit so hard. I need to take a good look at my roof. We got most of the same here but I wasn't here for a couple of the rounds. So far my damage is minimal compared to yours.