Finally, Greta Thunberg is Given a Reality Check!

Interesting times, China now has its own space station and recently successfully launched it’s own astronauts to visit it. They also have a rover on Mars. The race for global dominance is on.

I would expect at some point as their domestic consumption increases, they may experience more issues with internal acceptance of socialism. Hong Kong and Taiwan remain a problem for the regime.
China is salivating to openly invade Taiwan and Hong Kong....but continue to build their islands and expand their territory unchallenged as nobody wants to engage them in conflict....they have gobbled up as many small companies as they could and are share holders in many larger companies..

Even their ex-pats aren't free of their reach and operate under their direction while living abroad.

It would take the collective power of the rest of the world to quell their spread but as we know, many other countries are in bed with them and unwilling to go against them...
Actually, I did not go on safari, I lived there for more than half my life and did time as a voluntary game ranger, contributing towards nature and the support thereof at my own expense. Further I led a group towards trying to stop trophy hunting, with many hunters from the US, probably folks like you who love killing for pleasure.

As far as my career, yes, there was a lot of international business involving a lot of travel. If you believe that is something we can stop in the near future and disrespect it, good luck.

We all profit from the planet, the key is to endeavor towards a scenario where the planet also profits.

You appear to be all about you, why not rather tell us of your contribution now, perhaps there is none?

I would be pleased to share my contribution with you, but my guess is you are so self centered that it would be of no interest to you.
We'll take these in order.
Looking at your comments you exempt yourself from the impact on the environment because there is (in your mind) a virtuous reason behind it. Reminds me of the nature shows where they are chasing a polar bear with her cub through the water (for the purpose of filming it) as it looks up over its shoulder at what must be terrifying and paddles even harder. All this as the narrator says people like me are destroying their habitat. Not the crew up there impacting the environment and chasing the poor creatures, but me, sitting at home watching what they're doing to it. Your impact on the environment is no less because you have a different reason for doing so. You've enjoyed it, allows others the privilege to do so as well, even if in a way you don't approve of.

Greta thinks all air travel should be ended, have you even listened to what this naive pawn is spouting? I don't propose we end it. I also am not griping about it's impact while having traveled in it, you are. Are you even remotely aware of the level of intellectual dishonesty in your post on that?

"We all profit from the planet, the key is to endeavor towards a scenario where the planet also profits." What the hell does that even mean? That is feel good word salad, meaningless crap masked as another contribution on your behalf.

I appear to be all about me? Nice attempt at deflecting, but just like what you've posited in your posts on the environment there is nothing to support it.

Share your contribution to what? You've already shared plenty about your impact on the environment. This isn't personal man, it's simply responding to your positions and if you read them honestly just about every single thing you said is in conflict with itself.

If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are so good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of some finer clay than the rest of mankind?
- Frederic Bastiat
We'll take these in order.
Looking at your comments you exempt yourself from the impact on the environment because there is (in your mind) a virtuous reason behind it. Reminds me of the nature shows where they are chasing a polar bear with her cub through the water (for the purpose of filming it) as it looks up over its shoulder at what must be terrifying and paddles even harder. All this as the narrator says people like me are destroying their habitat. Not the crew up there impacting the environment and chasing the poor creatures, but me, sitting at home watching what they're doing to it. Your impact on the environment is no less because you have a different reason for doing so. You've enjoyed it, allows others the privilege to do so as well, even if in a way you don't approve of.

Greta thinks all air travel should be ended, have you even listened to what this naive pawn is spouting? I don't propose we end it. I also am not griping about it's impact while having traveled in it, you are. Are you even remotely aware of the level of intellectual dishonesty in your post on that?

"We all profit from the planet, the key is to endeavor towards a scenario where the planet also profits." What the hell does that even mean? That is feel good word salad, meaningless crap masked as another contribution on your behalf.

I appear to be all about me? Nice attempt at deflecting, but just like what you've posited in your posts on the environment there is nothing to support it.

Share your contribution to what? You've already shared plenty about your impact on the environment. This isn't personal man, it's simply responding to your positions and if you read them honestly just about every single thing you said is in conflict with itself.

If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are so good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of some finer clay than the rest of mankind?
- Frederic Bastiat

Seems I have an open letter of attack inviting a reply.

While this is a nice intellectual challenge and I am pretty competitive, I believe the value added to the org continuing with your tone will be negative.

