Your Thought Will be Appreciated

I'm 5'7" 165lbs. Have no trouble with the BUSA. I am a bit stretched out though. As stated above, lots of creature comfort mods you can do. There seems to be a myth that the BUSA will just hurle you into hyperspace or right off the back of the bike with the slightest touch of the throttle. Simply not true. It does possess LOTS of torque, power, and speed but all of that is easily controllable with the throttle. It twists just like other bike throttles, so with your experience it should be a non-issue. As for age, your never too old in chronological age, you gotta live while your're still above ground!. Some may be too young mentally though.
The rest of the post already said everything. I think with a set of handle risers you love every minute of the busa. I sure do. If the price is right I say go for it. If anything you can always sell it and it would probably go quick if it aint beet up for a good price.
welcome aboard try one out you wont regret it
The Busa group is very diverse.  All ages, male and female, as well as, tall, short, Extra Large to thin.  I think you would be very happy with it.
It does bring out the devil in you from time to time.
Welcome! The Busa can be as nice or as mean as you want it to be.
Very comfortable bike in stock form with many mods available, if needed. It's very tame unless provoked.
59 is young...and if your use to tossing around harley's (750 LB + Bikes) the Busa is gonna feel like a Schwin to you. Busa is very comfortable, and to an experienced rider very forgiving. Welcome to the forums, some of the best people on the net are here on this board.
whiskerygoofy I'd say that about covers it......... Welcome to the Org! Post some pic's as soon as you make the deal.
I just traded my Yamaha FZ 1 for a new '06 'Busa (I'll pick it up tomorrow). I did LOTS of research (this site was awesome) and decided to go for it. I'm 55, 6'5", 195 lbs and it seems to fit nice. The wife is Pissed ("what do you mean--that's a crotch rocket!!!"), but my 25 year old son had a huge smile on his face. Wonder what that means???
I just traded my Yamaha FZ 1 for a new '06 'Busa (I'll pick it up tomorrow).  I did LOTS of research (this site was awesome) and decided to go for it.  I'm 55, 6'5", 195 lbs and it seems to fit nice.  The wife is Pissed ("what do you mean--that's a crotch rocket!!!"), but my 25 year old son had a huge smile on his face.  Wonder what that means???
My 28 y/o son is always bugging me to let him take my baby out for a spin........ain't no way of that happening!!
Lots of good bikes out there and the Busa (to me is one of the best), but you want something that fits YOU. Try one out for a while you may want to have higher bars are a different peg system. Our yoou may not want to change anything. Long trips start bothering me a little these days. Long means staying on for over 2 hours with no break.
I turned 50 last year. Guess what I bought myself for my birthday?
After riding on and off for the past 35 years I can finally say, I have found the ultimate motorcycle. No other bike in my riding history has ever made me feel so good! Discover what is inevitable now so you won't have any regrets later on....
You have a few years on me, but not many. I may be about to help you with your decision.

I'm 53 and have been riding since I was 10 (street & motorcross). Currently I own a '05 FJR1300/ABS and a '05 Busa. But make no mistake about it, there's a world of difference between these two bikes. The FJR has plenty of torque, claimed 145hp, is fairly quick, and has nice handling characteristics (not sport-bike handling, but very comfortable handling). Acceleration and corning; a FJR will smoke a Wing with no problem at all. The FJR is approximately 60% the weight of a Wing. Triple digits appear fairly quick. You'll think you're doing 65, and look down and find yourself in the low triple digits. Even under full throttle I rarely worry about the front wheel lifting, although it's possible if you really want it to.

On the other hand the Busa seems to have endless power. More power than most people will ever fully use. Few riders push their Busa's to the absolute limit (although some of the really brave do). Nail the throttle and you'll be kissing the tank, even at typical highway speeds. The Busa's acceleration curve is wide (from idle up) and awesome. With just occasional riding I got used to the power on the FJR in a few weeks. After nearly a year I'm still no where near comfortable with full throttle acceleration on the Busa. It's torque just seems to never end!

My suggestion is try to find a used Busa and FJR and put some miles on both of them. You can push the FJR hard into the turns and have a lot of fun with it. Then again the FJR doesn't have the crazy thrill factor that the Busa has. The FJR has a hands down better seating position than the Busa (at least for me), especially on longer trips. But I find I'm getting used to the riding position of the Busa, the more I ride it.

Here's my comparison between the two stock bikes:
Scale 1 to 10 (10 highest):

Busa FJR
Power 10 7-8
Torque 10 8
Acceleration Rush 10 8
Handling 9 8
Over 50 Comfort 6 9
WOT Fear Factor 10 7

If you find yourself leaning towards purchasing a FJR, PM me. I may be interested in selling mine. (Low miles, perfect condition, and $2K worth of extras). Good luck with your decision.
Hey Young Man!!!
You live near Tomball??? Let me know.... you can try mine out to see if you want one. We can go for a ride and siwtch bikes if your up for it.