Your Thought Will be Appreciated

My dad (GSXcite) is about your same weight and 55 years old. He bought his busa in June. I thinks he back to 45 years old now after trading in his cruiser and getting younger. He says hes never felt better with his joints and stuff (that used to be pretty stiff) because he getting some stretching with the bike. He has also decided that the bike is comfortable enough stock and is leaving it that way.
As my son said, I was 55 when I got my busa last july. The riding position will take a little time to get used to, but the performance of this bike will outweigh any other negetive points it may have. GET ONE NOW! Besides, even with the rapidly disappearing rear tire, the busa is cheaper than Viagra.



I’m deputy sheriff and ride a HD for 10 hrs a day four days a week. I always love the look of the Busa, had gsxr 750 years ago loved the power. I have a good friend that has a Busa and he let me ride it one weekend, loved it if I was not a deputy I might not have came back (ha) that much fun. If you want the best bike out there, hands down the Busa. I have been working like a mad man (over time) for a few months to come up with the cash to buy a Busa in about two months I will have all the cash to go pay cash for it. You will love the power, had how comfortable the bike is and don’t forget how good looking the bike is. Like the one guy said like having a twenty-year-old girlfriend and don’t to get a divorce. That’s what I’m Talking about….. GET THE BUSA YOU CANT GO WRONG.:D
I am 57 at 175 lbs. 5'9'' and have had my '04 LE almost two years now; it's a sweet bike.:)
I wouldn't give it a second thought if I was you. 59 is young these days. Besides, like these posts indicate, it isn't the older individuals we worry about on the Busa, it is the 22 year old with something to prove. You will love the Busa and never regret buying one, except maybe that you waited so long to do so...
New to this board, so may be posting in wrong location. I apologize in advance if that is the case. I am thinking 'bout getting a Busa, and wanted some thoughts.I am 59, started riding again 6 yrs. ago. Went thru the Harley type stuff (3 different models), then two years ago, bought an '04 Goldwing, and fell in love with the performance, etc. plus much better for wife's comfort.Sold the Harley's. Now I want to get a bike for me to run around on by myself.Had decided to go w/ FJR1300, but came across a local bike used. An '05 Busa w/ low mileage that I can pick up at a good deal. I am conservative in my riding and have no interest in wheelies, etc. at my age. I am 5'8", 155 lbs., good health. I wonder if a bike like a Busa is biting off too much at my age. I don't want a bike that when I just slightly roll on is going to jump straight up. Are there any guys w/ my type experience who could give me your thoughts. Thanks for any input you can give or just random thoughts off the top of your head.

Whiskeygoofy,  Hi, and welcome!  I've never been into the Harleys, but I was riding a venture royale and some motocross  bikes.  I traded in the venture and got the 03 gl1800 and loved it!!!  But I needed some more adrenaline flowing through my veins. I was looking heavily at a Triumph Rocket 3 but it really wasn't me. I rode it and I hated the riding position. I had to re-evaluate what I really wanted and decided,  I NEED SPEED!  So I looked at the BMW k1200s and it was nice but something was missing there. Luckily just as I got off the bmw the sales guy walked it into the back room and I asked him why. ( I thought I broke it.) He said someone just called in and wanted the bmw and was trading in the Busa. I thought, what a perfect opportunity. I rode the busa, fell in love with it, and bought it on the spot. I'm 48 and it is very docile if you know bikes. It's a beast if you don't. I find it is good for about 1 hour of riding time then you have to take a break, then about 50 minutes then another break. Even if the break is for only 2 or three minutes , it helps to get off and move around. It sometimes is a relief to get back on the wing after days of riding the busa. But the busa is pure addiction! If I have a choice I ALMOST ALWAYS TAKE THE BUSA. You will not be disappointed. By the way, since you own the wing the busa will feel like a feather.  If you owned a light weight bike like a GSXR before the busa would feel like a pig. I hope this helps. Jim
I still say the Busa is a gentle giant. Easy to ride if you have some self control. Remains the easiest bike I've ever ridden.
I am in your age group as well and I spend as much time on the rear tire as I do on two! If you own a busa, you'll be spending time on the rear tire as well. Everybody does after they get comfy in the seat.

I'm on my sixth busa and like women, I have loved every single one of them. Crashed one a few years back on a Monday in October and bought a new one the following Friday. Just couldn't be without a busa.

I've been riding motorbikes for more than 40 years and I do believe the Busa is the easiest, most forgiving, gentle and docile of all the big sport bikes on the market. They are not the best at everything but they do everything well. I have a feeling if you buy a busa you'll be hooked for life. Anyway, if you buy it and don't like it,,,,,,,,,,, I'll be happy to give you 50 cents on the dollar for it

Welcome to the site as well as to the wonderful world of the beloved "Busa"!
I'd say try one - that's what I did and I'm hooked - 46, 6' 230 and hadn't ridden in 25 years. Rode a Yamaha FZ6 just to get back in the saddle on something reasonable to handle. It's a little twitchy, and is two bikes: one docile below 5500RPM; another a screamer above.

I tried a 'Busa, and full stock, it just fit. First time was like what the fighter pilots say - "you don't fly the plane, you ARE the plane." No twitch at all - just absolutely smooth limitless torque.

I bought one on ebay and rode it 600 miles the first day to get it home - I was more comfortable on the bike than in some cars, and less fatigued at the end of the day. It's is so smooth through the entire powerband - you caress the throttle, look at your intended path and you get there - right now!

Again - try it - if it fits - GO!!!!!