Your Movie Collection Favorites

I like all mentioned but will add
The Long Long Trailer (very funny if you own a camper)
Mr. Smith Goes To Washington
Any John Wayne flick
More modern choice would be the Bourne series.
More obscure would be Pi.


The Goonies

The Color of freedom



Blade Runner
Escape from New York
Scent of a woman
The Hills have Eyes
Brain Dead
The 40 year old Virgin
Generation Kill whole series
Game of Thrones series (up to where the books end)
A lot of Tom Hanks stuff (Forrest Gump, Green Mile)
I don't know if anyone else said it but The Truman Show. Also you have to see Simone if you like the the Truman Show. Simone is less great of a movie but it completes the circle.

All of the Quinten Tarentino movies were great. Same theme over and over but great nonetheless. You don't get a lot of mainstream entertainment that is really art so when you do, it's great, I think.
I saw star wars at age 13....thought it was the greatest thing ever.Went to the theater like 9 times that summer to see it.(OCD) from an' early age.
Here's me years later...

  • Terminator 1-2
  • The good bad and the ugly. I like the relationship between Tuco and blondie.
  • Dawn of the Dead is one of my fav zombie movies. The 2004 one.
  • The Matrix 1.
  • Mission Impossible series,
Plus a lot of the ones people mentioned in this thread. I am more into action and horror.
  • Terminator 1-2
  • The good bad and the ugly. I like the relationship between Tuco and blondie.
  • Dawn of the Dead is one of my fav zombie movies. The 2004 one.
  • The Matrix 1.
  • Mission Impossible series,
Plus a lot of the ones people mentioned in this thread. I am more into action and horror.
Clint is very cool...

I have all the movies John Wayne made...

Although these weren't technically movies, the wife and I like all the "Band of Brothers" series.

Quigley Down Under, Open Range, Silverado were good
Memphis Belle, Saving Pte Ryan, Enemy at the Gates, Tears of the Sun.

All the Die Hard movies...

RED and RED2 were fun.