Your opinion of "ABATE"

i am in no way affilitated with anyone although i could be, they recruit me constantly just easier to be on the outside. but i personally have alot of friends that are in with alot of different biker clubs (hardcore clubs). but i do have a really good friend that is the head of the abate chapter in this area, he has asked if i wanted to join and i know what he has to say about the organization, its just like all the rest everybody doesnt think on the same page. seems like a decent enough place to ride with if that is your thing, i support alot of the same opinions they do, and if you dont want to wear a helmet that is your right if the laws mandate that. IN OKLAHOMA YOU DONT HAVE TO AND IF WE DONT WANT TO QUIT PREACHING YOUR AGENDA BECAUSE THEN YOUR JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. ok now thats done. to each there own i ride in some of there charity events and i that the money goes where its suppose to. everyone has there opinion
I believe that a large, strong, organization that speaks to the concerns of riders is needed, wanted, and very important. But I also believe that that body should speak for ALL the riders they advocate for. Some of the positions that ABATE takes are in direct opposition of views that I and many, MANY, other sportbike and sport-touring riders hold. A lot of which are being voiced here. I think it would be very hard, if not impossible to reach a consensus as to what ABATE would stand and fight for. I think I would require too much change in what ABATE is for them to want me and would require too much energy on my part to affect that change. I wouldn't join.

Unfortunately, as long as motorcycles (in ANY form) are viewed as a "recreational" vehicle by the public and politicians we will always be fighting an uphill battle for rights. If you want to see ANY motorcycle advocate group really make an impact in our country that perception must be addressed.
if they want us shouldnt they say what they can provide for the sport community, i dont really know anything about them and never heard of them before this post. i dont contribute to most things of this nature, because i join for one reason/issue and disagree with more.
Honestly, I've not heard of them either. So let's here your opinion of this Bogus and tell us what they stand for.

oh man that is a can of worms..

If the guy was not a friend of mine, I would have laughed and hung up on him..

The state of Indiana enlists ABATE to do bike rider testing...

My first encounter with an ABATE member was for my "state motorcycle proficiency test"

a few guys show up on choppers, levi jackets with colors and you could all but smell the whiskey on them... I mean these guys looked like they had not been to bed it 3 days..

They setup the course, and a couple girls (I think they might have ridden in on the back of the bikes) start taking money.. "exact change or we will give you no change back" were their exact words..

I thought I was being setup ...

This does not even touch on their agenda... (and there is not room here for that) :)

but as I stated.. if you are gonna complain about things, you better be willing to invest some time and effort to change stuff..

He at least admitted one thing... ((They also host the MSF courses here) that the MSF course certifies you can ride a bike across the parking lot and get to the other side in one piece.. :)
this question hits really close to home for me.
i beleve in the idea, A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments.
the idea first came in the early 70's from Lou Kemsey editor of EasyRider Magazine, that if ALL motorcyclist joined together, one voice, that we would be the most powerful political force ever created. and with that power we would never again loose ANY of our freedom. and i still believe in that. in the mid 80's bikers kept fighting where the national headquarters would be, Queens NY or Sacramento Ca. lou said "funk it all! im tired of the infighting yall can have it!" and at a meeting in kansas city kansas, it was given to the people to do with it what they will. some states have one chapter with different regions covering the entire state, other states have different chapters that run antonymous of each other. they all work on a local and state level to promote motorcycle rights in legislature, and motorcycle safety and awareness on the road. or at least that’s what the idea is. here in Wyoming, it is a member run nonprofit org. that uses a group or PAC=Political Action Committee, aka volunteers to lobby for motorcycle and personal rights.

i know why A.B.A.T.E.’s want sport bike riders to become involved.:whistle:
Its an action that’s being pushed by almost all abate’s throughout the usa, as well as the Motorcycle Riders Foundation = MRF, and the National Coalition Of Motorcyclist = NCOM. They are actively seeking involvement from sport bikers. Why do you ask??? The motorcycle rights movement needs sport bikers. As laws are becoming more and more…..well More! they are targeting motorcycles. And some of these laws are aimed at sport bikes. These groups, A.B.A.T.E., MRF, NCOM, are trying to fight these laws, but they need your help, your passion for your machine, your knowledge, and your input. They have seen that there is a divide in the biker brotherhood that should not exist, and seek to unite all of us as one force that represents ALL motorcyclist. To fight together on issues that affect us all.

Nope, its not all about helmets. And IMO, a government mandated dress code (helmet law) is the least of our worries!

in the past legislators have looked at bills that would do everything from limit top speed and Hp, to all out ban on all motorcycles from public roadways. If we as American citizens don’t stand up and do something, we may not be able to ride at all. No more building your own mechine, no more working on your own bike, no more mods not offered by the factory, no more old bikes, and then… more bikes. My entire way of life gone, my ability to choose what I do for a living gone, my one passion in life gone.