So, if you wish to debate further, pm me.
This opinion piece by Australian journo Alan Jones is so on point with the likes of young Greta it is heart warming to see!
Thank God for the older generation that is able to see thru all the BS and indoctrination fed to the young ones at school, through the social media that they are so addicted to, and through the main stream media garbage and twisted half truths that are force fed to the majority of 'sleeping' human beings every day.
to those that have ears to hear . . . enjoy .
yes this is why you like alan jones
In 2009, the New South Wales Administrative Decisions Tribunal found Jones “incited hatred, serious contempt and severe ridicule during on-air comments
It is remarkable that his recipe of nostalgia, bullying and reactionary politics, all delivered in a ranting, hectoring style, is as successful today as it has been for the whole 35 years of his career in radio broadcasting.
Oh no, an agency said Jones incited hatred...
Sure sign he's on the correct course when the politburo disapproves.
Oh no, an agency said Jones incited hatred...
Sure sign he's on the correct course when the politburo disapproves.
That reporter seems to be waaaaaay out there....he's an extremist using a media platform to spew his rhetoric...

The sad thing about all of it is he's an old guy and the youth of today could care less what an old(er) person says.

His career will be long over when people such as this young Greta are in positions of authority.
The Administrative Decisions Tribunal of New South Wales (ADT) was established in 1997 and was replaced in 2014 by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT). It did not have general jurisdiction, but had various jurisdictions conferred by particular statutes. It was responsible for reviewing decisions of some New South Wales government departments, for hearing discrimination complaints referred by the President of the New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Board, for hearing complaints about professional misconduct and for hearing disputes over commercial leases.

It consisted of an Appeal Panel, a General Division and five specialist Divisions: Community Services Division (previously the Community Services Appeals Tribunal), Revenue Division, Equal Opportunity Division, Retail Leases Division and Legal Services Division. The Internal Appeal Panel heard appeals from the Divisions and an External Appeal Panel heard appeals from other bodies. The Tribunal was conducted in a less formal manner than a court and was presided over by either a single member or a panel of three members (depending on the Division). Access was cheaper than to a court and in some cases free of charge.

As with other tribunals in New South Wales, the ADT encouraged parties to negotiate their own resolution through mediation prior to any hearing. The resolution devised by the parties could then be made official at the hearing by a member of the Tribunal. If this failed, the Tribunal could make a decision which would be legally binding upon the parties.
She won't give two craps about what happens to you either if she does. They'll be plenty of useful idiots and cannon fodder for people like her to dispense with if so...
The only president to piss off the Democratic and Republican party while keeping every promise he made. My man, trump train. Toot Toot!

....”There’s my African American”

….“If we didn’t test we wouldn’t have cases”

….”Stand back and stand by”

….”I like people who weren't captured”

Wutta guy……toot toot
I see this thread is doomed as well...going from speaking of a young climate activist to presidential bashing yet again....

If this sort of rhetoric is going to be main-stay within the as a country is in real trouble....
The thread will be fine.........there is no Biden bashing.........just food for thought.
.....and the indigenous people certainly didn't know what they were in for....
Hi. Yes they sure did get the short end of the stick That is the nature of man and animals the big fish eats the little fish and the ****** fish eats the big fish. It is true in politics too the leaders are not equal to the lead, someone always gets the short end of the stick. None of them are fair Capitalism, Socialism or Communism. Show me a Communist country that has been good to the people. Show me a poor Democratic leader for that mater show me a poor Republican leader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, at least she's persistent.........kind of like a foot fungus.....

I noted she wasn't wearing hemp and home spun clothes, all of hers looked like it was all factory made.......which uses petroleum and contributes to global environmental problems.....

A hypocrite.........go figure......

The ones who complain about Greta are the same ones who generated the platform she stands on. Boomers have left a mess for Zoomers to clean up. It’s just a shame they won’t be around to see how much better things will be once it’s all set right.
Well, at least she's persistent.........kind of like a foot fungus.....

I noted she wasn't wearing hemp and home spun clothes, all of hers looked like it was all factory made.......which uses petroleum and contributes to global environmental problems.....

A hypocrite.........go figure......

What language is that announcer speaking? And Greta wasn’t running to the police bus she was being carried after the cops used a pain compliance technique to get her up and moving.