Your Movie Collection Favorites

Heat-the De Niro/Al Pacino one
Reservoir Dogs
Desperado-Antonio Banderas/Salmia Hayek<<<how could you go wrong with her:whistle:
Silence of the Lambs
Cell Block Sisters
Independence Day
Outlaw Josey Wales
Cell Block Sisters (worth a second mention):rofl:
Stand by me
Real Genius
War Games

In a conf call will think of more later but some good ones already up on that list :beerchug:
The Shawshank Redemption is a must....

Awww, ya beat me to it! Probably the best movie ever made, bar none.

We have over 600 DVD's in our collection and that's not all the movies we're still looking for. Gotta love it. Blu-Ray is going to mess us up big time.

Other greats:

Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Saving Private Ryan
Star Wars all six vids (I like the story line, even if some of these are crappy)
Matrix Trilogy

Probably a few dozen others I'm not thinking of right now.

the outsiders
beverly hills cops
harlem nights
natural born killers
primal fear
planes trains and autos
uncle buck
Manhunter- The original Hannibal Lecter movie with William Peterson of CSI fame.

The Thing- Kurt Russell edition. Greatest Monster movie ever!

Patton- Just watched it Truly a great american!
Shindlers list (the deepest movie ever)
Blackhawk Down (its a personal thing)
I have not been able to bring myself to see Schindler's List yet...

Do it, you will not regret it. It pulls no punches and can be harsh at times, but it is incredible. Watch all the way through the credits.
Do it, you will not regret it. It pulls no punches and can be harsh at times, but it is incredible. Watch all the way through the credits.

I know I need to see it, I just didn't have the emotional fortitude when it came out. I've gotten a little stronger in the last year, maybe this year. :thumbsup:
Too many to name, but at the top of the list would definitely be the star wars saga, matrix trilogy, gone in 60 seconds, all the hanibal movies. . . A heck of a lot more, but I'll stop there.
this one is good
Barely Legal 75th Anniversary Edition 2008 1080p :laugh::rofl: what ?

braveheart :thumbsup:
The Dark Knight on blu ray :drool::drool: if you dont have get it
Cheech & Chong
48hrs & Another 48hrs
Encino Man
Bio Dome
Beverly Hills Cop 1&2
Lethal Weapon (all)