That’s why I have dedicated my life to A.B.A.T.E. here in Wyoming. when I first joined it was more about the booze that the politics, and I didn’t like that. And I talked about it openly, and found others in and out of the group, that believe as I do. We have stepped up and changed what we do and where we do it. We now influence legislators in Cheyenne, and work with WYDOT,MSF, and local city councils to promote rider safety and awareness. I believe A.B.A.T.E. of Wyoming doing well, but we can always do better. With new people being new ideas and ways of going at a problem.

sorry to type a novel but its something i am very passionate about.

red1100cc aka :whistle:
Russ Reddick
Wyoming State A.B.A.T.E - Vice President
Wyoming Central A.B.A.T.E. - Legislative Rep.
A.B.A.T.E of Wyoming PAC - Chairman of the BOD
NCOM - BOD Region 3
MRF - Member

i bought a Busa for more than one reason, and one reason was to get in touch with the sport bikers here in Wyoming. little did i know how fun it would be!
I'd like to see bikes get some special treatment - They are so.. GREEN. We should be able to leverage that , get 10 extra MPH or something to encourage peeps to leave the SUV home, and get back out into the natural world. We have lots in common with our friends running pushrods, heck give me some of that Wisconsin Iron :laugh: They are so darn elite sometimes, and should we really be trying to scare little kids all the time. ???
I think they could merge into something fresh 'open air transit " OTRAN
does abate believe MSF cert and an "M" endorsement should be required to ride or buy a motorcycle?
Taken from abate, Oklahoma web site.

I hope as many Oklahoma motorcyclists and trikers as possible will be able to interface with their elected officials on these and other issues at this week's ABATE of Oklahoma Legislative Breakfast on Thursday, February 19, 7:30AM until 10:30AM at the State Capitol Fourth Floor Rotunda. For those who’ve never participated, ABATE has for eighteen years hosted a breakfast for the entire Oklahoma State Legislature and their staffs. We send out engraved invitations a few weeks in advance, and regularly enjoy a good turnout. We’ve also had Lt. Gov. Jari Askins attend and express interest, since her nephew is a motorcycle mechanic. She could quite possibly be running for Governor, so it’s good to know she has a positive impression of motorcycling. The Breakfast provides a terrific opportunity to get to know your State Representatives and Senators and discuss with them issues of concern to you as a member of Oklahoma’s electorate. The State House is a hot-spot for Wireless Internet, so ABATE will have computers set up so you can find out who your elected officials are and where their offices are located, in case you don’t know. It’s a lot easier process now than years ago, when we had Board of Elections charts laid out all over the floor to outline the electoral districts! We’ll have Talking Points paperwork and questionnaires for you to present topics to your Legislators dealing with improving motorcycling Quality of Life, such as determining their position on Mandatory Universal Helmet Laws. In any event, it’s a great opportunity to meet your Public Servants and get to know them, and it’s dramatic to see hundreds of Bikers defending the lifestyle they’re so passionate about. This event has enjoyed in the past the consistent support of the Oklahoma Confederation Of Clubs, and numerous members of various riding groups of all backgrounds take part. So, wear your leathers and patches, and ride if you can-even if you can only attend for an hour or so-I’ll be looking for you. If you arrive early on a bike, please park one bike to a space in the Capitol South Parking Lot to allow room for later arrivals. PLEASE don’t park your bike on any of the sidewalks, since the Capitol Police might have your bike towed, and we wouldn’t want that to happen! Also, remember that all Capitol entrances have metal detectors to go through, so expect a waiting line, and be sure to leave any weapons or other contraband at home. Awhile back, somebody showed up accidentally with a pocketful of bullets-THAT sure gave Law Enforcement a start! I'll look forward to seeing a good turnout this Thursday!!

Yours in Freedom,
Tiger Mike Revere
State Coordinator,
ABATE of Oklahoma, Inc.
405-596-1072 (Cell)
ABATE Legislative Hotline: 405-329-7254
i think we should or could start our own branch of abate and give it a different name.....I agree that there should be no helmet laws, but knowone should preach to you abou tnot wearing them, but instead focus on the safety of using them and better educate...i dont always wear my helmet, because in indiana we dont have the law....i have been riding 23 years and never used one...i do wear them alot more now though as im finally getting mature enough to undestand the need for them and also i have people who rely on me and my ability to work and support them.....and ofcourse i always wear it when its cold outside....maybe i should only ride when its below 65:laugh:
does abate believe MSF cert and an "M" endorsement should be required to ride or buy a motorcycle?

here in wyoming we do. i even berated the sales person that sold me my Busa for not even asking me if i knew how to ride a motorcycle before they sold it to me, and are currently working with the dealerships to help provide the MSF basic or advanced rider course free of charge with a bike purchase.
i am constantly pushing "common guys, wear as much gear as your ego allows."
ABATE tried to fight the state of florida for "Profiling Bikers" when FL came out with the new rediculously imbalanced and unfair "PENALTIES" they placed upon all motorcyclists...which...just insured that many more will "RUN" now...or?...just not ride...but they failed...and the state won...pending how ya look at it.

and i don't dig the no lid any skipper with a pair of Nikes and sunglasses can steal my bike.