Your opinion of "ABATE"

I've never been approached by anyone. I rode a HD for 3 years. MD has a helmet law, I used to wear the ping pong, then switched to a DOT half helmet. All I know of ABATE in MD is that they helped get bikers the small license plate (like the rest of the states), and we can now legally run the LED's (or whatever other lights) on bikes so long as their not red or blue. I'd like to know more before I'd "join" the organization. :rulez:
Belonged to ABATE back when the meaning of the logo was much different.

In todays world anti helmet is just plain stupid. I paid a high price for wearing a DOT approved 1/2 helmet- 90% worthless. As for the ones wearing these bottle cap helmets - not exactly at the top of the gene pool anyway but WE pay the price in insurance costs and taxes[ie cops- F/F's and Medics] for their stupidity. And the chrome nazi helmets are deffinately for morons for 2 reasons.
Have never heard of ABATE before now. I am curious, did they fight for our right to choose based on the principal of choice, or because their policy is that riders shouldn't wear the helmet? I'm all about choice, but if they are encouraging things like drinking and riding with no safety gear, that sucks.
An old boy I used to ride with talked me into going to a few ABATE meetings with him. I liked the people and some of the ideas that they support but the anti-helmet stance was too much. I am against helmet laws but they have a list of reasons not to wear a helmet that defies logic.

I am starting to think that Harley numbers are starting to drop as I was recently invited to a Jackpine Gypsy meeting (the original group of the Sturgis Rally). A guy I know who is a member thinks I should be the road captain because he sees me riding everyday to work. Could be interesting! :beerchug:
I never heard of them before so I have no opinions about them. However, if they are anti-helmet instead of right to choose then they are not for me. I live in Nevada where they have helmet laws. I don't like being told what to do but I would always choose to wear a helmet with or without the law.
They recruited a buddy of mine down here (busa rider). He was working all the bike nights, runs, etc. He never really did give me a reason to join...?
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