For da bug, Christmas is/was a day given and created by man to celebrate the birth of Christ! Which brings up an interesting point,
the bible doens't give a date for the birth of our Lord. Seeing this thread I now understand why perhaps it was left out,
wasn't really important! However, what is and still remains unchanged is the fact that you have a choice to believe or not...
Can't be forced on anyone so, for at least one side of the arguement, it won't be known if the choice made was the right decision until the end....
and if the Bug was going to gamble with forever he'd choose to follow the good book.
For the otherside of the coin I'll let you know, in a couple hundred years, if I made the right choice.
If you don't hear from me, well you get the idea......
Merry Christmas my oRg Brothers/Sisters no matter what U believe...